Derby is a database management system (DBMS), accessed by applications through the JDBC API.
Included with the product are some standalone Java tools and utilities that make it easier to use and develop applications for Derby.
ij is Derby's interactive JDBC scripting tool. It is a simple utility for running scripts against a Derby database. You can also use it interactively to run ad hoc queries. ij provides several commands for ease in accessing a variety of JDBC features.
ij can be used in an embedded or a client/server environment.
These server-side utilities allow you to import data directly from files into tables and to export data from tables into files. Server-side utilities can be in a client/server environment but require that all files referenced be on the Server machine.
These utilities allow you to store jar files in a database.
sysinfo provides information about your version of Derby and your environment.
dblook is Derby's Data Definition Language (DDL) Generation Utility, more informally called a schema dump tool. It is a simple utility that dumps the DDL of a user-specified database to either a console or a file. The generated DDL can then be used for such things as recreating all or parts of a database, viewing a subset of a database's objects (for example, those which pertain to specific tables and schemas), or documenting a database's schema.
The SignatureChecker tool identifies any SQL functions and procedures in a database that do not follow the SQL Standard argument matching rules.