News and Status

This document contains the latest news and status regarding the Torque development. It is here that you'll find announcements related to Torque.

September 2020 - Torque-5.0 released

This is the second production release of the Torque 4 branch. Note: SCM and JIRA version 4.1 entries has been included and propagated as version 5.0.

For details, please check the changes list.

March 2013 - Torque-4.0 released

This is the first production release of the Torque 4 branch. The main changes with respect to the 4.0-beta1 release are:

  • Updates using custom SQL now use prepared statements.
  • The documentation is now available for download.
  • The documentation structure was reorganized.
  • There are now specific exceptions thrown for deadlocks and constraint violations (DeadlockException and ConstraintViolationException).
  • Associated object state can now be set by a bulk operation (see generated setAndSave methods in Peers).
  • And a few bugs were fixed.
For details, please check the changes list.

20 September 2012 - Torque-4.0-beta1 released

This release of the Torque 4 branch allows feedback before the 4.0 release. The main changes with respect to Torque 3.3 are:

  • The "look and feel" of Torque 3 was maintained.
  • The generator is now a general-purpose code generator.
  • As the templates are now modular, it is easy to extend or modify the generated code without having to replace the whole templates.
  • A new Criteria implementation was created, with slightly changed semantics. The old Criteria implementation was retained but deprecated.
  • Prepared statements are sued throughout all queries.
  • Column names are now encapsulated in objects.

16 February 2010 - new Generator, Templates and Maven plugin

The generator was replaced with a brand-new general purpose code generator. The templates have been adopted to match this change. A new Maven plugin integrates the new generator in a Maven 2/3 build. An Ant tasks project integrates the new generator in an Ant build.

07 September 2008 - Torque 4 branch created

The idea of Torque 4 is to allow major reworking of the internals of Torque 3. The usage of Torque should not change much, however, some more exotic features could change. Some of the ideas are:

  • Replace the village library
  • Provide an alternative to the static peer classes
  • ...

Ideas and help are very welcome. Join the Torque Mailing lists.