This section describes the commands and errors within the
ij tool.
ij commands
ij accepts several commands to control its use of JDBC.
Absolute command
The Absolute command moves the cursor to the row specified by the int argument, then fetches the row.
After Last command
The After Last command moves the cursor to after the last row, then fetches the row.
Async command
The Async command lets you execute an SQL statement in a separate thread.
Autocommit command
The Autocommit command turns the connection's auto-commit mode on or off.
Before First command
The Before First command moves the cursor to before the first row, then fetches the row.
Close command
The Close command closes the named cursor.
Commit command
The Commit command issues a java.sql.Connection.commit request.
Connect command
The Connect command connects to the database indicated by the ConnectionURLString argument.
Describe command
The Describe command provides a decription of the specified table or view.
Disconnect command
The Disconnect command disconnects from the database.
Driver command
The Driver command takes the value of the DriverNameString argument and issues a Class.forName request to load the named class.
Elapsedtime command
The Elapsedtime command, if set to ON, displays the total time elapsed during statement execution.
Execute command
The Execute command executes an SQL statement or a named prepared statement.
Exit command
The Exit command causes the ij application to complete and processing to halt.
First command
The First command moves the cursor to the first row in the ResultSet, then fetches the row.
Get Cursor command
The Get Cursor command creates a cursor with the name of the specified Identifier by issuing a java.sql.Statement.executeQuery request on the value of the specified String.
Get Scroll Insensitive Cursor command
The Get Scroll Insensitive Cursor command creates a scrollable insensitive cursor with the name of the specified Identifier.
Help command
The Help command prints out a brief list of the ij commands.
HoldForConnection command
The HoldForConnection command sets the default holdability for a connection to the default ResultSet.HOLD_CURSORS_OVER_COMMIT.
Last command
The Last command moves the cursor to the last row in the ResultSet, then fetches the row.
LocalizedDisplay command
The LocalizedDisplay command specifies that ij should display locale-sensitive data (such as dates) in the native format for the ij locale.
MaximumDisplayWidth command
The MaximumDisplayWidth command sets the largest display width for columns to the specified value.
Next command
The Next command fetches the next row from the specified named cursor.
NoHoldForConnection command
The NoHoldForConnection command changes the default holdability for a connection from ResultSet.HOLD_CURSORS_OVER_COMMIT to ResultSet.CLOSE_CURSORS_AT_COMMIT.
Prepare command
The Prepare command creates a java.sql.PreparedStatement using the value of the specified String, accessible in ij by the Identifier given to it.
Previous command
The Previous command moves the cursor to the row previous to the current one, then fetches the row.
Protocol command
The Protocol command specifies the protocol for establishing connections and automatically loads the appropriate driver.
Readonly command
The Readonly command sets the current connection to a "read-only" connection, as if the current user were defined as a readOnlyAccess user.
Relative command
The Relative command moves the cursor to the row that is the specified number of rows relative to the current row, then fetches the row.
Remove command
The Remove command removes a previously prepared statement from ij.
Rollback command
The Rollback command issues a java.sql.Connection.rollback request.
Run command
The Run command redirects ij processing to read from a specified file.
Set Connection command
The Set Connection command specifies which connection to make current when more than one connection is open.
Show command
The Show command displays information about active connections and database objects.
Wait For command
The Wait For command displays the results of a previously started asynchronous command.