Alle Klassen und Schnittstellen

This class is the abstract base for any database adapter Support for new databases is added by subclassing this class and implementing its abstract methods, and by registering the new database adapter and its corresponding JDBC driver in the service configuration file.
This class contains common functionality of a Manager for instantiating OM's.
A class that contains common functionality of the factories in this package.
A default framework that implements the core SQLFunction interface requirements that can be used to build specific functions on.
This class serves as a common base class for the sequence-based and the autoincrement-based id generators
This is an abstract layer for all generated peer classes that implements several convenience methods that otherwise would have to be generated.
Abstract base class for a WhereClausePsPartBuilder.
DB defines the interface for a Torque database adapter.
This class creates different Adapter objects based on specified JDBC driver name.
A container for classes that will generate SQL for the SQL99 Standard Aggregate functions.
This generator works with databases that have an sql syntax that allows the retrieval of the last id used to insert a row for a Connection.
SQL99 Standard Average function.
Get's the average of a column with entries matching the provided criteria.
This is the base class for all Peer classes in the system.
Maps a database record to a BigDecimal.
This class can be used as an ObjectKey to uniquely identify an object within an application where the id consists of a Boolean.
Listener for cache events
The metadata of a column (or pseudocolumn) in a database.
Define accessors by name.
An implementation of the column interface.
ColumnMap is used to model a column of a table in a database.
A class containing values for database columns.
A PreparedStatementPart which consists of a list of other PreparedStatementParts.
This class can be used as an ObjectKey to uniquely identify an object within an application where the key consists of multiple entities (such a String[] representing a multi-column primary key).
Uses a list of mappers to map a database record to a list of objects.
This exception is thrown if a database operation violates a database constraint, e.g. a foreign key constraint, a unique constraint or a not-null constraint.
SQL99 Standard count function.
Counts entries matching a criteria.
Encapsulates conditions to access rows in database tables.
Describes one or more where clause parts in the Criteria.
A WhereClausePsPartBuilder which handles SqlEnum.CURRENT_DATE and SqlEnum.CURRENT_TIME.
Bundles all information about a database.
DatabaseMap is used to model a database.
A factory that returns a DataSource.
This class can be used as an ObjectKey to uniquely identify an object within an application where the id is a Date.
Maps a database record to a java.util.Date.
This exception is thrown if the database detects a deadlock.
This is used to connect to an embedded Apache Derby Database using the supplied JDBC driver.
Converter implementation that handles conversion to and from java.time.Duration objects.
Builds a PreparedStatementPart from a WhereClauseExpression containing an enum object.
Translates Database Exceptions into TorqueExceptions.
Default implementation of the ExceptionMapper interface.
ForeignKeyMap is used to model a foreign key in a database.
A pair of local and Foreign column.
This class describes an Element in the From-part of a SQL clause.
This is used to connect to Hsqldb databases.
This method of ID generation is used to ensure that code is more database independent.
Interface to be implemented by id generators.
A factory which instantiates IdGenerator implementations.
Interface for various ID retrieval method types (i.e. auto-increment, sequence, ID broker, etc.).
Builds a PreparedStatementPart from a WhereClauseExpression containing a Like operator.
InheritanceMap is used to model OM inheritance classes.
Maps a database record to a Integer.
A value for a column, with the JDBC type if it is an explicit value.
A factory that looks up the DataSource from JNDI.
Data object to describe a join between two tables, for example
Generates SQL for joins.
The possible explicit join types.
This class can be used to retrieve a large result set from a database query.
Builds a PreparedStatementPart from a WhereClauseExpression containing a Like operator.
A subclass of LinkedHashMap that has case insensitive String key methods.
Maps a database record to a Long.
Utility methods for Database, Table and Column Maps.
Mapping strategy used in processRow method of generated mappers.
SQL99 Standard max function.
The key for the MethodResultCache.
This class provides a cache for convenient storage of method results.
SQL99 Standard min function.
This is used to connect to a MSSQL database.
This is used in order to connect to a MySQL database using the MM drivers.
This DatabaseHandler is used when you do not have a database installed.
This class provides a no-op cache for convenient storage of method results
A PreparedStatementPart which only contains SQL and no replacements.
This exception indicates that no rows were returned but at least one should have been returned.
Builds a PreparedStatementPart from a WhereClauseExpression which rhs is null and which has one of the comparison opertator =, <>, or !
This class can be used as an ObjectKey to uniquely identify an object within an application where the id consists of a single entity such a GUID or the value of a db row's primary key.
This class can be used to uniquely identify an object within an application.
Maps a record to a list of objects.
This interface defines methods related to object referencing and tracking
Builds a PreparedStatementPart from a column or single value.
Builds a PreparedStatementPart from a single object (e.g. a column or a SQL value).
A PreparedStatementPart which only contains replacements, no sql.
This exception is thrown if the database detects that a row in a table with optimistic locking was updated by another process.
OptionSupport provides the basic methods for the management of options within the database schema model.
This code should be used for an Oracle database pool.
An order by clause.
This interface defines methods related to saving an object
A factory that looks up the DataSource using the DBCP2 pool methods.
This is used to connect to PostgresQL databases.
The rendered SQL for a part of a prepared statement, including replacements for ?
A PreparedStatementPart which encapsulates a subselect.
Modifiable implementation of the PreparedStatementPart interface.
Contains the various parts of a SQL statement (select, update or delete).
All types of the statement.
Maps an object to a database record and back.
Stream support: Encapsulate iteration over a JDBC ResultSet
This generator works with databases that have an sql syntax for getting an id prior to inserting a row into the database.
A factory that looks up the DataSource using the DBCP2 pool methods.
This empty class marks an ObjectKey as being capable of being represented as a single column in a database.
Factored out code that is used to process SQL tables.
A typesafe enum of SQL string fragments.
Define the basic methods that classes that support SQL Functions need to implement for Classes that use them.
Builds a PreparedStatementPart from a WhereClauseExpression which RHS and LHS is a simple value.
This class can be used as an ObjectKey to uniquely identify an object within an application where the id consists of a single entity such a GUID or the value of a db row's primary key.
Maps a database record to a String.
SQL99 Standard sum function.
A utility to help produce aggregate summary information about a table.
TableMap is used to model a table in a database.
This exception indicates that more rows were returned than expected.
Avalon role interface for Torque.
A static facade wrapper around the Torque implementation (which is in TorqueInstance).
Avalon component for Torque.
Torque's extension to the JDBC connection
Encapsulates connection status tracking and allows AutoClosing within Torque.
The base class of all checked exceptions thrown by Torque.
The core of Torque's implementation.
This is the base class of all non-checked exceptions in Torque.
Encapsulates transaction and connection handling within Torque.
Torque's interface to the transaction management system.
Standard connection and transaction management for Torque.
List with unique entries.
List with unique entries.
Builds a PreparedStatementPart from a WhereClauseExpression containing a verbatim SQL condition.
The raw values for a part of the where clause of a SQL statement, either of the form lValue operator rValue, e.g. author.author_id = 1, or in form of a custom sql query with sql and replacement values.
Builds a PreparedStatementPart from a WhereClauseExpression.