All Classes
All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Class Description AbstractConfigurationProvider A base class for all ConfigurationProvider implementations.ActionSaxHandler A SAX Handler which handles for the action element in mergepoints.ActionSaxHandlerFactories A registry of ActionSaxHandlerFactories.ActionSaxHandlerFactory Classes implementing this interface are responsible for creatingActionSaxHandler
s for a specific action type.AppendToTargetFileStrategy A handler which implements the strategy to append the generation result to the existing target files.ApplyAction Applies an outlet to the matching element.ApplyActionSaxHandler A SAX handler which reads the configuration for a ApplyAction and creates and configures the Action according to the values in the configuration XML.ApplyActionSaxHandlerFactory A Factory which creates a SAX handler for an ApplyAction.AttributeTransformer Adds or replaces attributes in a SourceElement according to a definition file.BeanPropertyMethodNameTransformer Converts a source element Attribute such that it can be used as method name.Camelbacker Creates a String in CaMelBaCk case from a String with special charactersCamelbackOutlet Transform a String to its camelback version.CharReplacer Replaces characters by a String.Checksums Stores Checksums and dates of the checksums, keyed by a String.ClassHelper Helper for instantiating classes.ClasspathConfigurationProvider Provides InputStreams to read a configuration of a unit of generation from a jar file.ColumnMetadata The data retrieved about a column as read from JDBC Metadata.CombinedFileSource A source which uses several files as input and combines them into one file.ConfigurableClassSaxHandler<T> Reads a configurable class from the controller configuration file.Configuration The configuration class keeps the complete configuration needed for the generation process.ConfigurationEntityResolver A resolver to get the confoguration.xsd file for the XML parser from the jar.ConfigurationException This exception is thrown if the Torque generator cannot access its configuration or if an error occurs accessing the configuration.ConfigurationHandlers Contains the required handlers for reading the configuration.ConfigurationProvider Defines how the configuration for a generation unit can be accessed.ConstantNameCreator Creates the name of a constant from a string.ConstantNameOutlet Creates the name of a constant from a string.ControlConfiguration Represents the control configuration of a generation unit.ControlConfigurationSaxHandler Reads the controller configuration from the controller configuration file.ControlConfigurationTags Tag and attribute names for the control configuration files.ControlConfigurationXmlParser Parses the xml file which provides the control configuration.Controller Reads the configuration and generates the output accordingly.ControllerException This Exception is thrown when an error occurs within the Controller of the Torque Generator.ControllerHelper Helper methods for the controller.ControllerState The state of the controller.CopyAttributeTransformer Fills an attribute with the content of another attribute.CopyOutlet A Outlet which copies a given resource unchanged.CopyOutletSaxHandlerFactory Creates copy outlet SAX handlers.CustomProjectPaths Implementation of ProjectPaths with custom paths.DebuggingOutletWrapper An outlet wrapper which adds debug information to the outlet.DefaultTorqueGeneratorPaths The default organization of the torque-generator directory.DirectoryConfigurationProvider Provides InputStreams to read the configuration from a directory.DummyLoggingAdapter Dummy implementation of the LoggingAdapter interface.EntityReferences Resolves system Ids for schema files to the schema file content.EntityReferenceSaxHandler Reads an entity reference from the controller configuration file.ExistingTargetStrategy A handler which implements a strategy on how to deal with existing targets.FileOptionsConfiguration An options configuration which reads options from a file.FileOptionsSaxHandler Reads a file options configuration.Fileset Selects Files in a directory and the subdirectories of the directory.FileSource A Source which uses a file as input.FileSourceProvider Contains sources which are read from files in the file system.FileSourceSaxHandler Reads file source definitions from the controller configuration file.FileSourceSaxHandlerFactory A Factory which creates a SAX handler for file sources.ForeignKeyMetadata The data about a foreign key as read from JDBC Metadata.GeneratorException This exception is the superclass of all Exceptions thrown in the Torque generator.GetterSetterNameTransformer Takes a property name as input from a source element attribute and generates a getter and a setter name from it.GroovyOutlet A Outlet which uses groovy for generation.GroovyOutletSaxHandlerFactory Creates Groovy outlet SAX handlers.GroovyScriptOutlet A Outlet which uses a groovy script for generation.GroovyTemplateOutlet A Outlet which uses a groovy template for generation.HtmlOutputType The output type for HTML output.JarConfigurationProvider Provides InputStreams to read a configuration of a unit of generation from a jar file.JavadocOutlet An outlet for creating correctly formatted javadoc.JavaFilenameOutlet Takes a class name and a package name as input and generates a filename(including path for package) for a java file from it.JavaOutletSaxHandlerFactory Creates Java outlet SAX handlers.JavaOutputType The output type for java output.JdbcMetadataSource A source which reads the data from JDBC Metadata.JdbcMetadataSourceProvider Creates a source from JDBC metadata.JdbcMetadataSourceSaxHandler Reads jdbc metadata source definitions from the controller configuration file.JdbcMetadataSourceSaxHandlerFactory A Factory which creates a SAX handler for sources from JDBC Metadata.LoadAdditionalSourceTransformer A SourceTransformer which loads other sources into the current source graph.LoadAllSourceFilesTransformer A SourceTransformer which loads all sources which are defined in the current output into the source graph.Log4j2LoggingAdapter Allows reading and setting the current loglevel using log4j2.Log4jLoggingAdapter Allows reading and setting the current loglevel using log4j.LoggingAdapter Allows reading and setting the current loglevel.Loglevel The possible log levels.MapOptionsConfiguration An option configuration in which the options are provided inside a java map.Maven2DirectoryProjectPaths Implementation of ProjectPaths if the configuration is located in a directory of a maven 2 project.Maven2JarProjectPaths Implementation of ProjectPaths if the configuration is located in a jar file inside of a Maven 2 project.Maven2ProjectPaths Contains information of the default integration of the Torque generator into a maven 2 project.Mergepoint An merge point where the output of another outlet can be merged into the text generated by a outlet.MergepointAction An action which can be executed in a mergepoint.MergepointConfigurationTags The element and attribute names for mergepoint configuration.MergepointMapping A mapping between the name of an mergepoint and and the action which should be performed at this point.MergepointSaxHandler A SAX Handler which processes a mergepoint configuration in an outlet.MergeTargetFileStrategy A handler which implements the strategy to replace existing target files.ModelNodeFactory Implements NodePointerFactory for JavaBeans.ModelNodePointer A Pointer that points to a Java Object or a collection.ModelPropertyPointer Pointer pointing to a property or field of a JavaBean.ModifySourcenameOutlet Creates a target filename from a source filename.Namespace An instance of this class represents a hierarchical namespace.NewlineOutlet Creates new lines (\n or \r\n).NoSuchPropertyException Indicates that an attempt was made to access a property which does not exist.Option An option used in the code generation process.OptionAction Inserts the value of an option into a mergepoint.OptionActionSaxHandler A SAX handler which reads the configuration for a OptionAction and creates and configures the Action according to the values in the configuration XML.OptionActionSaxHandlerFactory A Factory which creates a SAX handler for an OptionAction.OptionImpl The default implementation of the option Interface.OptionName An interface for a class representing the name of an option.OptionOutlet Writes an option to the output.Options A Store for all options.OptionsConfiguration The part of the configuration which provides information to set options.OptionsSaxHandler A SAX handler for reading the options tag in the control configuration.OptionsSaxHandlerFactories A registry of OptionsSaxHandlerFactories.OptionsSaxHandlerFactory Classes implementing this interface are responsible for creatingOptionsSaxHandler
s for a specific action type.OptionTags The element and attribute names for the option configuration.Outlet Generates String output from the AST.OutletConfiguration Administers the available Outlets.OutletConfigurationSaxHandler A SAX handler which parses Outlet configuration files.OutletConfigurationTags Tag names for the outlet configuration files.OutletConfigurationXmlParser Parses outlet configuration files and creates a OutletConfiguration.OutletImpl Implementation of the features in theOutlet
interface which do not depend on type of Outlet.OutletReference Represents a reference to a outlet.OutletReferenceSaxHandler Reads a Outlet reference file from the controller configuration file.OutletResult The result of an outlet.OutletSaxHandler Handles a outlet declaration within the outlet configuration.OutletTypes Manages the types of known Outlets.OutletUtils Utility methods to retrieve information out of the source model or the configuration.OutletWithoutMergepoints An outlet without mergepoints.Output The configuration for an output (typically one or more files).OutputAction Inserts a fixed String into a mergepoint.OutputActionSaxHandler A SAX handler which reads the configuration for a OutputAction and creates and configures the Action according to the values in the configuration XML.OutputActionSaxHandlerFactory A Factory which creates a SAX handler for an OutputAction.OutputConfigurationTags The tag and attribute names used for configuring an Output unit.OutputSaxHandler Reads an output declaration from the controller configuration file.OutputType An interface describing the type of output produced by the generator.PackageResources A Container of resources which contain a specific package.PackageToPathOutlet Takes a package as input and generates a path from it.PostprocessorDefinition All necessary informations for postprocessing the result.ProjectPaths Provides the default paths which Torque generator needs to interact with its surrounding project.PropertiesOptionConfiguration An option configuration which reads the options from a properties file.PropertiesOptionsSaxHandlerFactory A Factory which creates a SAX handler for properties options.PropertiesOutputType The output type for properties output.PropertiesSourceFormat The source type representing an properties source.PropertyAccess Accesses properties of java classes by reflection.PropertyNotReadableException Indicates that an attempt was made to read a property which is not readable.PropertyNotWriteableException Indicates that an attempt was made to write a property which is not writeable.QualifiedName This class contains a name which has a namespace.QualifiedNameMap<T> A special map with a QualifiedName as a key.ReflectionOutletSaxHandlerFactory Creates outlet SAX handlers using reflection and a naming convention.RemoveUnusedImportsProcessor Tries to remove unused importsReplaceTargetFileStrategy A handler which implements the strategy to replace existing target files.SaxHelper Helper methods for SAX handlers.SchemaType Enum for known SQL types.SkipDecider A class deciding whether the generation should be skipped or not.SkipExistingTargetFileStrategy A handler which implements the strategy to skip existing target files.Source An entity which serves as an input for the generation process.SourceAttributeName An interface for a class respresenting the name of a source attribute.SourceConfigurationTags Contains tag and attribute names for the Source configuration.SourceElement An element in the source graph.SourceElementAttributeAction Applies an outlet to a given source element.SourceElementAttributeActionSaxHandler A SAX handler which reads the configuration for a SourceElementAttributeAction and creates and configures the Action according to the values in the configuration XML.SourceElementAttributeActionSaxHandlerFactory A Factory which creates a SAX handler for a SourceElementAttributeAction.SourceElementAttributeIterator A node iterator iterating over attributes of a SourceElement.SourceElementAttributePointer A node pointer pointing to an attribute of a SourceElement.SourceElementName An interface for a class respresenting the name of a source element.SourceElementNodeIterator A node iterator iterating over children of a SourceElement.SourceElementNodePointer A node pointer pointing to a SourceElement.SourceElementNodePointerFactory A node pointer factory for SourceElements.SourceElementToModelTransformer A Source transformer transforming a SourceElement graph to a typed model.SourceException This exception denotes that the source cannot be read.SourceImpl The base implementation of the source interface.SourcePath Methods for traversing a source tree.SourcePathPointer A class containing the value and the path to an object in a model graphSourceProcessConfiguration Contains the information how a source should be processed between obtaining the original source and feeding it to the outlets.SourceProvider The input for a generation process.SourceSaxHandler A base class for reading source definitions from the controller configuration file.SourceSaxHandlerFactories A registry of SourceSaxHandlerFactories.SourceSaxHandlerFactory Classes implementing this interface are responsible for creatingSourceSaxHandler
s for a specific source type.SourceTargetAttributeTransformer A transformer which has a source attribute and a target attribute.SourceToXml Creates an xml String out of a source tree.SourceTransformer Transforms one source tree into another source tree.SourceTransformerDefinition All necessary informations for doing a transformation.SourceTransformerException This exception is the superclass of all Exceptions thrown by SourceTransformers.StopGenerationDecider A SkipDecider which always stops the current generation.StreamSourceFormat A format for a stream-based source, e.g. properties or XML.StringInputOutlet A base class for a outlet which takes a String as input (not a Source Element as a normal outlet would).StringProcessor A processor which takes a String as input and generates a String as output.StringToBooleanConverter Converts a String to a Boolean.TemplateFilter An Filter which preprocesses a template.TemplateOutlet A Outlet which interprets a template.TemplateOutletImpl An implementation of the TemplateOutlet interface.ThreeWayMerger Can execute a three-way merge.TokenReplacer Replaces placeholder tokens like ${option:optionName} in a string by the resolved values.TorqueGeneratorPaths The paths describing the internal organization (i.e. file paths) of the Torque generator files.TorqueGenGroovy This class acts as an interface to the Torque generator from the templates.TorqueGenVelocity This class acts as an interface to the Torque generator from the templates.TraverseAllAction Traverses all matching elements, and applies a outlet to each matching element.TraverseAllActionSaxHandler A SAX handler which reads the configuration for a TraverseAllAction and creates and configures the Action according to the values in the configuration XML.TraverseAllActionSaxHandlerFactory A Factory which creates a SAX handler for a TraverseAllAction.TypeConverter Converts a type to another type.TypedOutletSaxHandlerFactory Classes implementing this interface are responsible for creatingOutletSaxHandler
s for a specific outlet type.UnitConfiguration Contains all information to run a generation unit.UnitDescriptor Contains all necessary information about a generation unit.UnitDescriptor.Packaging Possible packaging forms of a unit of generation.UnixLinefeedProcessor Converts Windows CR/LF character sequences to Unix LF sequences.UnknownOutputType An output type which is used if no other output type is defined.UnsupportedOptionException An exception which is thrown if an option is not supported or contains an unacceptable value.UntypedOutletSaxHandlerFactory Classes implementing this interface can create creatingOutletSaxHandler
s for more than one outlet type.Variable A variable which can be used to transport data in and between outlets.Variable.Scope The scope of a variable.VariableStore Stores all variables which are currently accessible.VelocityOutlet A Outlet which uses a velocity template for generation.VelocityOutletSaxHandlerFactory Creates Velocity outlet SAX handlers.VelocityOutletState The outlet state of a velocity template outlet.VelocityTemplateFilter A Filter for velocity templates.WildcardFilter A filter evaluating a file name against a wildcard expression.WrapReservedJavaWords Processes an input String as follows: If the input String is a reserved word in java, a suffix and/or prefix is appended to the input String and the result is returned; otherwise the input string is returned unchanged.XMLConstants Contains commonly used XML Namespaces and other constants.XmlOptionConfiguration An option configuration which reads the options from a XML file in the java properties XML format.XmlOptionsSaxHandlerFactory A Factory which creates a SAX handler for XML Options.XmlOutlet Outputs the source tree as XML.XmlOutputType The output type for XML output.XmlSourceFormat The source type representing an XML source.XmlSourceSaxHandler A SAX Handler for creating a source element tree from xml.