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Apache Derby: Release Checklist for Docs

For each release, the following list of items should be used as a checklist by the people making documentation contributions. This checklist contains items that should be reviewed (and updated) before each new Derby release is approved and goes live.

You can read a high-level writeup on the actions that need to be done for Derby releases for more information.

Update the conrefs files

WHEN: After each new release is made public
The conref files for the Derby manuals need to be updated so that the Alpha versions of the manuals reflect the next release number. This task needs to be completed for each new minor and point release.

To complete this task:

  1. Ask on the derby-dev list what the correct release number is (minor or point).
  2. Create a JIRA issue for this task.
  3. Open the conrefs files for each Derby manual. For example: devconrefs.dita
  4. In the "Version and release numbers" section, change the ph tag for shortversionnumber.
  5. If this is a new major release, for example from 10 to 11, in the "Product specific entities" section change the ph tag for productinstallname.

If a new manual has been added to the Derby documentation set, you must list the new manual in the "pub" section in each conrefs file.

Update examples in the manuals

WHEN: Before each new point release is made public, such as 10.3, 10.4
Some of the examples in the manuals contain specific date references. For the documentation to be current, these references need to be updated each release.

In the Working with Derby manual, the following files need to be updated:

  • twwdactivity1.dita
  • twwdactivity2.dita
  • twwdactivity3_Setup.dita
  • twwdactivity4.dita

In the Reference Guide manual, the following files need to be updated:

  • rrefdayfunc.dita

In the Developer's Guide manual, the following files need to be updated:

  • cdevdvlp27715.dita

Additionally, some of the files in the Working with Derby guide have specific release and tag values that need to be updated each release. The following files need to be updated:

  • twwdactivity1.dita
  • twwdactivity2.dita
  • twwdactivity4.dita

Check the licensing and copyright information

WHEN: As new files are created and before each new release is made public
Each new dita file that is created must contain licensing information at the top of the file. This information is internal and does not print out. The template files contain this hidden licensing information.

If you used the DITA topic templates to create your new files, the licensing information should appear at the top of the topic in your editor. If you did not use the template files, you must paste a copy of this information into each new topic that you created in this release. The templates are located in the \trunk\templates directory.

Additionally, each manual must display copyright information at the beginning of the output along with a date. The date should be updated as necessary. Sometimes the wording of the copyright changes. Check with derby-dev for any updates to the copyright wording.

If the licensing wording needs to be changed in all of the files, you can use the following steps to update the topics and the generated output:

For more information on ASF copyright requirements, see the comments on JIRA issue Derby-2227.

Update the ditamap files

WHEN: Only if the content has changed. This does not apply when only the formatting has changed.
For each manual, there is a ditamap file which contains a copyryear tag. The tag displays 2 years, the first year the content in the manual was developed and the last year that the content in the manual was modified. If any file in a manual is updated during the year, the second year in the copyryear tag must be updated.

For example, if the tag has "copyryear year="2002,2006" and the contents are changed in 2007, you must update the second year so that the tag reads:

copyryear year="2002,2007"

Please post feedback to the derby-dev mail list.

Last Updated: January 29, 2007