
Release History

Version Date Description
5.1 2022-01-05  
5.0 2020-09-22  

Release 5.2-SNAPSHOT – in SVN

Type Changes By
Update Update to JCS 3.2 tv
Update Use Charset where appropriate tv
Fix CountHelper doesn't work, when Criteria has "setDisctint()". Fixes TORQUE-365. mwriedt
Fix Criterion "is Null" fix, Thanks for the report to Max Philipp Wriedt. Fixes TORQUE-363. gk
Fix Resolve error. Fixes TORQUE-362. gk
Add Allow Duration text format in configuration, whichresolve in TORQUE-362 follow-up error gk
Add Support for Mariadb driver (default to mysql behaviour) gk

Release 5.1 – 2022-01-05

Type Changes By
Adding AvgHelper which works similarly to the CountHelper util for providing extra criteria to the Avg function painter

Release 5.0 – 2020-09-22

Type Changes By
Update Use Commons Configuration, which allows for overriding, Update Beanutils 1.9.4 gk