AbstractConfigurationProvider |
A base class for all ConfigurationProvider implementations.
ActionSaxHandler |
A SAX Handler which handles for the action element in mergepoints.
ActionSaxHandlerFactories |
A registry of ActionSaxHandlerFactories.
ActionSaxHandlerFactory |
Classes implementing this interface are responsible for creating
ActionSaxHandler s for a specific action type.
AppendToTargetFileStrategy |
A handler which implements the strategy to append the generation result
to the existing target files.
ApplyAction |
Applies an outlet to the matching element.
ApplyActionSaxHandler |
A SAX handler which reads the configuration for a ApplyAction
and creates and configures the Action according to the values in the
configuration XML.
ApplyActionSaxHandlerFactory |
A Factory which creates a SAX handler for an ApplyAction.
AttributeTransformer |
Adds or replaces attributes in a SourceElement according to a definition
BeanPropertyMethodNameTransformer |
Converts a source element Attribute such that it can be used as method name.
Camelbacker |
Creates a String in CaMelBaCk case from a String with special characters
CamelbackOutlet |
Transform a String to its camelback version.
CharReplacer |
Replaces characters by a String.
Checksums |
Stores Checksums and dates of the checksums, keyed by a String.
ClassHelper |
Helper for instantiating classes.
ClasspathConfigurationProvider |
Provides InputStreams to read a configuration of a unit of generation from a
jar file.
ColumnMetadata |
The data retrieved about a column as read from JDBC Metadata.
CombinedFileSource |
A source which uses several files as input and combines them into one file.
ConfigurableClassSaxHandler<T> |
Reads a configurable class from the controller configuration file.
Configuration |
The configuration class keeps the complete configuration needed for the
generation process.
ConfigurationEntityResolver |
A resolver to get the confoguration.xsd file for the XML parser from the jar.
ConfigurationException |
This exception is thrown if the Torque generator cannot access its
configuration or if an error occurs accessing the configuration.
ConfigurationHandlers |
Contains the required handlers for reading the configuration.
ConfigurationProvider |
Defines how the configuration for a generation unit can be accessed.
ConstantNameCreator |
Creates the name of a constant from a string.
ConstantNameOutlet |
Creates the name of a constant from a string.
ControlConfiguration |
Represents the control configuration of a generation unit.
ControlConfigurationSaxHandler |
Reads the controller configuration from the controller configuration file.
ControlConfigurationTags |
Tag and attribute names for the control configuration files.
ControlConfigurationXmlParser |
Parses the xml file which provides the control configuration.
Controller |
Reads the configuration and generates the output accordingly.
ControllerException |
This Exception is thrown when an error occurs within the Controller of
the Torque Generator.
ControllerHelper |
Helper methods for the controller.
ControllerState |
The state of the controller.
CopyAttributeTransformer |
Fills an attribute with the content of another attribute.
CopyOutlet |
A Outlet which copies a given resource unchanged.
CopyOutletSaxHandlerFactory |
Creates copy outlet SAX handlers.
CustomProjectPaths |
Implementation of ProjectPaths with custom paths.
DebuggingOutletWrapper |
An outlet wrapper which adds debug information to the outlet.
DefaultTorqueGeneratorPaths |
The default organization of the torque-generator directory.
DirectoryConfigurationProvider |
Provides InputStreams to read the configuration from a directory.
DummyLoggingAdapter |
Dummy implementation of the LoggingAdapter interface.
EntityReferences |
Resolves system Ids for schema files to the schema file content.
EntityReferenceSaxHandler |
Reads an entity reference from the controller configuration file.
ExistingTargetStrategy |
A handler which implements a strategy on how to deal with existing targets.
FileOptionsConfiguration |
An options configuration which reads options from a file.
FileOptionsSaxHandler |
Reads a file options configuration.
Fileset |
Selects Files in a directory and the subdirectories of the directory.
FileSource |
A Source which uses a file as input.
FileSourceProvider |
Contains sources which are read from files in the file system.
FileSourceSaxHandler |
Reads file source definitions from the controller configuration file.
FileSourceSaxHandlerFactory |
A Factory which creates a SAX handler for file sources.
ForeignKeyMetadata |
The data about a foreign key as read from JDBC Metadata.
GeneratorException |
This exception is the superclass of all Exceptions thrown in the Torque
GetterSetterNameTransformer |
Takes a property name as input from a source element attribute
and generates a getter and a setter name from it.
GroovyOutlet |
A Outlet which uses groovy for generation.
GroovyOutletSaxHandlerFactory |
Creates Groovy outlet SAX handlers.
GroovyScriptOutlet |
A Outlet which uses a groovy script for generation.
GroovyTemplateOutlet |
A Outlet which uses a groovy template for generation.
HtmlOutputType |
The output type for HTML output.
JarConfigurationProvider |
Provides InputStreams to read a configuration of a unit of generation from a
jar file.
JavadocOutlet |
An outlet for creating correctly formatted javadoc.
JavaFilenameOutlet |
Takes a class name and a package name as input and generates a
filename(including path for package) for a java file from it.
JavaOutletSaxHandlerFactory |
Creates Java outlet SAX handlers.
JavaOutputType |
The output type for java output.
JdbcMetadataSource |
A source which reads the data from JDBC Metadata.
JdbcMetadataSourceProvider |
Creates a source from JDBC metadata.
JdbcMetadataSourceSaxHandler |
Reads jdbc metadata source definitions from the controller configuration
JdbcMetadataSourceSaxHandlerFactory |
A Factory which creates a SAX handler for sources from JDBC Metadata.
LoadAdditionalSourceTransformer |
A SourceTransformer which loads other sources into the current source graph.
LoadAllSourceFilesTransformer |
A SourceTransformer which loads all sources which are defined in the current
output into the source graph.
Log4j2LoggingAdapter |
Allows reading and setting the current loglevel using log4j2.
Log4jLoggingAdapter |
Allows reading and setting the current loglevel using log4j.
LoggingAdapter |
Allows reading and setting the current loglevel.
Loglevel |
The possible log levels.
MapOptionsConfiguration |
An option configuration in which the options are provided inside a java map.
Maven2DirectoryProjectPaths |
Implementation of ProjectPaths if the configuration is located
in a directory of a maven 2 project.
Maven2JarProjectPaths |
Implementation of ProjectPaths if the configuration is located
in a jar file inside of a Maven 2 project.
Maven2ProjectPaths |
Contains information of the default integration of the Torque generator
into a maven 2 project.
Mergepoint |
An merge point where the output of another outlet can be merged
into the text generated by a outlet.
MergepointAction |
An action which can be executed in a mergepoint.
MergepointConfigurationTags |
The element and attribute names for mergepoint configuration.
MergepointMapping |
A mapping between the name of an mergepoint and and the action which should
be performed at this point.
MergepointSaxHandler |
A SAX Handler which processes a mergepoint configuration in an outlet.
MergeTargetFileStrategy |
A handler which implements the strategy to replace existing target files.
ModelNodeFactory |
Implements NodePointerFactory for JavaBeans.
ModelNodePointer |
A Pointer that points to a Java Object or a collection.
ModelPropertyPointer |
Pointer pointing to a property or field of a JavaBean.
ModifySourcenameOutlet |
Creates a target filename from a source filename.
Namespace |
An instance of this class represents a hierarchical namespace.
NewlineOutlet |
Creates new lines (\n or \r\n).
NoSuchPropertyException |
Indicates that an attempt was made to access a property which does not exist.
Option |
An option used in the code generation process.
OptionAction |
Inserts the value of an option into a mergepoint.
OptionActionSaxHandler |
A SAX handler which reads the configuration for a OptionAction
and creates and configures the Action according to the values in the
configuration XML.
OptionActionSaxHandlerFactory |
A Factory which creates a SAX handler for an OptionAction.
OptionImpl |
The default implementation of the option Interface.
OptionName |
An interface for a class representing the name of an option.
OptionOutlet |
Writes an option to the output.
Options |
A Store for all options.
OptionsConfiguration |
The part of the configuration which provides information to set options.
OptionsSaxHandler |
A SAX handler for reading the options tag in the control configuration.
OptionsSaxHandlerFactories |
A registry of OptionsSaxHandlerFactories.
OptionsSaxHandlerFactory |
Classes implementing this interface are responsible for creating
OptionsSaxHandler s for a specific action type.
OptionTags |
The element and attribute names for the option configuration.
Outlet |
Generates String output from the AST.
OutletConfiguration |
Administers the available Outlets.
OutletConfigurationSaxHandler |
A SAX handler which parses Outlet configuration files.
OutletConfigurationTags |
Tag names for the outlet configuration files.
OutletConfigurationXmlParser |
Parses outlet configuration files and creates a OutletConfiguration.
OutletImpl |
Implementation of the features in the Outlet interface
which do not depend on type of Outlet.
OutletReference |
Represents a reference to a outlet.
OutletReferenceSaxHandler |
Reads a Outlet reference file from the controller
configuration file.
OutletResult |
The result of an outlet.
OutletSaxHandler |
Handles a outlet declaration within the outlet configuration.
OutletTypes |
Manages the types of known Outlets.
OutletUtils |
Utility methods to retrieve information out of the source model or the
OutletWithoutMergepoints |
An outlet without mergepoints.
Output |
The configuration for an output (typically one or more files).
OutputAction |
Inserts a fixed String into a mergepoint.
OutputActionSaxHandler |
A SAX handler which reads the configuration for a OutputAction
and creates and configures the Action according to the values in the
configuration XML.
OutputActionSaxHandlerFactory |
A Factory which creates a SAX handler for an OutputAction.
OutputConfigurationTags |
The tag and attribute names used for configuring an Output unit.
OutputSaxHandler |
Reads an output declaration from the controller configuration file.
OutputType |
An interface describing the type of output produced by the generator.
PackageResources |
A Container of resources which contain a specific package.
PackageToPathOutlet |
Takes a package as input and generates a path from it.
PostprocessorDefinition |
All necessary informations for postprocessing the result.
ProjectPaths |
Provides the default paths which Torque generator needs to interact with
its surrounding project.
PropertiesOptionConfiguration |
An option configuration which reads the options from a properties file.
PropertiesOptionsSaxHandlerFactory |
A Factory which creates a SAX handler for properties options.
PropertiesOutputType |
The output type for properties output.
PropertiesSourceFormat |
The source type representing an properties source.
PropertyAccess |
Accesses properties of java classes by reflection.
PropertyNotReadableException |
Indicates that an attempt was made to read a property which is not readable.
PropertyNotWriteableException |
Indicates that an attempt was made to write a property which is not
QualifiedName |
This class contains a name which has a namespace.
QualifiedNameMap<T> |
A special map with a QualifiedName as a key.
ReflectionOutletSaxHandlerFactory |
Creates outlet SAX handlers using reflection and a naming convention.
RemoveUnusedImportsProcessor |
Tries to remove unused imports
ReplaceTargetFileStrategy |
A handler which implements the strategy to replace existing target files.
SaxHelper |
Helper methods for SAX handlers.
SchemaType |
Enum for known SQL types.
SkipDecider |
A class deciding whether the generation should be skipped or not.
SkipExistingTargetFileStrategy |
A handler which implements the strategy to skip existing target files.
Source |
An entity which serves as an input for the generation process.
SourceAttributeName |
An interface for a class respresenting the name of a source attribute.
SourceConfigurationTags |
Contains tag and attribute names for the Source configuration.
SourceElement |
An element in the source graph.
SourceElementAttributeAction |
Applies an outlet to a given source element.
SourceElementAttributeActionSaxHandler |
A SAX handler which reads the configuration for a
SourceElementAttributeAction and creates and configures the Action
according to the values in the configuration XML.
SourceElementAttributeActionSaxHandlerFactory |
A Factory which creates a SAX handler for a SourceElementAttributeAction.
SourceElementAttributeIterator |
A node iterator iterating over attributes of a SourceElement.
SourceElementAttributePointer |
A node pointer pointing to an attribute of a SourceElement.
SourceElementName |
An interface for a class respresenting the name of a source element.
SourceElementNodeIterator |
A node iterator iterating over children of a SourceElement.
SourceElementNodePointer |
A node pointer pointing to a SourceElement.
SourceElementNodePointerFactory |
A node pointer factory for SourceElements.
SourceElementToModelTransformer |
A Source transformer transforming a SourceElement graph to a typed model.
SourceException |
This exception denotes that the source cannot be read.
SourceImpl |
The base implementation of the source interface.
SourcePath |
Methods for traversing a source tree.
SourcePathPointer |
A class containing the value and the path to an object in a model graph
SourceProcessConfiguration |
Contains the information how a source should be processed between
obtaining the original source and feeding it to the outlets.
SourceProvider |
The input for a generation process.
SourceSaxHandler |
A base class for reading source definitions from the controller
configuration file.
SourceSaxHandlerFactories |
A registry of SourceSaxHandlerFactories.
SourceSaxHandlerFactory |
Classes implementing this interface are responsible for creating
SourceSaxHandler s for a specific source type.
SourceTargetAttributeTransformer |
A transformer which has a source attribute and a target attribute.
SourceToXml |
Creates an xml String out of a source tree.
SourceTransformer |
Transforms one source tree into another source tree.
SourceTransformerDefinition |
All necessary informations for doing a transformation.
SourceTransformerException |
This exception is the superclass of all Exceptions thrown by
StopGenerationDecider |
A SkipDecider which always stops the current generation.
StreamSourceFormat |
A format for a stream-based source, e.g.
StringInputOutlet |
A base class for a outlet which takes a String as input
(not a Source Element as a normal outlet would).
StringProcessor |
A processor which takes a String as input and generates a String
as output.
StringToBooleanConverter |
Converts a String to a Boolean.
TemplateFilter |
An Filter which preprocesses a template.
TemplateOutlet |
A Outlet which interprets a template.
TemplateOutletImpl |
An implementation of the TemplateOutlet interface.
ThreeWayMerger |
Can execute a three-way merge.
TokenReplacer |
Replaces placeholder tokens like ${option:optionName} in a string by the
resolved values.
TorqueGeneratorPaths |
The paths describing the internal organization (i.e.
TorqueGenGroovy |
This class acts as an interface to the Torque generator from the
TorqueGenVelocity |
This class acts as an interface to the Torque generator from the
TraverseAllAction |
Traverses all matching elements, and applies a outlet to each matching
TraverseAllActionSaxHandler |
A SAX handler which reads the configuration for a TraverseAllAction
and creates and configures the Action according to the values in the
configuration XML.
TraverseAllActionSaxHandlerFactory |
A Factory which creates a SAX handler for a TraverseAllAction.
TypeConverter |
Converts a type to another type.
TypedOutletSaxHandlerFactory |
Classes implementing this interface are responsible for creating
OutletSaxHandler s for a specific outlet type.
UnitConfiguration |
Contains all information to run a generation unit.
UnitDescriptor |
Contains all necessary information about a generation unit.
UnitDescriptor.Packaging |
Possible packaging forms of a unit of generation.
UnixLinefeedProcessor |
Converts Windows CR/LF character sequences to Unix LF sequences.
UnknownOutputType |
An output type which is used if no other output type is defined.
UnsupportedOptionException |
An exception which is thrown if an option is not supported
or contains an unacceptable value.
UntypedOutletSaxHandlerFactory |
Classes implementing this interface can create creating
OutletSaxHandler s for more than one outlet type.
Variable |
A variable which can be used to transport data in and between outlets.
Variable.Scope |
The scope of a variable.
VariableStore |
Stores all variables which are currently accessible.
VelocityOutlet |
A Outlet which uses a velocity template for generation.
VelocityOutletSaxHandlerFactory |
Creates Velocity outlet SAX handlers.
VelocityOutletState |
The outlet state of a velocity template outlet.
VelocityTemplateFilter |
A Filter for velocity templates.
WildcardFilter |
A filter evaluating a file name against a wildcard expression.
WrapReservedJavaWords |
Processes an input String as follows: If the input String is a reserved word
in java, a suffix and/or prefix is appended to the input String and the
result is returned; otherwise the input string is returned unchanged.
XMLConstants |
Contains commonly used XML Namespaces and other constants.
XmlOptionConfiguration |
An option configuration which reads the options from a XML file
in the java properties XML format.
XmlOptionsSaxHandlerFactory |
A Factory which creates a SAX handler for XML Options.
XmlOutlet |
Outputs the source tree as XML.
XmlOutputType |
The output type for XML output.
XmlSourceFormat |
The source type representing an XML source.
XmlSourceSaxHandler |
A SAX Handler for creating a source element tree from xml.