Set this property to a supported character encoding value when using one of the Derby tools with a language not supported by your default system.
where derbyval is a supported character encoding value, for example, UTF8 (see Sample Character Encodings).
The following command specifies to run ij using the Japanese territory (derby.ui.locale=ja_JP) using Japanese Latin Kanji mixed encoding (codeset=Cp939):
java -Dderby.ui.locale=ja_JP -Dderby.ui.codeset=Cp939 -Dij.protocol=jdbc:derby:
Character Encoding | Explanation |
8859_1 | ISO Latin-1 |
8859_2 | ISO Latin-2 |
8859_7 | ISO Latin/Greek |
Cp1257 | Windows Baltic |
Cp1258 | Windows Vietnamese |
Cp437 | PC Original |
EUCJIS | Japanese EUC |
GB2312 | GB2312-80 Simplified Chinese |
KSC5601 | KSC5601 Korean |
MacCroatian | Macintosh Croatian |
MacCyrillic | Macintosh Cyrillic |
SJIS | PC and Windows Japanese |
UTF8 | Standard UTF-8 |