Package | Description |
org.apache.torque |
Torque is an object-relational mapper for Java.
org.apache.torque.adapter |
Adapters between Torque and various databases.
org.apache.torque.avalon |
Avalon component
org.apache.torque.criteria |
This package contains Torque's Criteria classes.
org.apache.torque.dsfactory |
Torque's API for creation of various javax.sql.DataSource
org.apache.torque.manager |
A manager/factory API for use with Torque-generated data beans.
| |
Description of the schema layout.
org.apache.torque.oid |
The ID broker, an API to provide persistent
object identifiers,
as described by Scott Ambler's paper on "Enterprise-Ready Object
| |
API for the classic Torque-generated object model.
| |
Contains the Mapper interface which defines how to map from
a ResultSet to an object, and simple implementations of this interface.
org.apache.torque.sql |
This package contains classes which are mainly used in the SQL generation
org.apache.torque.sql.objectbuilder |
This package contains classes which can build
PreparedStatementParts from a single value or column.
org.apache.torque.sql.whereclausebuilder |
This package contains classes which can build
PreparedStatementParts from a WhereClauseExpression.
org.apache.torque.util |
Misc. utility classes.
org.apache.torque.util.functions |
SQL function handling