Uses of Class

Uses of Record in com.workingdogs.village

Methods in com.workingdogs.village that return Record
 Record DataSet.addRecord()
          Calls addRecord(DataSet)
 Record DataSet.addRecord(DataSet ds)
          Creates a new Record within this DataSet
 Record DataSet.getRecord(int pos)
          Get Record at 0 based index position
 Record Record.markToBeDeleted()
          Marks this record to be deleted when a save is executed.
 Record DataSet.removeRecord(Record rec)
          Remove a record from the DataSet's internal storage
 Record Record.setValue(int pos, java.math.BigDecimal value)
          sets the value at pos with a BigDecimal
 Record Record.setValue(int pos, boolean value)
          sets the value at pos with a boolean
 Record Record.setValue(int pos, byte[] value)
          sets the value at pos with a byte[]
 Record Record.setValue(int pos, java.util.Date value)
          sets the value at pos with a java.util.Date
 Record Record.setValue(int pos, java.sql.Date value)
          sets the value at pos with a java.sql.Date
 Record Record.setValue(int pos, double value)
          sets the value at pos with a double
 Record Record.setValue(int pos, float value)
          sets the value at pos with a float
 Record Record.setValue(int pos, int value)
          sets the value at pos with a int
 Record Record.setValue(int pos, long value)
          sets the value at pos with a long
 Record Record.setValue(int pos, java.lang.String value)
          sets the value at pos with a String
 Record Record.setValue(int pos, java.sql.Time value)
          sets the value at pos with a java.sql.Time
 Record Record.setValue(int pos, java.sql.Timestamp value)
          sets the value at pos with a java.sql.Timestamp
 Record Record.setValue(int pos, Value value)
          sets the value at pos with a Value
 Record Record.setValue(java.lang.String columnName, java.math.BigDecimal value)
          sets the value at column name with a BigDecimal
 Record Record.setValue(java.lang.String columnName, boolean value)
          sets the value at column name with a boolean
 Record Record.setValue(java.lang.String columnName, byte[] value)
          sets the value at column name with a byte[]
 Record Record.setValue(java.lang.String columnName, java.util.Date value)
          sets the value at column name with a java.util.Date
 Record Record.setValue(java.lang.String columnName, java.sql.Date value)
          sets the value at column name with a java.sql.Date
 Record Record.setValue(java.lang.String columnName, double value)
          sets the value at column name with a double
 Record Record.setValue(java.lang.String columnName, float value)
          sets the value at column name with a float
 Record Record.setValue(java.lang.String columnName, int value)
          sets the value at column name with a int
 Record Record.setValue(java.lang.String columnName, long value)
          sets the value at column name with a long
 Record Record.setValue(java.lang.String columnName, java.lang.String value)
          sets the value at column name with a String
 Record Record.setValue(java.lang.String columnName, java.sql.Time value)
          sets the value at column name with a java.sql.Time
 Record Record.setValue(java.lang.String columnName, java.sql.Timestamp value)
          sets the value at column name with a java.sql.Timestamp
 Record Record.setValue(java.lang.String columnName, Value value)
          sets the value at column name with a Value
 Record Record.setValueNull(int pos)
          sets the value at pos with a NULL
 Record Record.setValueNull(java.lang.String columnName)
          sets the value at column name with a NULL
 Record Record.unmarkToBeDeleted()
          Unmarks a record that has been marked for deletion.

Methods in com.workingdogs.village with parameters of type Record
 Record DataSet.removeRecord(Record rec)
          Remove a record from the DataSet's internal storage

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