You set ij properties in any of the following ways:
The following examples illustrate how to use ij properties:
java -jar derbyrun.jar -p
java -Dij.maximumDisplayWidth=1000 -jar derbyrun.jar
java -Dij.protocol=jdbc:derby: -Dij.database=sample derbyrun.jar
java -Dij.connection.sample=jdbc:derby:sample -Dij.connection.History=jdbc:derby:History -Dderby.system.home=c:\derby\demo\databases -jar c:\derby\lib\derbyrun.jarTo see a list of connection names and the URLs used to connect to them, use the following command. (If there is a connection that is currently active, it will show up with an * after its name.)
ij version 10.5
ij(HISTORY)> show connections;
HISTORY* - jdbc:derby:History
SAMPLE - jdbc:derby:sample
* = current connection