SYSSTATISTICS system table

The SYSSTATISTICS table describes the statistics within the current database.

The following table shows the contents of the SYSSTATISTICS system table.

Table 1. SYSSTATISTICS system table
Column Name Type Length Nullable Contents
STATID CHAR 36 false Unique identifier for the statistic
REFERENCEID CHAR 36 false The conglomerate for which the statistic was created (join with SYSCONGLOMERATES. CONGLOMERATEID)
TABLEID CHAR 36 false The table for which the information is collected
CREATIONTIMESTAMP TIMESTAMP 29 false Time when this statistic was created or updated
TYPE CHAR 1 false Type of statistics
VALID BOOLEAN 1 false Whether the statistic is still valid
COLCOUNT INTEGER 10 false Number of columns in the statistic
STATISTICS org.apache.derby. catalog.Statistics

This class is not part of the public API.

2,147,483,647 true Statistics information