JIRA Report

Type Key Summary By Status Resolution Fix Version
Improvement TORQUE-366 JavaDocs search not working Unassigned Resolved Fixed 5.1
Bug TORQUE-365 CountHelper doesn't work, when Criteria has "setDisctint()" Unassigned Resolved Fixed 6.0
Bug TORQUE-363 Criterion handles "IS NULL" incorrectly Max Philipp Wriedt Resolved Fixed 6.0
Bug TORQUE-362 SharedPool2DataSourceFactory says property is not supported Unassigned Resolved Fixed 6.0
Bug TORQUE-361 Groovy can't resolve import from ddl scripts Georg Kallidis Closed Fixed 6.0
Bug TORQUE-360 Class hierarchies doesn't work properly when the subclass go into om's sub-package Georg Kallidis Closed Fixed 5.1
Bug TORQUE-358 HTML and XDOC generation -schema table fields inherits attribute value if not set Georg Kallidis Resolved Fixed 5.0
New Feature TORQUE-357 Implement IDGenerator using java.sql.Statement.getGeneratedKeys Thomas Vandahl Resolved Fixed 5.0
Improvement TORQUE-356 Improve support for HSQLDB 2.x Thomas Vandahl Resolved Fixed 5.0
Bug TORQUE-353 DataTest.testLikeClauseEscaping fails on MySQL 5.7.16 Unassigned Resolved Fixed 5.0
New Feature TORQUE-352 Please add OWASP Dependency Check to the build (pom.xml) Georg Kallidis Resolved Fixed 5.0
Bug TORQUE-351 Torque-Generator, runOnlyOnSourceChange Thomas Vandahl Resolved Fixed 5.0
Improvement TORQUE-347 Reduce the amount of synchronization in collections used by Torque Thomas Vandahl Resolved Fixed 5.0
Improvement TORQUE-346 Introduce abstract layer for peer impl to reduce the amount of generated code Thomas Vandahl Resolved Fixed 5.0
Improvement TORQUE-345 Remove commons-collections dependency Thomas Vandahl Resolved Fixed 5.0
Improvement TORQUE-344 Update to Commons Pool/DBCP Version 2 Thomas Vandahl Resolved Fixed 5.0
Improvement TORQUE-343 Implement a central registry for peerImpls like the registry for managers Thomas Vandahl Resolved Fixed 5.0
Improvement TORQUE-342 XXXPeer.addSelectColumns() is declared to throw TorqueException for no apparent reason Thomas Vandahl Resolved Fixed 5.0
Sub-task TORQUE-341 Make PreparedStatementPart an interface Thomas Fox Resolved Fixed 5.0
Bug TORQUE-339 Correct the order of outlet and mergepoint in the last example of the configuration section of the code generation documentation Unassigned Resolved Fixed 5.0
Bug TORQUE-338 Fix the saving of checksums when runOnlyOnSourceChange is set to true Thomas Fox Resolved Fixed 5.0
Improvement TORQUE-337 Add ability to easily configure logging for the generator Georg Kallidis Resolved Fixed 5.0
Bug TORQUE-336 Incorrect schema location in documentation and database-4-0-strict.xsd Unassigned Resolved Fixed 5.0
Bug TORQUE-334 retrieveByPKs(simpleType) should also be generated Thomas Fox Resolved Fixed 5.0
Bug TORQUE-333 Criteria.addJoin(PreparedStatementPart, PreparedStatementPart, Criterion, JoinTpye) discards replacements Thomas Fox Resolved Fixed 5.0
Bug TORQUE-332 Criteria.addJoin(String, String, Criterion, JoinType) does not honor default schema Thomas Fox Resolved Fixed 5.0
New Feature TORQUE-331 Make enum generation possible Thomas Fox Resolved Fixed 5.0
Bug TORQUE-330 Postgresql fails for some prepared statement replacement types (short, double ...) Thomas Fox Resolved Fixed 5.0
Improvement TORQUE-329 Create better schema documentation Thomas Fox Resolved Fixed 5.0
Bug TORQUE-328 Use builder pattern throughout criteria Thomas Fox Resolved Fixed 5.0
New Feature TORQUE-327 Upgrade to JCS-2.0 Thomas Vandahl Resolved Fixed 5.0
Bug TORQUE-326 Setters in Criterion can be used for composite Criterion Thomas Fox Resolved Fixed 5.0
Improvement TORQUE-325 Oracle sql files contain additional empty lines before ON DELETE token Thomas Fox Resolved Fixed 5.0
Improvement TORQUE-324 In the generator, the parent node should be referenceable with .. Thomas Fox Resolved Fixed 5.0
New Feature TORQUE-322 Support for SQL Set Operations (UNION, INTERSECT, ...) Thomas Fox Resolved Fixed 5.0
Bug TORQUE-321 Wrong optimization of iLike without wildcards Thomas Fox Resolved Fixed 5.0
Bug TORQUE-320 GroupBy adds columns to the select clause Thomas Fox Resolved Fixed 5.0
Bug TORQUE-318 retrieveByPK throws TorqueException instead of NoRowsException when it can't find a primary key. Thomas Fox Resolved Fixed 5.0
Bug TORQUE-317 BaseBean does generate fields for referencing objects Thomas Fox Resolved Fixed 5.0
Bug TORQUE-316 saveMethods.vm has toSave.setNew instead of a using toSaveVariableWithDot Thomas Fox Resolved Fixed 5.0
Bug TORQUE-315 setAndSave does not work if the cached collection from the object is passed in Thomas Fox Resolved Fixed 5.0
Bug TORQUE-314 filler methods do not set isNew and isModified flag correctly Thomas Fox Resolved Fixed 5.0
Bug TORQUE-313 setAndSave does not work with new objects Thomas Fox Resolved Fixed 5.0
Bug TORQUE-312 NPE in generation process Thomas Fox Resolved Fixed 5.0
Bug TORQUE-311 wrong example configuration in docs Thomas Fox Resolved Fixed 5.0
Improvement TORQUE-310 add simple way to remove unused imports Thomas Fox Resolved Fixed 5.0
Improvement TORQUE-309 Add interface to generated peer classes Thomas Fox Resolved Fixed 5.0
Bug TORQUE-308 wrong schema location for XSDs Thomas Fox Resolved Fixed 5.0
Bug TORQUE-307 Qualified update columns do not work with Postgresql Thomas Fox Resolved Fixed 5.0
Improvement TORQUE-306 Use named variables for replacements Unassigned Resolved Fixed 5.0
Improvement TORQUE-305 Do insert with a select subquery Thomas Fox Resolved Fixed 5.0
Bug TORQUE-304 getPeerByName generated incorrectly Thomas Fox Resolved Fixed 5.0
Bug TORQUE-303 Unknown datatype in generation of schema from database causes NPE Thomas Fox Resolved Fixed 5.0
Bug TORQUE-302 Describe generation of schema from database Thomas Fox Resolved Fixed 5.0
Bug TORQUE-301 The clear method in the Managers does not work Thomas Fox Resolved Fixed 5.0
Bug TORQUE-300 AbstractBaseManager.getOMs method has a bug Thomas Fox Resolved Fixed 5.0
Sub-task TORQUE-299 In the getRelatedObject... methods in the Data objects, fill the reference to the current object Thomas Fox Resolved Fixed 5.0
Sub-task TORQUE-298 The name attribute should be optional for template-based outlets Thomas Fox Resolved Fixed 5.0
Improvement TORQUE-297 Change required java version to 1.6 Thomas Fox Resolved Fixed 5.0
Sub-task TORQUE-296 Auto-define outlets by existence of templates Thomas Fox Resolved Fixed 5.0
Improvement TORQUE-295 The configuration of the generator should be simplified Unassigned Closed Fixed 5.0
Bug TORQUE-294 An example for the generation of the Init-ID-Table-SQL is missing from the docs. Thomas Fox Resolved Fixed 5.0
Bug TORQUE-293 The generated OM classes of object A contain a method getAtoBJoinA() where they should contain a method getAtoBJoinB() Thomas Fox Resolved Fixed 5.0
Improvement TORQUE-292 The feature of runOnlyOnSchemaChange is missing from the maven plugin Unassigned Resolved Fixed 5.0
Bug TORQUE-291 SetAndSave methods do not work for empty lists Thomas Fox Resolved Fixed 5.0
Improvement TORQUE-290 Improve building from clause in subselect Thomas Fox Resolved Fixed 5.0
Bug TORQUE-289 Summary Helper not setting replacements Thomas Fox Resolved Fixed 5.0
Improvement TORQUE-287 Transaction.getTransactionManager() method is missing Thomas Fox Resolved Fixed 5.0
Bug TORQUE-286 BasePeerImpl.doUpdate(ColumnValues) and BasePeerImpl.doUpdate(ColumnValues, Connection) did not work Thomas Fox Resolved Fixed 5.0
Improvement TORQUE-285 DatabaseMap.getName() should be public Thomas Fox Resolved Fixed 5.0
Improvement TORQUE-284 Object ColumnValues contains unused constructor arguments table Thomas Fox Resolved Fixed 5.0
Improvement TORQUE-283 Remove unsupported xalanOutlet from generator configuration xsd Thomas Fox Resolved Fixed 5.0
Sub-task TORQUE-282 add attribute class to element input Thomas Fox Resolved Fixed 5.0
Improvement TORQUE-279 Remove deprecated methods and classes from the runtime Thomas Fox Resolved Fixed 5.0
Bug TORQUE-278 There should not be a create table command in the generated sql for tables from a external schema Thomas Fox Resolved Fixed 5.0
Improvement TORQUE-277 Need ability to update a date column during update to sysdate Thomas Fox Resolved Fixed 5.0
Sub-task TORQUE-276 Change semantics of elements attribute of source tag in generator config.xml Thomas Fox Resolved Fixed 5.0
Sub-task TORQUE-275 Remove attribute elements of tag transformers in the generator configuration xml Thomas Fox Resolved Fixed 5.0
Sub-task TORQUE-274 Change interface of source transformers Thomas Fox Resolved Fixed 5.0
Improvement TORQUE-273 Support typed models in the generator Thomas Fox Resolved Fixed 5.0
New Feature TORQUE-272 Support groovy templates out of the box Thomas Fox Resolved Fixed 5.0
Bug TORQUE-271 Download links for torque 4 are not working Unassigned Closed Fixed 4.0
Bug TORQUE-270 Test project fails with derby network server Thomas Fox Resolved Fixed 5.0
Bug TORQUE-269 Offline docs do not contain xsd files Thomas Fox Resolved Fixed 5.0
Improvement TORQUE-268 Copy constructor for Criteria Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0
New Feature TORQUE-267 Add optimistic locking Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0
New Feature TORQUE-266 Add row level locking (select for update) Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0
Bug TORQUE-265 Torque generator needs log4j as underlying logging system Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0
Improvement TORQUE-264 remove unused attribute package, baseClass and basePeer on database element in schema Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0
New Feature TORQUE-263 Allow not generating drop... commands in sql Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0
Bug TORQUE-262 onUpdate="restrict" and onDelete="restrict" cause sql syntax error in MSSQL Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0
Bug TORQUE-261 date and time data types not usable for mssql Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0
Bug TORQUE-260 cannot set size for binary datatype in mssql Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0
Bug TORQUE-259 LONG RAW Datatype deprecated in Oracle (used for BINARY and LONGVARBINARY) Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0
Bug TORQUE-258 BIT Datatype mapped incorrectly for Derby Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0
Bug TORQUE-257 unknown option key for mysql tables cause invalid sql Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0
Bug TORQUE-256 Drop schema missing for create schema Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0
Bug TORQUE-255 onDelete="setnull" not working for Derby Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0
Bug TORQUE-254 views must be dropped before tables are dropped Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0
Bug TORQUE-253 included schema was not resolved for sql generation Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0
Bug TORQUE-252 BINARY and VARBINARY Datatypes mapped incorrectly in Derby Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0
Bug TORQUE-251 fix SQL errors in the test project Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0
Bug TORQUE-250 Fix documentation issues Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0
Sub-task TORQUE-249 add valueEquals method Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0
Bug TORQUE-248 Filler methods fail for nulled composite foreign keys Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0
Bug TORQUE-247 Select using a SimpleKey containing a null value does not work Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0
Bug TORQUE-246 Remove unused method resultSet2Objects in generated Peer classes Unassigned Closed Fixed 4.0
Sub-task TORQUE-245 API Change for Record mapper interface Unassigned Closed Fixed 4.0
Bug TORQUE-244 custom updates with prepared statements Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0
Bug TORQUE-243 Criterion gets modified by Criteria Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0
Improvement TORQUE-242 RecordMapper should use selected columns from Criteria Unassigned Closed Fixed 4.0
Bug TORQUE-241 qualified table names cause wrong sql to be created Unassigned Closed Fixed 4.0
Improvement TORQUE-240 Java name creation for qualified table names Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0
Improvement TORQUE-239 create debug output to determine where a snippet came from Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0
Bug TORQUE-238 Missing / duplicated link to database schema in step 2 Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0
Task TORQUE-237 Check whether we can publish the site as offline docs Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0
Improvement TORQUE-236 Torque 4 Tutorial: add (UML) diagram of generated classes Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0
Bug TORQUE-235 Torque 4 Tutorial: number of classes and visibility of method doSelectJoinTable Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0
Improvement TORQUE-234 Intuitive way of using one-arg operators in Criteria Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0
Wish TORQUE-233 Exception translation Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0
Bug TORQUE-232 generated peer's initDatabaseMap() methods should call the init method of the DatabaseMapInit class Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0
Improvement TORQUE-231 BaseMapInit classes should import peer classes by single import Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0
Improvement TORQUE-230 Deprecated BasePeer class should not be imported in generated files Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0
Bug TORQUE-229 serialVersionUIDs generated in Peer and BasePeer class but not needed Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0
Bug TORQUE-228 Imports not generated correctly if classes are generated into different package Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0
Improvement TORQUE-227 Change handling of fillerChunkSize in filler methods Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0
Bug TORQUE-226 The existing target mode "merge" has problems with files without line break at end of file Thomas Fox Resolved Fixed 5.0
Improvement TORQUE-223 Add possibility to set override package in maven plugin Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0
Improvement TORQUE-222 Change unlock table behaviour in MSSQL Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Bug TORQUE-221 Move MapBuilder functionality to Peer class Unassigned Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Improvement TORQUE-220 Use generics for BasePeerImpl Thomas Vandahl Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Improvement TORQUE-219 IdGenerator interface should throw TorqueException not Exception Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Improvement TORQUE-218 Enhance Derby adapter to use limit/offset functionality Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Bug TORQUE-217 Date default values should be possible Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Improvement TORQUE-216 Rename class DB to Adapter Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Bug TORQUE-215 Use prepared statements for queries and updates Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Improvement TORQUE-214 Add a SummaryHelper class which supports aggregate queries. CG Monroe Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Improvement TORQUE-213 Added support for SQL functions CG Monroe Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Improvement TORQUE-212 Criteria.isSingleRecord() should throw TooManyRecordsException if more than one record is found CG Monroe Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Improvement TORQUE-211 Don't use deprecated methods in DatabaseMapInit Thomas Vandahl Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Improvement TORQUE-210 Do not use commons-lang NestableException any more Thomas Vandahl Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Improvement TORQUE-209 Rewrite torque generator as a general code-generation tool Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Improvement TORQUE-208 Remove the village component from code Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Improvement TORQUE-207 Add auto-detection of the database adapter Thomas Vandahl Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Improvement TORQUE-206 Use variable arguments for MethodCacheKey and MethodResultCache Thomas Vandahl Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Improvement TORQUE-205 Make AbstractBaseManager generic Thomas Vandahl Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Improvement TORQUE-201 Change the interface org.apache.torque.adapter.IDMethod to an enum Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Improvement TORQUE-200 Generate methods in Peer classes to retrieve a single object from a table Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Improvement TORQUE-199 change the property for schema configuration in the runtime Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Improvement TORQUE-198 Move Join types from SqlEnum to an own Enum JoinType Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Improvement TORQUE-196 Make transaction handling pluggable Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Improvement TORQUE-195 Remove autocommit handling from Transaction management Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Sub-task TORQUE-194 create methods to create custom sql queries with prepared statement replacements Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Sub-task TORQUE-193 Allow other types than Columns as left hand side of a comparison in Criteria. Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Sub-task TORQUE-192 create method to set FROM clause from Criteria Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Sub-task TORQUE-191 make type attribute on column element mandatory in xsd Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Sub-task TORQUE-190 Create new boolean attribute useDatabaseDefaultValue on column Element in Schema Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Sub-task TORQUE-189 create include-schema element in the database element Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Improvement TORQUE-188 dbName == null should be interpreted as default database Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
New Feature TORQUE-187 Allow joins with subselects in the FROM clause Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Bug TORQUE-186 BOOLEANINT and null value Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
New Feature TORQUE-185 Allow subselects which do not reference a column Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Sub-task TORQUE-184 remove defaultJavaNamingMethod and javaNamingMethod attributes Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Wish TORQUE-183 allow for large schemas to be broken up into sub-schema files Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
New Feature TORQUE-182 Additional methods for handling associated objects Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0
New Feature TORQUE-181 Support table create options in mysql Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Improvement TORQUE-180 It should be possible to have the save() method in peers instead of in the dbObject classes Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Improvement TORQUE-179 Torque type Date should be mapped to Date on MySQL Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Improvement TORQUE-178 Change semantics of add() and or() methods in Criteria Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Improvement TORQUE-177 SQLFunction interface should extend Column Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Improvement TORQUE-176 Avoid additional brackets in sql if many same operators are chained Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
New Feature TORQUE-175 Support database views Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Improvement TORQUE-174 Remove adapters which are not supported any more Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Sub-task TORQUE-173 The generator should be able to combine all read source files into one source tree Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Bug TORQUE-172 Order by for varchar columns is always case insensitive Unassigned Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Bug TORQUE-171 Add schema documentation to templates Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Bug TORQUE-170 Cleanup database adapters Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
New Feature TORQUE-169 Create other output modes for the generator Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Improvement TORQUE-168 Use Objects instead of Strings for Column constants in Peers and Criteria Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Improvement TORQUE-167 Remove the field Criteria.Criterion.db Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Improvement TORQUE-166 remove the getOMClass() method, the CLASS_DEFAULT constant and the initClass() method in the generated peers Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Bug TORQUE-164 Fix foreign key storage in database map Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Bug TORQUE-163 Map builders are emptied on Torque.shutdown() and not rebuilt on subsequent init() Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Improvement TORQUE-162 Make constructor of static Torque object private Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
New Feature TORQUE-161 Create filler methods for related objects Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Improvement TORQUE-160 Criteria should not inherit from hashtable Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
New Feature TORQUE-159 Split generated peer classes into implementation and a static wrapper Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Improvement TORQUE-158 Joins in Criteria are serialized separately with no reason Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Bug TORQUE-157 fix splitup of instances between DatabaseMap and Database Unassigned Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Improvement TORQUE-155 Use "${size} CHAR" instad of "${size}" as SQL for column size in oracle Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Improvement TORQUE-153 Fail if null connection is supplied to a method Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
New Feature TORQUE-151 Support Bit as PK Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Improvement TORQUE-150 use generics in the Runtime Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Bug TORQUE-149 If silentDbFetch is false, the add method for a related object has a throws clause Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Improvement TORQUE-148 remove throws clause in setter for referenced object by a foreign key Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Improvement TORQUE-147 Database objects should not need to inherit from BaseObject Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Improvement TORQUE-146 Options should be made available in map builder Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Sub-task TORQUE-145 remove inputValidator attribute on column element Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Sub-task TORQUE-144 remove alias attribute on table element Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Bug TORQUE-142 MYSQL - default timestamp set to current_timestamp generates classes incorrectly Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Improvement TORQUE-141 Adding a way to set JDBC Driver fetchSize on statement Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Sub-task TORQUE-140 change section order and headlines on index page Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Sub-task TORQUE-139 create torque 3 -> torque 4 migration guide Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Sub-task TORQUE-138 rename the "torque 4" menu item to "general information" Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Sub-task TORQUE-131 remove "none" value of the attributes onUpdate and onDelete of the foreign-key element Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Sub-task TORQUE-130 remove the heavyIndexing attribute of the table element Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Sub-task TORQUE-127 remove "null" value of idMethod attribute in table element Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Bug TORQUE-125 Maven2 Plugin fails on local M2 repo containing spaces Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Bug TORQUE-124 Thread safety problem in JndiDataSourceFactory Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Bug TORQUE-122 TorqueInstance.shutdown() skips closing databases Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Bug TORQUE-121 Peer generation, using Peer.vm does not call super class' methods but always calls BasePeer.method(...) Thomas Vandahl Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Bug TORQUE-120 Inappropriate dependencies on Torque from TorqueInstance Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Bug TORQUE-119 Method "save" doesn't handle exceptions which results in unsavable objects Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Bug TORQUE-118 Maven2 plugin fails to detect that schema was changed when generating om, etc Unassigned Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Bug TORQUE-117 Stopping IDBroker does not clear the cached ids Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Improvement TORQUE-116 property for object state Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Bug TORQUE-115 TorqueInstance.init(Configuration) - wrong implementation Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Bug TORQUE-113 doDelete with invalid column should throw exception, not delete all rows Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Bug TORQUE-112 Delete via Join deletes all records in the table Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Bug TORQUE-111 Thrown RuntimeExceptions cause database connections to remain open Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Bug TORQUE-110 unique name not parsed when generating mysql (sql/base/mysql/unique.vm) Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Bug TORQUE-108 Criteria addJoin causes incorrect SQL to be generated when optional schema references are in use (Oracle) Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Bug TORQUE-107 calling getRelatedObjects(Criteria) can result in NullPointerException if the collection has not be initialized (with a Criteria) Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Wish TORQUE-100 clone() method for Criteria Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Bug TORQUE-96 Can not use * or ? in LIKE clauses Unassigned Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Bug TORQUE-94 DBOracle doesn't create proper TO_DATE() clause for TIMESTAMP(6) fields Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Bug TORQUE-91 Index-column size attribute is documented but does not work Unassigned Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Bug TORQUE-89 OrderByColumn for COUNT, SUM Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Improvement TORQUE-85 setOffset(int) in Criteria should be setOffset(long) Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Bug TORQUE-78 Criteria.setIgnoreCase ignores datatype of column Unassigned Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Bug TORQUE-72 Beans should not require torque.objectIsCaching = true setting to create all complexModel methods. Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Bug TORQUE-67 Code of the key objects in the package org.apache.torque.om needs review. Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
New Feature TORQUE-48 Initial Database XML Schema Definition (database.xsd) Unassigned Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Bug TORQUE-45 Generated SQL is in wrong order when dropping tables on table re-creation Unassigned Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Bug TORQUE-39 Wrong database name in generated XML schema with jdbc task Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Bug TORQUE-16 LockTables is faulty in some adapters Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Wish TORQUE-15 Allow using database default values for columns Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Bug TORQUE-14 huge ids in idbroker using cleverquantity Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Wish TORQUE-13 doDelete() should return the number of deleted datasets Unassigned Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Improvement TORQUE-11 Torque Type Timestamp should be mapped to datetime in Mysql Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Improvement TORQUE-9 BasePeer.doDelete() should not load the datasets to delete them Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1
Improvement TORQUE-7 joins should support join operators other than equal Thomas Fox Closed Fixed 4.0-beta1