JDO provides a standard utility that gives access to useful parts of the JDO persistence process.
This is known as JDOHelper
The methods in JDOHelper can be split into categories. Here we start with the methods for creating the starting point for persistence, the PersistenceManagerFactory (PMF)
getPersistenceManagerFactory(Map props) - creates a PMF given a Map of the properties
getPersistenceManagerFactory(Map props, ClassLoader cl) - creates a PMF given a Map of the properties, and a ClassLoader to use
getPersistenceManagerFactory(String resource) - creates a PMF given a resource defining the properties. This can be used to create a named PMF in JDO2.1
getPersistenceManagerFactory(String props, ClassLoader cl) - creates a PMF given a resource defining the properties, and a ClassLoader to use
getPersistenceManagerFactory(File props) - creates a PMF given a file containing the properties
getPersistenceManagerFactory(File props, ClassLoader cl) - creates a PMF given a file containing the properties and a ClassLoader to use
getPersistenceManagerFactory(String jndi, Context ctx) - creates a PMF given a JNDI resource
getPersistenceManagerFactory(String jndi, Context ctx, ClassLoader cl) - creates a PMF given a JNDI resource and a ClassLoader to use
getPersistenceManagerFactory(InputStream strm) - creates a PMF given an InputStream
getPersistenceManagerFactory(InputStream strm, ClassLoader cl) - creates a PMF given an InputStream and a ClassLoader to use
Now we move onto the operations for persistence.
getPersistenceManager(Object pc) - returns the PersistenceManager associated with the passed object (if any)
makeDirty(Object pc, String fieldName) - marks the field of the passed object as dirty (meaning that it needs updating in its datastore)
getObjectId(Object pc) - returns the object identity for the passed object (if persistent)
getObjectIds(Collection pc) - returns the object identities for the passed objects (if persistent)
getObjectIds(Object[] pc) - returns the object identities for the passed objects (if persistent)
getVersion(Object pc) - returns the version for the passed object (if persistent)
Now we move onto lifecycle operations
getObjectState(Object pc) - returns the object state
isDirty(Object pc) - returns whether the passed object is dirty
isTransactional(Object pc) - returns whether the passed object is transactional
isPersistent(Object pc) - returns whether the passed object is persistent
isNew(Object pc) - returns whether the passed object is new
isDeleted(Object pc) - returns whether the passed object is deleted
isDetached(Object pc) - returns whether the passed object is detached