TRIM function

TRIM is a function that returns its first string argument with leading and/or trailing pad characters removed. The second argument indicates whether leading, or trailing, or both leading and trailing pad characters should be removed. The third argument specifies the pad character that is to be removed.


TRIM( [ trimOperands ] trimSource)
trimOperands  ::= { trimType [ trimCharacter ]  FROM | trimCharacter FROM }
trimType      ::= { LEADING | TRAILING | BOTH }
trimCharacter ::= CharacterExpression
trimSource    ::= CharacterExpression
If trimType is not specified, it will default to BOTH. If trimCharacter is not specified, it will default to the space character (' '). Otherwise the trimCharacter expression must evaulate to one of the following:
  • a character string whose length is exactly one, or.
  • NULL
If either trimCharacter or trimSource evaluates to NULL, the result of the TRIM function is NULL. Otherwise, the result of the TRIM function is defined as follows:
  • If trimType is LEADING, the result will be the trimSource value with all leading occurrences of trimChar removed.
  • If trimType is TRAILING, the result will be the trimSource value with all trailing occurrences of trimChar removed.
  • If trimType is BOTH, the result will be the trimSource value with all leading *and* trailing occurrences of trimChar removed.

If trimSource's data type is CHAR or VARCHAR, the return type of the TRIM function will be VARCHAR. Otherwise the return type of the TRIM function will be CLOB.


-- returns 'derby' (no spaces)
VALUES TRIM('  derby ')
-- returns 'derby' (no spaces)
VALUES TRIM(BOTH ' ' FROM '  derby ')
-- returns 'derby ' (with a space at the end)
-- returns '  derby' (with two spaces at the beginning)
-- returns NULL
VALUES TRIM(cast (null as char(1)) FROM '  derby ')
-- returns NULL
VALUES TRIM(' ' FROM cast(null as varchar(30)))
-- returns ' derb' (with a space at the beginning)
VALUES TRIM('y' FROM ' derby')
-- results in an error because trimCharacter can only be 1 character
VALUES TRIM('by' FROM ' derby')