Step 2: ij Basics
ij is an interactive SQL scripting tool that comes with Derby. It can be used with the Derby Embedded JDBC driver or with a client JDBC driver, such as the Derby Network Client.
This section uses the Derby Embedded JDBC driver to introduce a few ij features. The information presented here is minimal, just enough to get you started. For a more complete introduction, see the Getting started with ij section in the Tools and Utilities Guide.
Set the environment
To set up the environment, follow the "Configure Embedded Derby" instructions.
Start up ij
Start up ij with this command:
You should see the output shown below:
ij version 10.4 ij>
The error below means the class path isn't set correctly:
java Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/derby/tools/ij
For help resolving class path problems, see the "Configure Embedded Derby" and "Verify Derby" instructions.
Create a database
To create a database, specify the create=true attribute in the connection URL. For example, the command below creates a new database called MyDbTest:
ij> connect 'jdbc:derby:MyDbTest;create=true';
Now exit ij:
ij> exit;
List the contents of your directory with ls (UNIX) or dir (Windows). On UNIX you'll see output like this:
$ ls MyDbTest derby.log
The MyDbTest directory contains the files that make up the database you just created. The derby.log file is an error log, which is helpful whenever things don't work as expected.
Connect to a database
Start up ij again and connect to the database you just created:
java ij> connect 'jdbc:derby:MyDbTest';
We'll take a quick look at the protocol ("jdbc:derby:") and database ("MyDbTest") in this connection URL.
Internally, ij determines by default which driver to load from the protocol ("jdbc:derby:"). In this case, it knows to load the embedded JDBC driver. We could also have specified the protocol with a property as shown below:
java -Dij.protocol=jdbc:derby: ij> connect 'MyDbTest';
For more information about ij startup properties see Starting ij using properties in the Tools and Utilities Guide.
Connecting to the MyDbTest database in the connection URL above works because the MyDbTest database directory is in the current working directory; i.e., the directory where you started up ij.
Let's say that your current directory location is /home/bill/databases and that you decide to change your directory to a different place entirely. You can connect to the MyDbTest database by specifying the complete directory path, like this:
java ij> connect 'jdbc:derby:/home/bill/databases/MyDbTest';
You could also specify the Derby system home for the database like this:
java -Dderby.system.home=/home/bill/databases ij> connect 'jdbc:derby:MyDbTest';
The Developer's Guide provides information about where Derby looks for databases:
Execute SQL statements
Once you connect to a database, you can execute SQL statements. ij expects each statement to be terminated with a semicolon (;); for example:
ij> create table derbyDB(num int, addr varchar(40)); ij> insert into derbyDB values (1956,'Webster St.'); ij> insert into derbyDB values (1910,'Union St.'); ij> update derbyDB set num=180, addr='Grand Ave.' where num=1956; ij> select * from derbyDb;
Disconnect from a database
The disconnect command disconnects from the current database:
ij> disconnect;
The exit command quits out of ij and, in embedded mode, shuts down the Derby database:
ij> exit;
Run SQL Scripts
You can execute SQL scripts in ij as shown below:
ij> run 'my_file.sql';
You can also run SQL scripts from the command line:
java my_file.sql
The Tools and Utilities Guide provides more information about running SQL scripts from ij.
After completing these ij steps, you're ready to move to "Step 3: Embedded Derby".