Class BasePeer

  extended by org.apache.torque.util.BasePeer
All Implemented Interfaces:

public abstract class BasePeer
extends java.lang.Object

This is the base class for all Peer classes in the system. Peer classes are responsible for isolating all of the database access for a specific business object. They execute all of the SQL against the database. Over time this class has grown to include utility methods which ease execution of cross-database queries and the implementation of concrete Peers.

$Id: 750198 2009-03-04 22:34:43Z gmonroe $
Frank Y. Kim, John D. McNally, Brett McLaughlin, Stephen Haberman, Martin Poeschl, Augustin Vidovic, Henning P. Schmiedehausen
See Also:
Serialized Form

Nested Class Summary
protected static interface BasePeer.ProcessCallback
          Inner Interface that defines the Callback method for the Record Processing
Field Summary
static java.lang.String IGNORE_CASE
          Constant criteria key to remove Case Information from search/ordering criteria.
protected static org.apache.commons.logging.Log log
          the log
static java.lang.String ORDER_BY
          Constant criteria key to reference ORDER BY columns.
static java.lang.String TABLE_NAME
          Classes that implement this class should override this value.
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static void correctBooleans(Criteria criteria, TableMap defaultTableMap)
          Checks all columns in the criteria to see whether booleanchar and booleanint columns are queried with a boolean.
static void createPreparedStatement(Criteria criteria, java.lang.StringBuffer queryString, java.util.List params)
          Create a new PreparedStatement.
static java.lang.String createQueryString(Criteria criteria)
          Method to create an SQL query for actual execution based on values in a Criteria.
static void deleteAll(java.sql.Connection con, java.lang.String table, java.lang.String column, int value)
          Convenience method that uses straight JDBC to delete multiple rows.
static void deleteAll(java.lang.String table, java.lang.String column, int value)
          Convenience method that uses straight JDBC to delete multiple rows.
static void doDelete(Criteria criteria)
          Deprecated. This method causes unexpected results when joins are used. Please use doDelete(Criteria, String).
static void doDelete(Criteria criteria, java.sql.Connection con)
          Deprecated. This method causes unexpected results when joins are used. Please use doDelete(Criteria, String, Connection).
protected static void doDelete(Criteria criteria, java.lang.String tableName)
          Method to perform deletes based on values and keys in a Criteria.
static void doDelete(Criteria criteria, java.lang.String tableName, java.sql.Connection con)
          Method to perform deletes based on values and keys in a Criteria.
static ObjectKey doInsert(Criteria criteria)
          Method to perform inserts based on values and keys in a Criteria.
static ObjectKey doInsert(Criteria criteria, java.sql.Connection con)
          Method to perform inserts based on values and keys in a Criteria.
static java.util.List doPSSelect(Criteria criteria)
          Do a Prepared Statement select according to the given criteria
static java.util.List doPSSelect(Criteria criteria, java.sql.Connection con)
          Performs a SQL select using a PreparedStatement.
static java.util.List doSelect(Criteria criteria)
          Returns all results.
static java.util.List doSelect(Criteria criteria, java.sql.Connection con)
          Returns all results.
static void doUpdate(Criteria updateValues)
          Convenience method used to update rows in the DB.
static void doUpdate(Criteria updateValues, java.sql.Connection con)
          Convenience method used to update rows in the DB.
static void doUpdate(Criteria selectCriteria, Criteria updateValues)
          Method used to update rows in the DB.
static void doUpdate(Criteria criteria, Criteria updateValues, java.sql.Connection con)
          Method used to update rows in the DB.
static java.util.List executeQuery(java.lang.String queryString)
          Utility method which executes a given sql statement.
static java.util.List executeQuery(java.lang.String queryString, boolean singleRecord, java.sql.Connection con)
          Method for performing a SELECT.
static java.util.List executeQuery(java.lang.String queryString, int start, int numberOfResults, boolean singleRecord, java.sql.Connection con)
          Method for performing a SELECT.
static java.util.List executeQuery(java.lang.String queryString, int start, int numberOfResults, java.lang.String dbName, boolean singleRecord)
          Method for performing a SELECT.
static java.util.List executeQuery(java.lang.String queryString, java.lang.String dbName)
          Utility method which executes a given sql statement.
static java.util.List executeQuery(java.lang.String queryString, java.lang.String dbName, boolean singleRecord)
          Method for performing a SELECT.
static int executeStatement(java.lang.String statementString)
          Utility method which executes a given sql statement.
static int executeStatement(java.lang.String statementString, java.sql.Connection con)
          Utility method which executes a given sql statement.
static int executeStatement(java.lang.String statementString, java.lang.String dbName)
          Utility method which executes a given sql statement.
static MapBuilder getMapBuilder(java.lang.String name)
          Deprecated. Use Torque.getMapBuilder(name) instead
static java.util.List getSelectResults(com.workingdogs.village.QueryDataSet qds)
          Returns all records in a QueryDataSet as a List of Record objects.
static java.util.List getSelectResults(com.workingdogs.village.QueryDataSet qds, boolean singleRecord)
          Returns all records in a QueryDataSet as a List of Record objects.
static java.util.List getSelectResults(com.workingdogs.village.QueryDataSet qds, int numberOfResults, boolean singleRecord)
          Returns numberOfResults records in a QueryDataSet as a List of Record objects.
static java.util.List getSelectResults(com.workingdogs.village.QueryDataSet qds, int start, int numberOfResults, boolean singleRecord)
          Returns numberOfResults records in a QueryDataSet as a List of Record objects.
protected static void handleMultipleRecords(com.workingdogs.village.DataSet ds)
          If the user specified that (s)he only wants to retrieve a single record and multiple records are retrieved, this method is called to handle the situation.
static java.lang.String[] initColumnNames(com.workingdogs.village.Column[] columns)
          Convenience method to create a String array of column names.
static java.lang.String[] initCriteriaKeys(java.lang.String tableName, java.lang.String[] columnNames)
          Convenience method to create a String array of criteria keys.
static com.workingdogs.village.Column[] initTableColumns(com.workingdogs.village.Schema schema)
          Creates a Column array for a table based on its Schema.
static com.workingdogs.village.Schema initTableSchema(java.lang.String tableName)
          Sets up a Schema for a table.
static com.workingdogs.village.Schema initTableSchema(java.lang.String tableName, java.lang.String dbName)
          Sets up a Schema for a table.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String ORDER_BY
Constant criteria key to reference ORDER BY columns.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String IGNORE_CASE
Constant criteria key to remove Case Information from search/ordering criteria.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String TABLE_NAME
Classes that implement this class should override this value.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected static final org.apache.commons.logging.Log log
the log

Constructor Detail


public BasePeer()
Method Detail


public static com.workingdogs.village.Schema initTableSchema(java.lang.String tableName)
Sets up a Schema for a table. This schema is then normally used as the argument for initTableColumns().

tableName - The name of the table.
A Schema.


public static com.workingdogs.village.Schema initTableSchema(java.lang.String tableName,
                                                             java.lang.String dbName)
Sets up a Schema for a table. This schema is then normally used as the argument for initTableColumns

tableName - The propery name for the database in the configuration file.
dbName - The name of the database.
A Schema.


public static com.workingdogs.village.Column[] initTableColumns(com.workingdogs.village.Schema schema)
Creates a Column array for a table based on its Schema.

schema - A Schema object.
A Column[].


public static java.lang.String[] initColumnNames(com.workingdogs.village.Column[] columns)
Convenience method to create a String array of column names.

columns - A Column[].
A String[].


public static java.lang.String[] initCriteriaKeys(java.lang.String tableName,
                                                  java.lang.String[] columnNames)
Convenience method to create a String array of criteria keys.

tableName - Name of table.
columnNames - A String[].
A String[].


public static void deleteAll(java.sql.Connection con,
                             java.lang.String table,
                             java.lang.String column,
                             int value)
                      throws TorqueException
Convenience method that uses straight JDBC to delete multiple rows. Village throws an Exception when multiple rows are deleted.

con - A Connection.
table - The table to delete records from.
column - The column in the where clause.
value - The value of the column.
TorqueException - Any exceptions caught during processing will be rethrown wrapped into a TorqueException.


public static void deleteAll(java.lang.String table,
                             java.lang.String column,
                             int value)
                      throws TorqueException
Convenience method that uses straight JDBC to delete multiple rows. Village throws an Exception when multiple rows are deleted. This method attempts to get the default database from the pool.

table - The table to delete records from.
column - The column in the where clause.
value - The value of the column.
TorqueException - Any exceptions caught during processing will be rethrown wrapped into a TorqueException.


public static void doDelete(Criteria criteria)
                     throws TorqueException
Deprecated. This method causes unexpected results when joins are used. Please use doDelete(Criteria, String).

Method to perform deletes based on values and keys in a Criteria.

criteria - The criteria to use.
TorqueException - Any exceptions caught during processing will be rethrown wrapped into a TorqueException.


protected static void doDelete(Criteria criteria,
                               java.lang.String tableName)
                        throws TorqueException
Method to perform deletes based on values and keys in a Criteria. This method is protected because it may cause ambiguity between doDelete(Criteria,Connection) and this method. It will be made public once doDelete(Criteria, Connection) is removed.

criteria - The criteria to use.
tableName - the name of the table to delete records from. If set to null, the name of the table(s) can be extracted from the criteria, but this can cause unexpected results.
TorqueException - Any exceptions caught during processing will be rethrown wrapped into a TorqueException.


public static void doDelete(Criteria criteria,
                            java.sql.Connection con)
                     throws TorqueException
Deprecated. This method causes unexpected results when joins are used. Please use doDelete(Criteria, String, Connection).

Method to perform deletes based on values and keys in a Criteria.

criteria - The criteria to use.
con - A Connection.
TorqueException - Any exceptions caught during processing will be rethrown wrapped into a TorqueException.


public static void doDelete(Criteria criteria,
                            java.lang.String tableName,
                            java.sql.Connection con)
                     throws TorqueException
Method to perform deletes based on values and keys in a Criteria.

criteria - The criteria to use.
tableName - the name of the table to delete records from. If set to null, the name of the table(s) can be extracted from the criteria, but this can cause unexpected results.
con - A Connection.
TorqueException - Any exceptions caught during processing will be rethrown wrapped into a TorqueException.


public static ObjectKey doInsert(Criteria criteria)
                          throws TorqueException
Method to perform inserts based on values and keys in a Criteria.

If the primary key is auto incremented the data in Criteria will be inserted and the auto increment value will be returned.

If the primary key is included in Criteria then that value will be used to insert the row.

If no primary key is included in Criteria then we will try to figure out the primary key from the database map and insert the row with the next available id using util.db.IDBroker.

If no primary key is defined for the table the values will be inserted as specified in Criteria and -1 will be returned.

criteria - Object containing values to insert.
An Object which is the id of the row that was inserted (if the table has a primary key) or null (if the table does not have a primary key).
TorqueException - Any exceptions caught during processing will be rethrown wrapped into a TorqueException.


public static ObjectKey doInsert(Criteria criteria,
                                 java.sql.Connection con)
                          throws TorqueException
Method to perform inserts based on values and keys in a Criteria.

If the primary key is auto incremented the data in Criteria will be inserted and the auto increment value will be returned.

If the primary key is included in Criteria then that value will be used to insert the row.

If no primary key is included in Criteria then we will try to figure out the primary key from the database map and insert the row with the next available id using util.db.IDBroker.

If no primary key is defined for the table the values will be inserted as specified in Criteria and null will be returned.

criteria - Object containing values to insert.
con - A Connection.
An Object which is the id of the row that was inserted (if the table has a primary key) or null (if the table does not have a primary key).
TorqueException - Any exceptions caught during processing will be rethrown wrapped into a TorqueException.


public static java.lang.String createQueryString(Criteria criteria)
                                          throws TorqueException
Method to create an SQL query for actual execution based on values in a Criteria.

criteria - A Criteria.
the SQL query for actual execution
TorqueException - Trouble creating the query string.


public static java.util.List doSelect(Criteria criteria)
                               throws TorqueException
Returns all results.

criteria - A Criteria.
List of Record objects.
TorqueException - Any exceptions caught during processing will be rethrown wrapped into a TorqueException.


public static java.util.List doSelect(Criteria criteria,
                                      java.sql.Connection con)
                               throws TorqueException
Returns all results.

criteria - A Criteria.
con - A Connection.
List of Record objects.
TorqueException - Any exceptions caught during processing will be rethrown wrapped into a TorqueException.


public static java.util.List executeQuery(java.lang.String queryString)
                                   throws TorqueException
Utility method which executes a given sql statement. This method should be used for select statements only. Use executeStatement for update, insert, and delete operations.

queryString - A String with the sql statement to execute.
List of Record objects.
TorqueException - Any exceptions caught during processing will be rethrown wrapped into a TorqueException.


public static java.util.List executeQuery(java.lang.String queryString,
                                          java.lang.String dbName)
                                   throws TorqueException
Utility method which executes a given sql statement. This method should be used for select statements only. Use executeStatement for update, insert, and delete operations.

queryString - A String with the sql statement to execute.
dbName - The database to connect to.
List of Record objects.
TorqueException - Any exceptions caught during processing will be rethrown wrapped into a TorqueException.


public static java.util.List executeQuery(java.lang.String queryString,
                                          java.lang.String dbName,
                                          boolean singleRecord)
                                   throws TorqueException
Method for performing a SELECT. Returns all results.

queryString - A String with the sql statement to execute.
dbName - The database to connect to.
singleRecord - Whether or not we want to select only a single record.
List of Record objects.
TorqueException - Any exceptions caught during processing will be rethrown wrapped into a TorqueException.


public static java.util.List executeQuery(java.lang.String queryString,
                                          boolean singleRecord,
                                          java.sql.Connection con)
                                   throws TorqueException
Method for performing a SELECT. Returns all results.

queryString - A String with the sql statement to execute.
singleRecord - Whether or not we want to select only a single record.
con - A Connection.
List of Record objects.
TorqueException - Any exceptions caught during processing will be rethrown wrapped into a TorqueException.


public static java.util.List executeQuery(java.lang.String queryString,
                                          int start,
                                          int numberOfResults,
                                          java.lang.String dbName,
                                          boolean singleRecord)
                                   throws TorqueException
Method for performing a SELECT.

queryString - A String with the sql statement to execute.
start - The first row to return.
numberOfResults - The number of rows to return.
dbName - The database to connect to.
singleRecord - Whether or not we want to select only a single record.
List of Record objects.
TorqueException - Any exceptions caught during processing will be rethrown wrapped into a TorqueException.


public static java.util.List executeQuery(java.lang.String queryString,
                                          int start,
                                          int numberOfResults,
                                          boolean singleRecord,
                                          java.sql.Connection con)
                                   throws TorqueException
Method for performing a SELECT. Returns all results.

queryString - A String with the sql statement to execute.
start - The first row to return.
numberOfResults - The number of rows to return.
singleRecord - Whether or not we want to select only a single record.
con - A Connection.
List of Record objects.
TorqueException - Any exceptions caught during processing will be rethrown wrapped into a TorqueException.


public static java.util.List getSelectResults(com.workingdogs.village.QueryDataSet qds)
                                       throws TorqueException
Returns all records in a QueryDataSet as a List of Record objects. Used for functionality like util.LargeSelect.

qds - the QueryDataSet
a List of Record objects
TorqueException - Any exceptions caught during processing will be rethrown wrapped into a TorqueException.
See Also:
getSelectResults(QueryDataSet, int, int, boolean)


public static java.util.List getSelectResults(com.workingdogs.village.QueryDataSet qds,
                                              boolean singleRecord)
                                       throws TorqueException
Returns all records in a QueryDataSet as a List of Record objects. Used for functionality like util.LargeSelect.

qds - the QueryDataSet
singleRecord -
a List of Record objects
TorqueException - Any exceptions caught during processing will be rethrown wrapped into a TorqueException.
See Also:
getSelectResults(QueryDataSet, int, int, boolean)


public static java.util.List getSelectResults(com.workingdogs.village.QueryDataSet qds,
                                              int numberOfResults,
                                              boolean singleRecord)
                                       throws TorqueException
Returns numberOfResults records in a QueryDataSet as a List of Record objects. Starting at record 0. Used for functionality like util.LargeSelect.

qds - the QueryDataSet
numberOfResults -
singleRecord -
a List of Record objects
TorqueException - Any exceptions caught during processing will be rethrown wrapped into a TorqueException.
See Also:
getSelectResults(QueryDataSet, int, int, boolean)


public static java.util.List getSelectResults(com.workingdogs.village.QueryDataSet qds,
                                              int start,
                                              int numberOfResults,
                                              boolean singleRecord)
                                       throws TorqueException
Returns numberOfResults records in a QueryDataSet as a List of Record objects. Starting at record start. Used for functionality like util.LargeSelect.

qds - The QueryDataSet to extract results from.
start - The index from which to start retrieving Record objects from the data set.
numberOfResults - The number of results to return (or -1 for all results).
singleRecord - Whether or not we want to select only a single record.
A List of Record objects.
TorqueException - If any Exception occurs.


public static void doUpdate(Criteria updateValues)
                     throws TorqueException
Convenience method used to update rows in the DB. Checks if a single int primary key is specified in the Criteria object and uses it to perform the udpate. If no primary key is specified an Exception will be thrown.

Use this method for performing an update of the kind:

"WHERE primary_key_id = an int"

To perform an update with non-primary key fields in the WHERE clause use doUpdate(criteria, criteria).

updateValues - A Criteria object containing values used in set clause.
TorqueException - Any exceptions caught during processing will be rethrown wrapped into a TorqueException.


public static void doUpdate(Criteria updateValues,
                            java.sql.Connection con)
                     throws TorqueException
Convenience method used to update rows in the DB. Checks if a single int primary key is specified in the Criteria object and uses it to perform the udpate. If no primary key is specified an Exception will be thrown.

Use this method for performing an update of the kind:

"WHERE primary_key_id = an int"

To perform an update with non-primary key fields in the WHERE clause use doUpdate(criteria, criteria).

updateValues - A Criteria object containing values used in set clause.
con - A Connection.
TorqueException - Any exceptions caught during processing will be rethrown wrapped into a TorqueException.


public static void doUpdate(Criteria selectCriteria,
                            Criteria updateValues)
                     throws TorqueException
Method used to update rows in the DB. Rows are selected based on selectCriteria and updated using values in updateValues.

Use this method for performing an update of the kind:

WHERE some_column = some value AND could_have_another_column = another value AND so on...

selectCriteria - A Criteria object containing values used in where clause.
updateValues - A Criteria object containing values used in set clause.
TorqueException - Any exceptions caught during processing will be rethrown wrapped into a TorqueException.


public static void doUpdate(Criteria criteria,
                            Criteria updateValues,
                            java.sql.Connection con)
                     throws TorqueException
Method used to update rows in the DB. Rows are selected based on criteria and updated using values in updateValues.

Use this method for performing an update of the kind:

WHERE some_column = some value AND could_have_another_column = another value AND so on.

criteria - A Criteria object containing values used in where clause.
updateValues - A Criteria object containing values used in set clause.
con - A Connection.
TorqueException - Any exceptions caught during processing will be rethrown wrapped into a TorqueException.


public static int executeStatement(java.lang.String statementString)
                            throws TorqueException
Utility method which executes a given sql statement. This method should be used for update, insert, and delete statements. Use executeQuery() for selects.

statementString - A String with the sql statement to execute.
The number of rows affected.
TorqueException - Any exceptions caught during processing will be rethrown wrapped into a TorqueException.


public static int executeStatement(java.lang.String statementString,
                                   java.lang.String dbName)
                            throws TorqueException
Utility method which executes a given sql statement. This method should be used for update, insert, and delete statements. Use executeQuery() for selects.

statementString - A String with the sql statement to execute.
dbName - Name of database to connect to.
The number of rows affected.
TorqueException - Any exceptions caught during processing will be rethrown wrapped into a TorqueException.


public static int executeStatement(java.lang.String statementString,
                                   java.sql.Connection con)
                            throws TorqueException
Utility method which executes a given sql statement. This method should be used for update, insert, and delete statements. Use executeQuery() for selects.

statementString - A String with the sql statement to execute.
con - A Connection.
The number of rows affected.
TorqueException - Any exceptions caught during processing will be rethrown wrapped into a TorqueException.


protected static void handleMultipleRecords(com.workingdogs.village.DataSet ds)
                                     throws TooManyRowsException
If the user specified that (s)he only wants to retrieve a single record and multiple records are retrieved, this method is called to handle the situation. The default behavior is to throw an exception, but subclasses can override this method as needed.

ds - The DataSet which contains multiple records.
TooManyRowsException - Couldn't handle multiple records.


public static MapBuilder getMapBuilder(java.lang.String name)
                                throws TorqueException
Deprecated. Use Torque.getMapBuilder(name) instead

This method returns the MapBuilder specified in the name parameter. You should pass in the full path to the class, ie: The MapBuilder instances are cached in the TorqueInstance for speed.

name - name of the MapBuilder
A MapBuilder, not null
TorqueException - if the Map Builder cannot be instantiated


public static java.util.List doPSSelect(Criteria criteria,
                                        java.sql.Connection con)
                                 throws TorqueException
Performs a SQL select using a PreparedStatement. Note: this method does not handle null criteria values.

criteria -
con -
a List of Record objects.
TorqueException - Error performing database query.


public static java.util.List doPSSelect(Criteria criteria)
                                 throws TorqueException
Do a Prepared Statement select according to the given criteria

criteria -
a List of Record objects.
TorqueException - Any exceptions caught during processing will be rethrown wrapped into a TorqueException.


public static void createPreparedStatement(Criteria criteria,
                                           java.lang.StringBuffer queryString,
                                           java.util.List params)
                                    throws TorqueException
Create a new PreparedStatement. It builds a string representation of a query and a list of PreparedStatement parameters.

criteria -
queryString -
params -
TorqueException - Any exceptions caught during processing will be rethrown wrapped into a TorqueException.


public static void correctBooleans(Criteria criteria,
                                   TableMap defaultTableMap)
                            throws TorqueException
Checks all columns in the criteria to see whether booleanchar and booleanint columns are queried with a boolean. If yes, the query values are mapped onto values the database does understand, i.e. 0 and 1 for booleanints and N and Y for booleanchar columns.

criteria - The criteria to be checked for booleanint and booleanchar columns.
defaultTableMap - the table map to be used if the table name is not given in a column.
TorqueException - if the database map for the criteria cannot be retrieved.

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