JDO Bytecode Enhancement

JDO defines a byte-code enhancement process that provides for dirty detection of fields. Before a class is used at runtime it is compiled and then "enhanced" to implement the interface PersistenceCapable, and optionally also Detachable.

We can demonstrate this by taking a sample class, and seeing it before and after enhancement. We start with the following class

package org.apache.jdo.test;

public class A
    long id;
    String name;
    B b;

    public A(String name)
        this.name = name;

    public void setId(long id)
        this.id = id;

    public void setB(B b)
        this.b = b;

    public String getName()
        return name;

    public B getB()
        return b;

    public long getId()
        return id;

    public String toString()
        return "A : id=" + id + " [" + name + "] b=\"" + b + "\"";

and require it to be PersistenceCapable and Detachable. The enhancement process needs to intercept all updates of the fields of the class (id, name, b) as well as add on the necessary PersistenceCapable, Detachable methods. After "enhancement" it becomes

package org.apache.jdo.test;
import java.util.BitSet;

import javax.jdo.JDODetachedFieldAccessException;
import javax.jdo.JDOFatalInternalException;
import javax.jdo.PersistenceManager;
import javax.jdo.identity.LongIdentity;
import javax.jdo.spi.Detachable;
import javax.jdo.spi.JDOImplHelper;
import javax.jdo.spi.JDOPermission;
import javax.jdo.spi.PersistenceCapable;
import javax.jdo.spi.StateManager;

public class A implements PersistenceCapable, Detachable
    long id;
    String name;
    B b;
    protected transient StateManager jdoStateManager;
    protected transient byte jdoFlags;
    protected Object[] jdoDetachedState;
    private static final byte[] jdoFieldFlags;
    private static final Class jdoPersistenceCapableSuperclass;
    private static final Class[] jdoFieldTypes;
    private static final String[] jdoFieldNames = __jdoFieldNamesInit();
    private static final int jdoInheritedFieldCount;

        jdoFieldTypes = __jdoFieldTypesInit();
        jdoFieldFlags = __jdoFieldFlagsInit();
        jdoInheritedFieldCount = __jdoGetInheritedFieldCount();
        jdoPersistenceCapableSuperclass = __jdoPersistenceCapableSuperclassInit();
                    jdoFieldNames, jdoFieldTypes,
                    jdoPersistenceCapableSuperclass, new A());

    public void setId(long id)
        jdoSetid(this, id);

    public void setB(B b)
        jdoSetb(this, b);

    public String getName()
        return jdoGetname(this);

    public B getB()
        return jdoGetb(this);

    public long getId()
        return jdoGetid(this);

    public String toString()
        return new StringBuilder().append("A : id=").append(jdoGetid(this))
           .append(" [").append(jdoGetname(this))
           .append("] b=\"").append(jdoGetb(this))

    public void jdoCopyKeyFieldsFromObjectId(PersistenceCapable.ObjectIdFieldConsumer fc, Object oid)
        if (fc == null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException
              ("ObjectIdFieldConsumer is null");
        if (!(oid instanceof LongIdentity))
            throw new ClassCastException
              ("oid is not instanceof javax.jdo.identity.LongIdentity");
        LongIdentity o = (LongIdentity) oid;
        fc.storeLongField(1, o.getKey());

    protected void jdoCopyKeyFieldsFromObjectId(Object oid)
        if (!(oid instanceof LongIdentity))
            throw new ClassCastException
              ("key class is not javax.jdo.identity.LongIdentity or null");
        LongIdentity o = (LongIdentity) oid;
        id = o.getKey();

    public final void jdoCopyKeyFieldsToObjectId(Object oid)
        throw new JDOFatalInternalException
          ("It's illegal to call jdoCopyKeyFieldsToObjectId for a class with Single Field Identity.");

    public final void jdoCopyKeyFieldsToObjectId
    (PersistenceCapable.ObjectIdFieldSupplier fs, Object oid) {
    throw new JDOFatalInternalException
          ("It's illegal to call jdoCopyKeyFieldsToObjectId for a class with Single Field Identity.");

    public final Object jdoGetObjectId()
        if (jdoStateManager != null)
            return jdoStateManager.getObjectId(this);
        if (this.jdoIsDetached() != true)
            return null;
        return jdoDetachedState[0];

    public final Object jdoGetVersion()
        if (jdoStateManager != null)
            return jdoStateManager.getVersion(this);
        if (this.jdoIsDetached() != true)
            return null;
        return jdoDetachedState[1];

    protected final void jdoPreSerialize()
        if (jdoStateManager != null)

    public final PersistenceManager jdoGetPersistenceManager()
        return (jdoStateManager != null
            ? jdoStateManager.getPersistenceManager(this) : null);

    public final Object jdoGetTransactionalObjectId()
        return (jdoStateManager != null
           ? jdoStateManager.getTransactionalObjectId(this) : null);

    public final boolean jdoIsDeleted()
        return (jdoStateManager != null ? jdoStateManager.isDeleted(this): false);

    public final boolean jdoIsDirty()
        if (jdoStateManager != null)
            return jdoStateManager.isDirty(this);
        if (this.jdoIsDetached() != true)
            return false;
        if (((BitSet) jdoDetachedState[3]).length() <= 0)
            return false;
        return true;

    public final boolean jdoIsNew()
        return jdoStateManager != null ? jdoStateManager.isNew(this) : false;

    public final boolean jdoIsPersistent()
        return (jdoStateManager != null ? jdoStateManager.isPersistent(this): false);

    public final boolean jdoIsTransactional()
        return (jdoStateManager != null ? jdoStateManager.isTransactional(this): false);

    public final boolean jdoIsDetached()
        if (jdoStateManager == null) {
            if (jdoDetachedState == null)
                return false;
            return true;
        return false;

    public final void jdoMakeDirty(String fieldName)
        if (jdoStateManager != null)
            jdoStateManager.makeDirty(this, fieldName);

    public final Object jdoNewObjectIdInstance()
        return new LongIdentity(getClass(), id);

    public final Object jdoNewObjectIdInstance(Object key)
        if (key == null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("key is null");
        if (key instanceof String != true)
            return new LongIdentity(this.getClass(), (Long) key);
        return new LongIdentity(this.getClass(), (String) key);

    public final void jdoProvideFields(int[] fieldId)
        if (fieldId == null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("argment is null");
        int i = fieldId.length - 1;
        if (i >= 0)
            while (--i >= 0);

    public final void jdoReplaceFields(int[] fieldId)
        if (fieldId == null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("argument is null");
        int i = fieldId.length;
        if (i > 0)
            int i_0_ = 0;
            while (++i_0_ < i);

    public final void jdoReplaceFlags()
        if (jdoStateManager != null)
            A a = this;
            a.jdoFlags = a.jdoStateManager.replacingFlags(this);

    public final synchronized void jdoReplaceStateManager(StateManager stateManager)
        if (jdoStateManager != null)
            A a = this;
            a.jdoStateManager = a.jdoStateManager.replacingStateManager(this, stateManager);
            jdoStateManager = stateManager;
            jdoFlags = (byte) 1;

    public final synchronized void jdoReplaceDetachedState()
        if (jdoStateManager == null)
            throw new IllegalStateException("state manager is null");
        A a = this;
        a.jdoDetachedState = a.jdoStateManager.replacingDetachedState(this, jdoDetachedState);

    public PersistenceCapable jdoNewInstance(StateManager sm)
        A result = new A();
        A a = result;
        a.jdoFlags = (byte) 1;
        a.jdoStateManager = sm;
        return a;

    public PersistenceCapable jdoNewInstance(StateManager sm, Object o)
        A result = new A();
        A a = result;
        a.jdoFlags = (byte) 1;
        a.jdoStateManager = sm;
        return a;

    public void jdoReplaceField(int fieldIndex)
        if (jdoStateManager == null)
            throw new IllegalStateException("state manager is null");
        switch (fieldIndex)
            case 0:
                A a = this;
                a.b = (B) a.jdoStateManager.replacingObjectField(this, fieldIndex);
            case 1:
                A a = this;
                a.id = a.jdoStateManager.replacingLongField(this, fieldIndex);
            case 2:
                A a = this;
                a.name = a.jdoStateManager.replacingStringField(this, fieldIndex);
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("out of field index :" + fieldIndex);

    public void jdoProvideField(int fieldIndex)
        if (jdoStateManager == null)
            throw new IllegalStateException("state manager is null");
        switch (fieldIndex)
            case 0:
                jdoStateManager.providedObjectField(this, fieldIndex, b);
            case 1:
                jdoStateManager.providedLongField(this, fieldIndex, id);
            case 2:
                jdoStateManager.providedStringField(this, fieldIndex, name);
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("out of field index :" + fieldIndex);

    protected final void jdoCopyField(A obj, int index)
        switch (index)
            case 0:
                b = obj.b;
            case 1:
                id = obj.id;
            case 2:
                name = obj.name;
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("out of field index :" + index);

    public void jdoCopyFields(Object obj, int[] fieldNumbers)
        if (jdoStateManager == null)
            throw new IllegalStateException("state manager is null");
        if (fieldNumbers == null)
            throw new IllegalStateException("fieldNumbers is null");
        if (obj instanceof A != true)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("object is not org.apache.jdo.test.A");
        A me = (A) obj;
        if (jdoStateManager != me.jdoStateManager)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("state manager unmatch");
        int i = fieldNumbers.length - 1;
        if (i >= 0)
                jdoCopyField(me, fieldNumbers[i]);
            while (--i >= 0);

    private static final String[] __jdoFieldNamesInit()
        return new String[] { "b", "id", "name" };

    private static final Class[] __jdoFieldTypesInit()
        return new Class[] { ___jdo$loadClass("org.apache.jdo.test.B"), Long.TYPE,
                 ___jdo$loadClass("java.lang.String") };

    private static final byte[] __jdoFieldFlagsInit()
        return new byte[] { 10, 24, 21 };

    protected static int __jdoGetInheritedFieldCount()
        return 0;

    protected static int jdoGetManagedFieldCount()
        return 3;

    private static Class __jdoPersistenceCapableSuperclassInit()
        return null;

    public static Class ___jdo$loadClass(String className)
            return Class.forName(className);
        catch (ClassNotFoundException e)
            throw new NoClassDefFoundError(e.getMessage());

    private Object jdoSuperClone()
    throws CloneNotSupportedException
        A o = (A) super.clone();
        o.jdoFlags = (byte) 0;
        o.jdoStateManager = null;
        return o;

    public A()
        /* empty */

    static void jdoSetb(A objPC, B b_m)
        if (objPC.jdoStateManager == null)
            objPC.b = b_m;
            objPC.jdoStateManager.setObjectField(objPC, 0, objPC.b, b_m);
        if (objPC.jdoIsDetached() == true)
            ((BitSet) objPC.jdoDetachedState[3]).set(0);

    static B jdoGetb(A objPC)
        if (objPC.jdoStateManager != null
        && !objPC.jdoStateManager.isLoaded(objPC, 0))
            return (B) objPC.jdoStateManager.getObjectField(objPC, 0, objPC.b);
        if (objPC.jdoIsDetached() != false
        && ((BitSet) objPC.jdoDetachedState[2]).get(0) != true
        && ((BitSet) objPC.jdoDetachedState[3]).get(0) != true)
            throw new JDODetachedFieldAccessException
              ("You have just attempted to access field \"b\" yet this field was not detached when you detached the object. " +
               "Either dont access this field, or detach the field when detaching the object.");
        return objPC.b;

    static void jdoSetid(A objPC, long id_n)
        objPC.id = id_n;

    static long jdoGetid(A objPC)
        return objPC.id;

    static void jdoSetname(A objPC, String name_c)
        if (objPC.jdoFlags != 0 && objPC.jdoStateManager != null)
            objPC.jdoStateManager.setStringField(objPC, 2, objPC.name, name_c);
            objPC.name = name_c;
            if (objPC.jdoIsDetached() == true)
                ((BitSet) objPC.jdoDetachedState[3]).set(2);

    static String jdoGetname(A objPC)
        if (objPC.jdoFlags > 0 && objPC.jdoStateManager != null && !objPC.jdoStateManager.isLoaded(objPC, 2))
            return objPC.jdoStateManager.getStringField(objPC, 2, objPC.name);
        if (objPC.jdoIsDetached() != false && ((BitSet) objPC.jdoDetachedState[2]).get(2) != true)
            throw new JDODetachedFieldAccessException
              ("You have just attempted to access field \"name\" yet this field was not detached when you detached the object." +
               "Either dont access this field, or detach the field when detaching the object.");
        return objPC.name;

    public A(String name)
        jdoSetname(this, name);