A B C D G I J L M N O Q R S T U V 
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A - org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest.EnumWithoutValueMethod
A - org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest.EnumWithValueMethod
AbstractBaseManagerTest - Class in org.apache.torque.manager
AbstractBaseManagerTest() - Constructor for class org.apache.torque.manager.AbstractBaseManagerTest
AbstractFunctionTest - Class in org.apache.torque.util.functions
Tests the AggregateFunction class.
AbstractFunctionTest() - Constructor for class org.apache.torque.util.functions.AbstractFunctionTest
addedObject(TestPersistent) - Method in class org.apache.torque.manager.AbstractBaseManagerTest
AggregateFunctionTest - Class in org.apache.torque.util.functions
Tests the AggregateFunction class.
AggregateFunctionTest() - Constructor for class org.apache.torque.util.functions.AggregateFunctionTest
AvalonTest - Class in org.apache.torque.avalon
Basic testing of the Torque Avalon Component
AvalonTest() - Constructor for class org.apache.torque.avalon.AvalonTest
AvgTest - Class in org.apache.torque.util.functions
Tests the Avg class.
AvgTest() - Constructor for class org.apache.torque.util.functions.AvgTest


B - org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest.EnumWithoutValueMethod
B - org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest.EnumWithValueMethod
BasePeerImplTest - Class in org.apache.torque.util
Tests the class BasePeerImpl.
BasePeerImplTest() - Constructor for class org.apache.torque.util.BasePeerImplTest
BaseTestCase - Class in org.apache.torque
Base functionality to be extended by all Torque test cases.
BaseTestCase() - Constructor for class org.apache.torque.BaseTestCase
BigDecimalMapperTest - Class in org.apache.torque.om.mapper
BigDecimalMapperTest() - Constructor for class org.apache.torque.om.mapper.BigDecimalMapperTest


C - org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest.EnumWithoutValueMethod
C - org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest.EnumWithValueMethod
ColumnImplTest - Class in org.apache.torque
Test for the class ColumnImpl
ColumnImplTest() - Constructor for class org.apache.torque.ColumnImplTest
ColumnMapTest - Class in org.apache.torque.map
Test for the class ColumnMap.
ColumnMapTest() - Constructor for class org.apache.torque.map.ColumnMapTest
ComboKeyTest - Class in org.apache.torque.om
TestCase for ComboKey
ComboKeyTest() - Constructor for class org.apache.torque.om.ComboKeyTest
CompositeMapperTest - Class in org.apache.torque.om.mapper
CompositeMapperTest() - Constructor for class org.apache.torque.om.mapper.CompositeMapperTest
CONFIG_FILE - Static variable in class org.apache.torque.BaseTestCase
The path to the configuration file.
CountTest - Class in org.apache.torque.util.functions
Tests the Count class.
CountTest() - Constructor for class org.apache.torque.util.functions.CountTest
CriteriaTest - Class in org.apache.torque.criteria
Test class for Criteria.
CriteriaTest() - Constructor for class org.apache.torque.criteria.CriteriaTest
CriterionTest - Class in org.apache.torque.criteria
Test for the Criterion class.
CriterionTest() - Constructor for class org.apache.torque.criteria.CriterionTest


database - Variable in class org.apache.torque.BaseTestCase
A Reference to the postgresql (default) database.
databaseMap - Variable in class org.apache.torque.BaseTestCase
A pre-filled database map.
databaseMysql - Variable in class org.apache.torque.BaseTestCase
A Reference to the mysql database.
databaseOracle - Variable in class org.apache.torque.BaseTestCase
A Reference to the oracle database.
databasePostgresql - Variable in class org.apache.torque.BaseTestCase
A Reference to the postgresql (default) database.
DateMapperTest - Class in org.apache.torque.om.mapper
DateMapperTest() - Constructor for class org.apache.torque.om.mapper.DateMapperTest
DBOracleTest - Class in org.apache.torque.adapter
DBOracleTest() - Constructor for class org.apache.torque.adapter.DBOracleTest


getByValue(String) - Static method in enum org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest.EnumWithValueMethod
getInterestedFields() - Method in class org.apache.torque.manager.AbstractBaseManagerTest
getPrimaryKey() - Method in class org.apache.torque.manager.TestPersistent
getValue() - Method in enum org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest.EnumWithValueMethod


initTorque() - Static method in class org.apache.torque.manager.AbstractBaseManagerTest
initTorque() - Static method in class org.apache.torque.manager.MethodResultCacheTest
integerColumnMap - Variable in class org.apache.torque.BaseTestCase
A pre-filled Integer column map.
IntegerMapperTest - Class in org.apache.torque.om.mapper
IntegerMapperTest() - Constructor for class org.apache.torque.om.mapper.IntegerMapperTest
isModified() - Method in class org.apache.torque.manager.TestPersistent
isNew() - Method in class org.apache.torque.manager.TestPersistent


JoinTest - Class in org.apache.torque.criteria
Test for the Join class.
JoinTest() - Constructor for class org.apache.torque.criteria.JoinTest


LongMapperTest - Class in org.apache.torque.om.mapper
LongMapperTest() - Constructor for class org.apache.torque.om.mapper.LongMapperTest


MaxTest - Class in org.apache.torque.util.functions
Tests the Max class
MaxTest() - Constructor for class org.apache.torque.util.functions.MaxTest
MethodResultCacheTest - Class in org.apache.torque.manager
MethodResultCacheTest() - Constructor for class org.apache.torque.manager.MethodResultCacheTest
MinTest - Class in org.apache.torque.util.functions
Tests the Min class
MinTest() - Constructor for class org.apache.torque.util.functions.MinTest


NumberKeyTest - Class in org.apache.torque.om
Tests the NumberKey class.
NumberKeyTest() - Constructor for class org.apache.torque.om.NumberKeyTest


ObjectListMapperTest - Class in org.apache.torque.om.mapper
ObjectListMapperTest() - Constructor for class org.apache.torque.om.mapper.ObjectListMapperTest
org.apache.torque - package org.apache.torque
Torque is an object-relational mapper for Java.
org.apache.torque.adapter - package org.apache.torque.adapter
Adapters between Torque and various databases.
org.apache.torque.avalon - package org.apache.torque.avalon
Avalon component implementation.
org.apache.torque.criteria - package org.apache.torque.criteria
This package contains Torque's Criteria classes.
org.apache.torque.manager - package org.apache.torque.manager
A manager/factory API for use with Torque-generated data beans.
org.apache.torque.map - package org.apache.torque.map
Description of the schema layout.
org.apache.torque.om - package org.apache.torque.om
API for the classic Torque-generated object model.
org.apache.torque.om.mapper - package org.apache.torque.om.mapper
Contains the Mapper interface which defines how to map from a ResultSet to an object, and simple implementations of this interface.
org.apache.torque.sql - package org.apache.torque.sql
This package contains classes which are mainly used in the SQL generation process.
org.apache.torque.util - package org.apache.torque.util
Misc. utility classes.
org.apache.torque.util.functions - package org.apache.torque.util.functions
SQL function handling


QueryTest - Class in org.apache.torque.sql
Tests for Query
QueryTest() - Constructor for class org.apache.torque.sql.QueryTest


refreshedObject(TestPersistent) - Method in class org.apache.torque.manager.AbstractBaseManagerTest
removedObject(TestPersistent) - Method in class org.apache.torque.manager.AbstractBaseManagerTest
retrieveStoredOM(ObjectKey<?>) - Method in class org.apache.torque.manager.TestManager
retrieveStoredOMs(List<? extends ObjectKey<?>>) - Method in class org.apache.torque.manager.TestManager


save() - Method in class org.apache.torque.manager.TestPersistent
save(String) - Method in class org.apache.torque.manager.TestPersistent
save(Connection) - Method in class org.apache.torque.manager.TestPersistent
setModified(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.torque.manager.TestPersistent
setNew(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.torque.manager.TestPersistent
setPrimaryKey(String) - Method in class org.apache.torque.manager.TestPersistent
setPrimaryKey(ObjectKey<?>) - Method in class org.apache.torque.manager.TestPersistent
setUp() - Method in class org.apache.torque.avalon.AvalonTest
setUp() - Method in class org.apache.torque.BaseTestCase
Re-Initialize Torque and fill supplied data.
setUp() - Method in class org.apache.torque.criteria.CriteriaTest
Initializes the criteria.
setUp() - Method in class org.apache.torque.manager.AbstractBaseManagerTest
setUp() - Method in class org.apache.torque.manager.MethodResultCacheTest
setUp() - Method in class org.apache.torque.om.mapper.BigDecimalMapperTest
setUp() - Method in class org.apache.torque.om.mapper.CompositeMapperTest
setUp() - Method in class org.apache.torque.om.mapper.DateMapperTest
setUp() - Method in class org.apache.torque.om.mapper.IntegerMapperTest
setUp() - Method in class org.apache.torque.om.mapper.LongMapperTest
setUp() - Method in class org.apache.torque.om.mapper.ObjectListMapperTest
setUp() - Method in class org.apache.torque.om.mapper.StringMapperTest
setUp() - Method in class org.apache.torque.util.BasePeerImplTest
setUp() - Method in class org.apache.torque.util.functions.AbstractFunctionTest
setUp() - Method in class org.apache.torque.util.SummaryHelperTest
Sets up the helper objects and the test.
shutdownTorque() - Static method in class org.apache.torque.manager.AbstractBaseManagerTest
shutdownTorque() - Static method in class org.apache.torque.manager.MethodResultCacheTest
SqlBuilderTest - Class in org.apache.torque.sql
Tests for SqlExpression
SqlBuilderTest() - Constructor for class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
SqlBuilderTest.EnumWithoutValueMethod - Enum in org.apache.torque.sql
SqlBuilderTest.EnumWithValueMethod - Enum in org.apache.torque.sql
stringColumnMap - Variable in class org.apache.torque.BaseTestCase
A pre-filled String column map.
stringColumnMap2 - Variable in class org.apache.torque.BaseTestCase
A pre-filled String column map.
stringColumnMap3 - Variable in class org.apache.torque.BaseTestCase
A pre-filled String column map.
StringMapperTest - Class in org.apache.torque.om.mapper
StringMapperTest() - Constructor for class org.apache.torque.om.mapper.StringMapperTest
SummaryHelperTest - Class in org.apache.torque.util
Test class for SummaryHelper.
SummaryHelperTest() - Constructor for class org.apache.torque.util.SummaryHelperTest
SumTest - Class in org.apache.torque.util.functions
Tests the Sum class
SumTest() - Constructor for class org.apache.torque.util.functions.SumTest


tableMap - Variable in class org.apache.torque.BaseTestCase
A pre-filled table map.
tearDown() - Method in class org.apache.torque.manager.AbstractBaseManagerTest
tearDown() - Method in class org.apache.torque.manager.MethodResultCacheTest
tearDown() - Method in class org.apache.torque.util.BasePeerImplTest
testAdArgument() - Method in class org.apache.torque.util.functions.AbstractFunctionTest
Tests that addArgument works
testAddSelectColumns() - Method in class org.apache.torque.util.BasePeerImplTest
testAddSelectColumnsWithAsColumns() - Method in class org.apache.torque.util.BasePeerImplTest
Checks that doSelect does add Select Columns if an AsColumn was already added.
testAggregateFunction() - Method in class org.apache.torque.util.functions.AggregateFunctionTest
Tests the aggregateFunction constructor without distinct returns the correct SQL.
testAggregateFunctionWithDistinct() - Method in class org.apache.torque.util.functions.AggregateFunctionTest
Tests the aggregateFunction constructor with distinct returns the correct SQL.
testAlias() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testAliasWithDefaultSchema() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testAliasWithIgnoreCaseIntegerColumnType() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testAliasWithIgnoreCaseIntegerColumnTypeAndDefaultSchema() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testAliasWithIgnoreCaseStringColumnType() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testAliasWithIgnoreCaseStringColumnTypeAndDefaultSchema() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testAliasWithIgnoreCaseUnknownColumnType() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testAliasWithSubquery() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testAliasWithSubqueryAndReplacements() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testAndCriterions() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
Test where condition with several ANDs compairing against Strings.
testAndCurrentDate() - Method in class org.apache.torque.criteria.CriteriaTest
testAndCurrentTime() - Method in class org.apache.torque.criteria.CriteriaTest
testAndDate() - Method in class org.apache.torque.criteria.CriteriaTest
Testcase for andDate().
testAndString() - Method in class org.apache.torque.criteria.CriteriaTest
Test where condition with several ANDs compairing against Strings.
testAndString() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
Test where condition with several ANDs compairing against Strings.
testAndVerbatimSqlReplacementNull() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
Test the andVerbatimSql method with null replacements.
testAndVerbatimSqlWithFromColumns() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
Test the andVerbatimSql method with from Columns.
testAndVerbatimSqlWithReplacements() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
Test the andVerbatimSql method with replacements.
testAppendTo() - Method in class org.apache.torque.om.ComboKeyTest
Test of appendTo method, of class org.apache.torque.om.ComboKey.
testAsColumn() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testAsColumnWithIgnoreCaseIntegerColumn() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testAsColumnWithIgnoreCaseIntegerColumnAndDefaultSchema() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testAsColumnWithIgnoreCaseStringColumn() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testAsColumnWithIgnoreCaseStringColumnAndDefaultSchema() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testAsColumnWithIgnoreCaseUnknownColumn() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testAvalonTorqueInitialized() - Method in class org.apache.torque.avalon.AvalonTest
Verifies that the container initialization and lookup works properly.
testAvalonTorqueNotInitialized() - Method in class org.apache.torque.avalon.AvalonTest
Verifies that the container initialization and lookup works properly.
testAvg() - Method in class org.apache.torque.util.functions.AvgTest
Tests the avg constructor with a column returns the correct SQL.
testAvgFromString() - Method in class org.apache.torque.util.functions.AvgTest
Tests the avg constructor with a column returns the correct SQL.
testAvgWithDistinct() - Method in class org.apache.torque.util.functions.AvgTest
Tests the avg constructor with distinct returns the correct SQL.
testBetweenCriterion() - Method in class org.apache.torque.criteria.CriteriaTest
Tests <= and =>.
testBigDecimalConstructor() - Method in class org.apache.torque.om.NumberKeyTest
Test copy constructor.
testBooleanMysql() - Method in class org.apache.torque.criteria.CriteriaTest
Test that true is evaluated correctly in Mysql.
testBooleanPostgresql() - Method in class org.apache.torque.criteria.CriteriaTest
Test that true is evaluated correctly in Postgresql.
testByteNull() - Method in class org.apache.torque.om.mapper.ObjectListMapperTest
Tests the byte null for empty result
testCacheGet() - Method in class org.apache.torque.manager.AbstractBaseManagerTest
testClearImpl() - Method in class org.apache.torque.manager.AbstractBaseManagerTest
testClone() - Method in class org.apache.torque.criteria.CriteriaTest
Test that cloning works.
testColumns() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.QueryTest
Test for String toString()
testCopyConstructor() - Method in class org.apache.torque.om.NumberKeyTest
Test copy constructor.
testCopyConstructorCompositeCriterion() - Method in class org.apache.torque.criteria.CriterionTest
Tests that a criterion is copied when being added as top level criterion using where (also tests and).
testCopyConstructorNullValue() - Method in class org.apache.torque.om.NumberKeyTest
Test copy constructor.
testCopyConstructorSimpleCriterion() - Method in class org.apache.torque.criteria.CriterionTest
Tests that a criterion is copied when being added as top level criterion using where (also tests and).
testCopyConstructorSqlCriterion() - Method in class org.apache.torque.criteria.CriterionTest
Tests that a criterion is copied when being added as top level criterion using where (also tests and).
testCount() - Method in class org.apache.torque.util.functions.CountTest
Tests the Count constructor with a column returns the correct SQL.
testCountFromString() - Method in class org.apache.torque.util.functions.CountTest
Tests the Count constructor with a column returns the correct SQL.
testCountWithDistinct() - Method in class org.apache.torque.util.functions.CountTest
Tests the Count constructor with distinct returns the correct SQL.
testCriteriaCriterionGetsCopiedOr() - Method in class org.apache.torque.criteria.CriteriaTest
Tests that a criterion is copied when being added as top level criterion using where (also tests and).
testCriteriaCriterionGetsCopiedWhere() - Method in class org.apache.torque.criteria.CriteriaTest
Tests that a criterion is copied when being added as top level criterion using where (also tests and).
testCriteriaOffsetLimit() - Method in class org.apache.torque.criteria.CriteriaTest
testCriteriaTopLevelCriterionGetsCopiedOr() - Method in class org.apache.torque.criteria.CriteriaTest
Tests that a criterion is copied when being added as top level criterion using where (also tests and).
testCriteriaTopLevelCriterionGetsCopiedWhere() - Method in class org.apache.torque.criteria.CriteriaTest
Tests that a criterion is copied when being added as top level criterion using where (also tests and).
testCriteriaToStringLimit() - Method in class org.apache.torque.criteria.CriteriaTest
testCriteriaWithOffsetNoLimitMysql() - Method in class org.apache.torque.criteria.CriteriaTest
testCriteriaWithOffsetNoLimitPostgresql() - Method in class org.apache.torque.criteria.CriteriaTest
testCriterionAndedToCriterionGetsCopied() - Method in class org.apache.torque.criteria.CriterionTest
Tests that a criterion is copied when being anded to a top level criterion.
testCriterionAndedToTopLevelCriterionGetsCopied() - Method in class org.apache.torque.criteria.CriterionTest
Tests that a criterion is copied when being anded to a top level criterion.
testCriterionCustomSql() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testCriterionDoesNotGetChangedByCriteriaAnd() - Method in class org.apache.torque.criteria.CriteriaTest
Tests that a criterion does not get changed if it is added as root criterion to a criteria which is afterwards changed.
testCriterionDoesNotGetChangedByCriteriaOr() - Method in class org.apache.torque.criteria.CriteriaTest
Tests that a criterion does not get changed if it is added as root criterion to a criteria which is afterwards changed.
testCriterionIgnoreCase() - Method in class org.apache.torque.criteria.CriteriaTest
Test Criterion.setIgnoreCase().
testCriterionOredToCriterionGetsCopied() - Method in class org.apache.torque.criteria.CriterionTest
Tests that a criterion is copied when being ored to a top level criterion.
testCriterionOredToTopLevelCriterionGetsCopied() - Method in class org.apache.torque.criteria.CriterionTest
Tests that a criterion is copied when being ored to a top level criterion.
testCurrentDate() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testCurrentTime() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testCurrentTimestamp() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testDatabases() - Method in class org.apache.torque.TorqueInstanceTest
Tests whether the databaseInfo objects are filled correctly.
testDateWhere() - Method in class org.apache.torque.criteria.CriteriaTest
testcase for where(Date)
testDefaultDataSourceFactory() - Method in class org.apache.torque.TorqueInstanceTest
Checks whether a DataSourceFactory with the name DEFAULT_NAME is defined.
testDeleteWithError() - Method in class org.apache.torque.util.BasePeerImplTest
testDeleteWithQualifiedTableName() - Method in class org.apache.torque.util.BasePeerImplTest
testDistinct() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testDoInsertWithException() - Method in class org.apache.torque.util.BasePeerImplTest
Check that Exception handling for doInsert works.
testDoInsertWithKeygen() - Method in class org.apache.torque.util.BasePeerImplTest
Check that a doInsert with a key generator works.
testDoInsertWithoutKeygen() - Method in class org.apache.torque.util.BasePeerImplTest
Check that a simple doInsert works.
testDoInsertWithSubselect() - Method in class org.apache.torque.util.BasePeerImplTest
Check that a doInsert with subselects works.
testDoSelect() - Method in class org.apache.torque.util.BasePeerImplTest
Check that a basic doSelect works.
testDoSelectAllFetchSize() - Method in class org.apache.torque.util.BasePeerImplTest
Check that the fetch size gets set on the prepared statement when set in the criteria.
testDoSelectNoSelectColumnsPresent() - Method in class org.apache.torque.util.BasePeerImplTest
Checks that doSelect ads the select columns if no select columns were already added.
testDoSelectWithQuery() - Method in class org.apache.torque.util.BasePeerImplTest
Check that a doSelect with a query.
testDoubleConstructor() - Method in class org.apache.torque.om.NumberKeyTest
Test double constructor.
testDoubleNull() - Method in class org.apache.torque.om.mapper.ObjectListMapperTest
Tests the double null for empty result
testDoUpdate() - Method in class org.apache.torque.util.BasePeerImplTest
Check that a simple doUpdate works.
testDoUpdateWithPk() - Method in class org.apache.torque.util.BasePeerImplTest
Check that a simple doUpdate works.
testEmptyConstructor() - Method in class org.apache.torque.om.NumberKeyTest
Test copy constructor.
testEnumValues() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testEnumValuesNoGetValueMethod() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
Tests that an enum which does not have a getValue() method cannot be added as select value.
testEquals() - Method in class org.apache.torque.ColumnImplTest
testEquals() - Method in class org.apache.torque.criteria.CriteriaTest
Test that Criteria.equals(Object) works correctly for a simple Criteria object.
testEqualsFalse() - Method in class org.apache.torque.om.NumberKeyTest
Test !
testEqualsNull() - Method in class org.apache.torque.om.NumberKeyTest
Test !
testEqualsReflexive() - Method in class org.apache.torque.om.NumberKeyTest
Test a.equals(a)
testEqualsSchemaTableColumnNull() - Method in class org.apache.torque.ColumnImplTest
testEqualsSymmetric() - Method in class org.apache.torque.om.NumberKeyTest
Test a.equals(b) = b.equals(a)
testEqualsTransitive() - Method in class org.apache.torque.om.NumberKeyTest
Test a.equals(b) = b.equals(c) = c.equals(a)
testEqualsWrongColumn() - Method in class org.apache.torque.ColumnImplTest
testEqualsWrongSchema() - Method in class org.apache.torque.ColumnImplTest
testEqualsWrongSqlExpression() - Method in class org.apache.torque.ColumnImplTest
testEqualsWrongTable() - Method in class org.apache.torque.ColumnImplTest
testExcept() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testExceptAll() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testExecuteStatementNamed() - Method in class org.apache.torque.util.BasePeerImplTest
Check that executeStatements with a set of named replacements works.
testExecuteStatementNamedNoReplacements() - Method in class org.apache.torque.util.BasePeerImplTest
Check that executeStatements with a set of named replacements works when the statement contains no replacements.
testExternalAdapter() - Method in class org.apache.torque.TorqueInstanceTest
Tests whether an external adapter is loaded correctly.
testFloatNull() - Method in class org.apache.torque.om.mapper.ObjectListMapperTest
Tests the float null for empty result
testFromElementsSetExplicitly() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testFromElementsSetExplicitlyAsString() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testGetAndPut() - Method in class org.apache.torque.manager.MethodResultCacheTest
testGetArgument() - Method in class org.apache.torque.util.functions.AbstractFunctionTest
Tests that getArgument(0) returns the column.
testGetColumnName() - Method in class org.apache.torque.util.functions.AbstractFunctionTest
Tests the getColumnName method always returns null.
testGetColumnName() - Method in class org.apache.torque.util.functions.AggregateFunctionTest
Tests the getColumnName method always returns null.
testGetFirstArgument() - Method in class org.apache.torque.util.functions.AggregateFunctionTest
Tests that getArgument(0) returns the column.
testGetFullTableName() - Method in class org.apache.torque.util.functions.AbstractFunctionTest
Tests the getFullTableName method returns the fullTableName of the column argument.
testGetFullTableName() - Method in class org.apache.torque.util.functions.AggregateFunctionTest
Tests the getFullTableName method returns the fullTableName of the column argument.
testGetFullTableNameDifferentTables() - Method in class org.apache.torque.util.functions.AbstractFunctionTest
Tests the getFullTableName method returns null if different tables are encountered.
testGetFullTableNameWithDefaultSchema() - Method in class org.apache.torque.map.ColumnMapTest
testGetFullTableNameWithoutDefaultSchema() - Method in class org.apache.torque.map.ColumnMapTest
testGetMethodResultCache() - Method in class org.apache.torque.manager.AbstractBaseManagerTest
testGetOMInstance() - Method in class org.apache.torque.manager.AbstractBaseManagerTest
testGetOMInstanceObjectKey() - Method in class org.apache.torque.manager.AbstractBaseManagerTest
testGetOMInstanceObjectKeyBoolean() - Method in class org.apache.torque.manager.AbstractBaseManagerTest
testGetSchemaName() - Method in class org.apache.torque.util.functions.AbstractFunctionTest
Tests the getSchemaName method returns the schema of the column argument.
testGetSchemaName() - Method in class org.apache.torque.util.functions.AggregateFunctionTest
Tests the getSchemaName method returns the schema of the column argument.
testGetSchemaNameDifferentTables() - Method in class org.apache.torque.util.functions.AbstractFunctionTest
Tests the getSchemaName method returns null if different schemas are encountered.
testGetSecondArgument() - Method in class org.apache.torque.util.functions.AggregateFunctionTest
Tests that getArgument(1) returns the distinct value.
testGetSetArgumentList() - Method in class org.apache.torque.util.functions.AbstractFunctionTest
Tests that getArgumentList and SetArgumentList work
testGetSetArguments() - Method in class org.apache.torque.util.functions.AbstractFunctionTest
Tests that getArguments and SetArguments work
testGetSetArguments() - Method in class org.apache.torque.util.functions.AggregateFunctionTest
Tests that getArguments and SetArguments work
testGetSqlExpressionNoSchema() - Method in class org.apache.torque.ColumnImplTest
testGetSqlExpressionNoSchemaDefaultSchemaNull() - Method in class org.apache.torque.map.ColumnMapTest
testGetSqlExpressionWithSchema() - Method in class org.apache.torque.ColumnImplTest
testGetTableName() - Method in class org.apache.torque.util.functions.AbstractFunctionTest
Tests the getTableName method returns the table of the column argument.
testGetTableName() - Method in class org.apache.torque.util.functions.AggregateFunctionTest
Tests the getTableName method returns the table of the column argument.
testGetTableNameDifferentTables() - Method in class org.apache.torque.util.functions.AbstractFunctionTest
Tests the getTableName method returns null if different tables are encountered.
testGetThirdArgument() - Method in class org.apache.torque.util.functions.AggregateFunctionTest
Tests that getArgument(2) returns null.
testGroupBy() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testHashCodeAndEquals() - Method in class org.apache.torque.criteria.CriterionTest
testHashCodeAndEquals() - Method in class org.apache.torque.criteria.JoinTest
testHashCodeEqual() - Method in class org.apache.torque.om.NumberKeyTest
Test a.hashCode().equals(a.hashCode())
testHaving() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testIgnoreCaseIntegerColumnType() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testIgnoreCaseStringColumnType() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testignoreCaseUnknownColumnType() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
Test that unknown columns are treated case-insensitive if ignoreCase is set.
testIlike() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testIlikeNoWildcard() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testInArray() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testInArrayIgnoreCase() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testInLargeArray() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testInList() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testInListIgnoreCase() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testInnerJoinExcplicitWithExistingRightAndLeftTable() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testInnerJoinExplicit() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testInnerJoinExplicitWithComplicatedCondition() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testInnerJoinExplicitWithSubselect() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
Tests that a subselect can be added to the from clause.
testInnerJoinImplicit() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testInnerJoinImplicitWithAlias() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testInnerJoinImplicitWithAliasAndAsColumn() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testInnerJoinImplicitWithAliasAndDefaultSchema() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testInnerJoinImplicitWithAliasAndSchema() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testInnerJoinImplicitWithComparison() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testInnerJoinImplicitWithComplicatedCondition() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testInnerJoinImplicitWithDefaultSchema() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testInnerJoinImplicitWithSubqueryAndReplacements() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testInnerJoinWithExcplicitExistingRightTable() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testInnerJoinWithExcplicitExistingRightTableAndOperator() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testInnerJoinWithJoinCriteriaAndDefaultSchema() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testInString() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testIntConstructor() - Method in class org.apache.torque.om.NumberKeyTest
Test int constructor.
testIntegerNull() - Method in class org.apache.torque.om.mapper.ObjectListMapperTest
Tests the integer null for empty result
testIntersect() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testIntersectAll() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testIsNotNull() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testIsNull() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testLeftJoin() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testLeftJoinWithExistingRightTable() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testLike() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testLikeIgnoreCase() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testLikeIgnoreCaseNoWildcard() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testLikeInteger() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testLikeWithEscape() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
Test whether LIKE clauses with Escapes are built correctly.
testLikeWithEscapeOracle() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
Test whether LIKE clauses with Escapes are built correctly in Oracle.
testLikeWithoutWildcards() - Method in class org.apache.torque.criteria.CriteriaTest
This test case verifies if the Criteria.LIKE comparison type will get replaced through Criteria.EQUAL if there are no SQL wildcards in the given value.
testLimitMysql() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testLimitOffsetMysql() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testLimitOffsetOracle() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testLimitOffsetPostgresql() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testLimitOracle() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testLimitPostgresql() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testList() - Method in class org.apache.torque.om.NumberKeyTest
Test sorting.
testListeners() - Method in class org.apache.torque.manager.AbstractBaseManagerTest
testLongConstructor() - Method in class org.apache.torque.om.NumberKeyTest
Test long constructor.
testLongNull() - Method in class org.apache.torque.om.mapper.ObjectListMapperTest
Tests the long null for empty result
testLvalueCriteria() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testLvalueIsObject() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testLvalueNull() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testLvalueString() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
TestManager - Class in org.apache.torque.manager
Test the manager implementation
TestManager() - Constructor for class org.apache.torque.manager.TestManager
testMax() - Method in class org.apache.torque.util.functions.MaxTest
Tests the max constructor with a column returns the correct SQL.
testMaxFromString() - Method in class org.apache.torque.util.functions.MaxTest
Tests the max constructor with a column returns the correct SQL.
testMaxWithDistinct() - Method in class org.apache.torque.util.functions.MaxTest
Tests the max constructor with distinct returns the correct SQL.
testMin() - Method in class org.apache.torque.util.functions.MinTest
Tests the min constructor with a column returns the correct SQL.
testNestedCriterionComparisonEqual() - Method in class org.apache.torque.criteria.CriteriaTest
Test that nesting Criterions works for equals comparison.
testNestedCriterionComparisonLessGreaterThan() - Method in class org.apache.torque.criteria.CriteriaTest
Test that nesting Criterions works for other comparisons than equal.
testNotEqual() - Method in class org.apache.torque.om.ComboKeyTest
testNotIlike() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testNotIlikeNoWildcard() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testNotInList() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testNotLike() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testNotLikeIgnoreCase() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testNotLikeIgnoreCaseNoWildcard() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testNotLikeWithoutWildcards() - Method in class org.apache.torque.criteria.CriteriaTest
This test case verifies if the Criteria.NOT_LIKE comparison type will get replaced through Criteria.NOT_EQUAL if there are no SQL wildcards in the given value.
testNull() - Method in class org.apache.torque.om.ComboKeyTest
testNull() - Method in class org.apache.torque.util.UniqueListTest
null values are not allowed
testNullValue() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testNullValueAltNotEqual() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testNullValueNotEqual() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testNumberConstructor() - Method in class org.apache.torque.om.NumberKeyTest
Test number constructor.
testNumberConstructorNull() - Method in class org.apache.torque.om.NumberKeyTest
Test number constructor with null value.
testObjectKey() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testOffsetMysql() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testOffsetOracle() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testOffsetPostgresql() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testOrCriterions() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
Test where condition with several ORs compairing against Strings.
testOrderBy() - Method in class org.apache.torque.criteria.CriteriaTest
Checks whether orderBy works.
testOrderByAsc() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testOrderByAscendingIgnoreCaseInteger() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testOrderByAscendingIgnoreCaseIntegerInCriteria() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testOrderByAscendingIgnoreCaseString() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testOrderByAscendingIgnoreCaseStringInCriteria() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testOrderByDesc() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testOrderByDescendingIgnoreCaseInteger() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testOrderByDescendingIgnoreCaseIntegerInCriteria() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testOrderByDescendingIgnoreCaseString() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testOrderByDescendingIgnoreCaseStringInCriteria() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testOrderByMultiple() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testOrderByNullColumn() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testOrderByWithAsColumn() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testOrderByWithAsColumnAndAliasIgnoreCase() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testOrderByWithAsColumnIgnoreCase() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testOrderByWithDefaultSchema() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testOrderByWithFunction() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testOrString() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
Test where condition with several ORs compairing against Strings.
testOrUnaryOperator() - Method in class org.apache.torque.criteria.CriteriaTest
Tests that unary operators as rValue are interpreted as comparison operator in the two-arg or method.
testOrVerbatimSqlReplacementNull() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
Test the orVerbatimSql method with null replacements.
testOrVerbatimSqlWithFromColumns() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
Test the orVerbatimSql method with from Columns.
testOrVerbatimSqlWithReplacements() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
Test the orVerbatimSql method with replacements.
TestPersistent - Class in org.apache.torque.manager
Dummy Persistent implementation
TestPersistent() - Constructor for class org.apache.torque.manager.TestPersistent
testPrintStackTrace() - Method in class org.apache.torque.TorqueRuntimeExceptionTest
Tests whether printstackTrace works.
testProcessRow() - Method in class org.apache.torque.om.mapper.BigDecimalMapperTest
Tests the processRow method for a mapper without internal Offset.
testProcessRow() - Method in class org.apache.torque.om.mapper.CompositeMapperTest
Tests the processRow method for a mapper without internal Offset.
testProcessRow() - Method in class org.apache.torque.om.mapper.DateMapperTest
Tests the processRow method for a mapper without internal Offset.
testProcessRow() - Method in class org.apache.torque.om.mapper.IntegerMapperTest
Tests the processRow method for a mapper without internal Offset.
testProcessRow() - Method in class org.apache.torque.om.mapper.LongMapperTest
Tests the processRow method for a mapper without internal Offset.
testProcessRow() - Method in class org.apache.torque.om.mapper.StringMapperTest
Tests the processRow method for a mapper without internal Offset.
testProcessRowClassListAsArgument() - Method in class org.apache.torque.om.mapper.ObjectListMapperTest
Tests the processRow method for a mapper with a fixed column count.
testProcessRowInternalOffset() - Method in class org.apache.torque.om.mapper.BigDecimalMapperTest
Tests the processRow method for a mapper with internal Offset.
testProcessRowInternalOffset() - Method in class org.apache.torque.om.mapper.DateMapperTest
Tests the processRow method for a mapper with internal Offset.
testProcessRowInternalOffset() - Method in class org.apache.torque.om.mapper.IntegerMapperTest
Tests the processRow method for a mapper with internal Offset.
testProcessRowInternalOffset() - Method in class org.apache.torque.om.mapper.LongMapperTest
Tests the processRow method for a mapper with internal Offset.
testProcessRowInternalOffset() - Method in class org.apache.torque.om.mapper.StringMapperTest
Tests the processRow method for a mapper with internal Offset.
testProcessRowLenghtAsArgument() - Method in class org.apache.torque.om.mapper.ObjectListMapperTest
Tests the processRow method for a mapper with a fixed column count.
testProcessRowLengthDeterminedFromMetadata() - Method in class org.apache.torque.om.mapper.ObjectListMapperTest
Tests the processRow method for a mapper where the length is determined from the Metadata.
testProcessRowLengthDeterminedFromMetadataWithOffset() - Method in class org.apache.torque.om.mapper.ObjectListMapperTest
Tests the processRow method for a mapper with offset where the length is determined from the Metadata.
testProcessRowSqlException() - Method in class org.apache.torque.om.mapper.BigDecimalMapperTest
Tests the processRow method if the resultSet throws a SqlException.
testProcessRowSqlException() - Method in class org.apache.torque.om.mapper.CompositeMapperTest
Tests the processRow method if a delegate throws a SqlException.
testProcessRowSqlException() - Method in class org.apache.torque.om.mapper.DateMapperTest
Tests the processRow method if the resultSet throws a SqlException.
testProcessRowSqlException() - Method in class org.apache.torque.om.mapper.IntegerMapperTest
Tests the processRow method if the resultSet throws a SqlException.
testProcessRowSqlException() - Method in class org.apache.torque.om.mapper.LongMapperTest
Tests the processRow method if the resultSet throws a SqlException.
testProcessRowSqlException() - Method in class org.apache.torque.om.mapper.ObjectListMapperTest
Tests the processRow method if the resultSet throws a SqlException.
testProcessRowSqlException() - Method in class org.apache.torque.om.mapper.StringMapperTest
Tests the processRow method if the resultSet throws a SqlException.
testPutInstanceImplSerializableT() - Method in class org.apache.torque.manager.AbstractBaseManagerTest
testReflexive() - Method in class org.apache.torque.om.ComboKeyTest
testRemove() - Method in class org.apache.torque.manager.MethodResultCacheTest
testRemoveAll() - Method in class org.apache.torque.manager.MethodResultCacheTest
testRemoveInstanceImpl() - Method in class org.apache.torque.manager.AbstractBaseManagerTest
testRightJoin() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testRightJoinWithExistingRightTable() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testRoundTripWithComplexKey() - Method in class org.apache.torque.om.ComboKeyTest
testRoundTripWithNullKey() - Method in class org.apache.torque.om.ComboKeyTest
testRoundTripWithStringKeys() - Method in class org.apache.torque.om.ComboKeyTest
testSchemata() - Method in class org.apache.torque.TorqueInstanceTest
Tests whether the schema information in the databases is filled correctly.
testSchemaTableColumnConstructor() - Method in class org.apache.torque.ColumnImplTest
testSchemaTableColumnConstructorBlankColumnName() - Method in class org.apache.torque.ColumnImplTest
testSchemaTableColumnConstructorBlankSchemaName() - Method in class org.apache.torque.ColumnImplTest
testSchemaTableColumnConstructorBlankTableName() - Method in class org.apache.torque.ColumnImplTest
testSchemaTableColumnConstructorNullColumnName() - Method in class org.apache.torque.ColumnImplTest
testSchemaTableColumnConstructorNullSchemaName() - Method in class org.apache.torque.ColumnImplTest
testSchemaTableColumnConstructorNullTableName() - Method in class org.apache.torque.ColumnImplTest
testSchemaTableColumnConstructorWithSchemaInConstructorAndTable() - Method in class org.apache.torque.ColumnImplTest
testSchemaTableColumnConstructorWithSchemaInTable() - Method in class org.apache.torque.ColumnImplTest
testSelectColumnsForLimitOffset() - Method in class org.apache.torque.adapter.DBOracleTest
Tests whether replacing the select columns in limit/offset treatment works (double column names must be aliased)
testSelectColumnWithoutTable() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testSelectForUpdate() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testSerialization() - Method in class org.apache.torque.criteria.CriteriaTest
Test that serialization works.
testSetColumnNull() - Method in class org.apache.torque.util.functions.AggregateFunctionTest
Tests that setColumn cannot be called with a null value.
testSetFunction() - Method in class org.apache.torque.util.functions.AggregateFunctionTest
Tests that setFunction works
testSetFunction() - Method in class org.apache.torque.util.functions.AvgTest
tests that setFunction throws a
testSetFunction() - Method in class org.apache.torque.util.functions.CountTest
tests that setFunction throws a
testSetFunction() - Method in class org.apache.torque.util.functions.MaxTest
tests that setFunction throws a
testSetFunction() - Method in class org.apache.torque.util.functions.MinTest
tests that setFunction throws a
testSetFunction() - Method in class org.apache.torque.util.functions.SumTest
tests that setFunction throws a
testSetOperationBraces() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testSetValueBigDecimal() - Method in class org.apache.torque.om.NumberKeyTest
Test setValue(BigDecimal) method.
testSetValueNumberKey() - Method in class org.apache.torque.om.NumberKeyTest
Test setValue(NumberKey) method.
testSetValueNumberKeyNull() - Method in class org.apache.torque.om.NumberKeyTest
Test setValue(NumberKey) method with null argument.
testSetValueString() - Method in class org.apache.torque.om.NumberKeyTest
Test setValue(String) method.
testSetValueStringNull() - Method in class org.apache.torque.om.NumberKeyTest
Test setValue(String) method with null argument.
testShortNull() - Method in class org.apache.torque.om.mapper.ObjectListMapperTest
Tests the short null for empty result
testShutdown() - Method in class org.apache.torque.TorqueInstanceTest
testSqlExpressionConstructor() - Method in class org.apache.torque.ColumnImplTest
testSqlExpressionConstructorAlias() - Method in class org.apache.torque.ColumnImplTest
testSqlExpressionConstructorAsterisk() - Method in class org.apache.torque.ColumnImplTest
testSqlExpressionConstructorAsteriskAndSchema() - Method in class org.apache.torque.ColumnImplTest
testSqlExpressionConstructorBlank() - Method in class org.apache.torque.ColumnImplTest
testSqlExpressionConstructorBlankColumnName() - Method in class org.apache.torque.ColumnImplTest
testSqlExpressionConstructorBlankTableName() - Method in class org.apache.torque.ColumnImplTest
testSqlExpressionConstructorComparisonAfter() - Method in class org.apache.torque.ColumnImplTest
testSqlExpressionConstructorComparisonBefore() - Method in class org.apache.torque.ColumnImplTest
testSqlExpressionConstructorCount() - Method in class org.apache.torque.ColumnImplTest
testSqlExpressionConstructorInClause() - Method in class org.apache.torque.ColumnImplTest
testSqlExpressionConstructorNoDot() - Method in class org.apache.torque.ColumnImplTest
testSqlExpressionConstructorNull() - Method in class org.apache.torque.ColumnImplTest
testSqlExpressionConstructorSqlFunction() - Method in class org.apache.torque.ColumnImplTest
testSqlExpressionConstructorSqlFunctionAsteriskColumnName() - Method in class org.apache.torque.ColumnImplTest
testSqlExpressionConstructorSqlFunctionAsteriskOnly() - Method in class org.apache.torque.ColumnImplTest
testSqlExpressionConstructorSqlFunctionEmptyTableName() - Method in class org.apache.torque.ColumnImplTest
testStringConstructor() - Method in class org.apache.torque.om.NumberKeyTest
Test String constructor.
testStringConstructorNull() - Method in class org.apache.torque.om.NumberKeyTest
Test String constructor with null value.
testSubselect() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testSubselectReferenceOuterTable() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testSum() - Method in class org.apache.torque.util.functions.SumTest
Tests the sum constructor with a column returns the correct SQL.
testSumFromString() - Method in class org.apache.torque.util.functions.MinTest
Tests the min constructor with a column returns the correct SQL.
testSumFromString() - Method in class org.apache.torque.util.functions.SumTest
Tests the sum constructor with a column returns the correct SQL.
testSumWithDistinct() - Method in class org.apache.torque.util.functions.MinTest
Tests the min constructor with distinct returns the correct SQL.
testSumWithDistinct() - Method in class org.apache.torque.util.functions.SumTest
Tests the sum constructor with distinct returns the correct SQL.
testSymmetric() - Method in class org.apache.torque.om.ComboKeyTest
testTableColumnConstructor() - Method in class org.apache.torque.ColumnImplTest
Test table column constructor
testTableColumnConstructorBlankColumnName() - Method in class org.apache.torque.ColumnImplTest
testTableColumnConstructorBlankTableName() - Method in class org.apache.torque.ColumnImplTest
Test table column constructor with blank table name
testTableColumnConstructorNullColumnName() - Method in class org.apache.torque.ColumnImplTest
testTableColumnConstructorNullTableName() - Method in class org.apache.torque.ColumnImplTest
Test table column constructor with null table name
testTableColumnConstructorWithSchemaInTable() - Method in class org.apache.torque.ColumnImplTest
Test table column constructor with schema in table
testToString() - Method in class org.apache.torque.ColumnImplTest
testToString() - Method in class org.apache.torque.criteria.JoinTest
testToString() - Method in class org.apache.torque.om.ComboKeyTest
Test of toString method, of class org.apache.torque.om.ComboKey.
testToString() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.QueryTest
Test for String toString()
testToStringCompositeCriterion() - Method in class org.apache.torque.criteria.CriterionTest
testToStringSingleCriterion() - Method in class org.apache.torque.criteria.CriterionTest
testUnion() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testUnionAll() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testUnionOrderByLimitOffset() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
testUnique() - Method in class org.apache.torque.util.UniqueListTest
duplicates values are not allowed
testUnknownClass() - Method in class org.apache.torque.om.mapper.ObjectListMapperTest
Tests the processRow method if the resultSet throws a SqlException.
testWhereDate() - Method in class org.apache.torque.criteria.CriteriaTest
Testcase for whereDate()
testWhereNotEqual() - Method in class org.apache.torque.criteria.CriteriaTest
Test basic where condition on a string with a non-equal.
testWhereString() - Method in class org.apache.torque.criteria.CriteriaTest
Test basic where condition on a string.
testWhereString() - Method in class org.apache.torque.util.SummaryHelperTest
Test basic where condition on a string.
testWhereStringReversed() - Method in class org.apache.torque.criteria.CriteriaTest
Test basic where condition on a string.
testWhereUnaryOperator() - Method in class org.apache.torque.criteria.CriteriaTest
Tests that unary operators as rValue are interpreted as comparison operator in the two-arg where method.
testWhereVerbatimSqlReplacementNull() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
Test the whereVerbatimSql method with null replacements.
testWhereVerbatimSqlWithFromColumns() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
Test the whereVerbatimSql method with from Columns.
testWhereVerbatimSqlWithReplacements() - Method in class org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest
Test the whereVerbatimSql method with replacements.
TorqueInstanceTest - Class in org.apache.torque
Tests the TorqueInstance Class.
TorqueInstanceTest() - Constructor for class org.apache.torque.TorqueInstanceTest
TorqueRuntimeExceptionTest - Class in org.apache.torque
Tests the class TorqueRuntimeException
TorqueRuntimeExceptionTest() - Constructor for class org.apache.torque.TorqueRuntimeExceptionTest


UniqueListTest - Class in org.apache.torque.util
Test for UniqueList
UniqueListTest() - Constructor for class org.apache.torque.util.UniqueListTest


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest.EnumWithoutValueMethod
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest.EnumWithValueMethod
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest.EnumWithoutValueMethod
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.apache.torque.sql.SqlBuilderTest.EnumWithValueMethod
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
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