Package org.apache.torque

Torque is an object-relational mapper for Java.


Class Summary
Database Bundles all information about a database.
Torque A static facade wrapper around the Torque implementation (which is in TorqueInstance).
TorqueInstance The core of Torque's implementation.

Exception Summary
NoRowsException This exception indicates that no rows were returned but atleast one should have been returned.
TooManyRowsException This exception indicates that more rows were returned than expected.
TorqueException The base class of all exceptions thrown by Torque.
TorqueRuntimeException This is a base class of runtime exeptions thrown by Torque.

Package org.apache.torque Description

Torque is an object-relational mapper for Java. In other words, Torque lets you access and manipulate data in a relational database using java objects. Unlike most other object-relational mappers, Torque does not use reflection to access user-provided classes, but it generates the necessary classes (including the Data Objects) from an XML schema describing the database layout (which can either be written by hand or generated from an existing database). The XML schema can also be used to generate and execute a SQL script which creates all the tables in the database.

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