create table mytable (r REAL, d DOUBLE PRECISION); 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted INSERT INTO mytable (r, d) values (3.4028236E38, 3.4028235E38); ERROR X0X41: The number '3.4028236E38' is outside the range for the data type REAL.
INSERT INTO mytable(integer_column) values (1.09e0); 1 row inserted/updated/deleted SELECT integer_column FROM mytable; I --------------- 1
ij> insert into mytable (decimal_column)
VALUES (55555555556666666666);
ERROR X0Y21: The number '55555555556666666666' is outside the
range of the target DECIMAL/NUMERIC(5,2) datatype.
INSERT INTO mytable (int_column) values 2147483648;
ERROR 22003: The resulting value is outside the range for the
data type INTEGER.