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Intersect & Except Design


Intersect & Except Design
Jack Klebanoff
Feb. 22 2005

This paper describes the implementation of the INTERSECT and EXCEPT operators. This paper assumes basic familiarity with SQL and the language (compiler) portion of Derby.

The INTERSECT and EXCEPT operators operate on table expressions producing the intersection and difference, respectively. The syntax is (roughly):

queryExpression INTERSECT [ALL] queryExpression
queryExpression EXCEPT [ALL] queryExpression

By default these operators remove duplicates, which can occur if there are duplicates in the inputs. If ALL is specified then duplicates are not removed. If t1 has m copies of row R and t2 has n copies then t1 INTERSECT ALL t2 returns min(m,n) copies of R, and t1 EXCEPT ALL t2 returns max( 0, m-n) copies of R.

The EXCEPT operator has the same precedence as UNION. INTERSECT has higher precedence.

The implementation is spread across several classes, primarily

  1. SetOpResultSet, which handles execution of the INTERSECT and EXCEPT operators,
  2. extensions to QueryTreeNode, which handle binding, optimization, and code generation, and
  3. the parser.


If the left and right inputs have N and M rows respectively the sorts take time O(N*log(N) + M*log(M)). The final scan takes time O(N + M). So the time for the whole operation is O(N*log(N) + M*log(M)).

Alternative Execution Plans

Other implementations are possible.

  1. INTERSECT and EXCEPT can be implemeted using hash tables. You can build a hash table on the right input. Then, if you somehow know that the rows in the left input are unique, you can scan through the rows of the left input and output each one that is found/not found in the hash table. If the size of the right input is known at the start then the hash table can be built in time O(M). If the size is not known ahead of time then the hash table can be built in time O(M*log(M)). If the hash function is good then the final scan step takes time O(N). Keeping track of duplicates slows things down. You can keep a hash table of output rows or mark found rows in the right input hash table.

    Hash tables were rejected because, when the INTERSECT and EXCEPT operations were implemeted, BackingStoreHashtable did not spill to disk. A hash table implementation could exhaust memory.

  2. If the right input is a base table with a unique index then we could forgo sorting the right input and use the index to find rows that match the left rows. Unless the left rows are known to be unique we must sort them or build a hash table to handle duplicates. Using a hash table to eliminate duplicates the time to perform the INTERSECT or EXCEPT would be O(N*log(M) + N'*log(N')), where N' is the number of output rows (N' < N). So this is usually faster than the sort merge method, but it cannot always be used.

The current implementation was chosen because it always provides at least decent speed and memory utilization, and in many, though certainly not all cases, it is the best implementation.

We could have provided several implementations and let the optimizer choose the best, but this does not seem worthwhile for operations that are seldom used.

Binding, Optimization, and Code Generation

The INTERSECT and EXCEPT operators are bound much like the UNION operator. The bind methods are all found in super class SetOperatorNode, which is shared with UnionNode.

IntersectOrExceptNode generates OrderByNodes for its inputs at the start of optimization, in the preprocess phase. Any column ordering can be used for the sorts, as long as the same one is used for both the left and right inputs. IntersectOrExceptNode tries to be a little clever about picking the column ordering for the sorts. If the INTERSECT or EXCEPT output must be ordered then IntersectOrExceptNode uses the ORDER BY columns as the most significant part of the sort key for its inputs. Any columns not in the ORDER BY list are tacked on to the least significant part of the sort keys of the inputs. This ensures that the output of the INTERSECT or EXCEPT will be properly ordered without an additional sort step.

The architecture of the Derby optimizer makes it difficult to do further optimizations. SelectNode processing requires that order by lists be pushed down to them at the start of preprocessing. If an input to INTERSECT or EXCEPT is a SELECT (a common case) then IntersectOrExceptNode has to decide whether it needs its inputs ordered before it calls the preprocess method of its inputs. That means that it must chose its execution plan at the start of the optimization process, not as the result of the optimization process.

Code generation is straighforward. It generates code that invokes the ResultSetFactory.getSetOpResultSet method.


The UNION and EXCEPT operators have the same precedence. The INTERSECT operator has higher precedence, so

(t1 EXCEPT t2) UNION t3
(t1 UNION ALL t2) UNION t3

Note that the EXCEPT operator is not associative, nor is UNION ALL associative with UNION, so the correct associativity is important, even when the query expression uses the same operator.

t1 EXCEPT (t2 EXCEPT t3)
(t1 EXCEPT t2) EXCEPT t3

This precedence and associativity is implemented in the structure of queryExpression. The higher precedence of the INTERSECT operator is implemented by building queryExpression out of nonJoinQueryTerm. A nonJoinQueryTerm consists of one or more nonJoinQueryPrimaries connected by INTERSECT operators. A queryExpression consists of one or more nonJoinQueryTerms connected by EXCEPT or UNION operators.

Our parser is a recursive descent parser. Recursive descent parsers want recursion on the right. Therefore they do not handle SQL's operator associativity naturally. The natural grammar for queryExpression is

queryExpression ::=
  nonJoinQueryTerm |
  queryExpression UNION [ALL] nonJoinQueryTerm |
  queryExpression EXCEPT [ALL] nonJoinQueryTerm

queryExpression(ResultSetNode leftSide, int operatorType) throws StandardException :
    ResultSetNode term;
    term = nonJoinQueryTerm(leftSide, operatorType) [ term = unionOrExcept(term) ]
        return term;
unionOrExcept(ResultSetNode term) throws StandardException :
    ResultSetNode expression;
    Token tok = null;
     [ tok =  ]
        expression = queryExpression(term, (tok != null) ? UNION_ALL_OP : UNION_OP)
        return expression;
     [ tok =  ]
        expression = queryExpression(term, (tok != null) ? EXCEPT_ALL_OP : EXCEPT_OP)
        return expression;

The creation of union, intersect, or except query tree nodes is done in the nonJoinQueryTerm method.

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