always "null" in Derby
schema for a Java procedure
the name of the procedure
the name of the parameter (see column-Name-Pattern)
short indicating what the row describes. Always is DatabaseMetaData.procedureColumnIn for method parameters, unless the parameter is an array. If so, it is DatabaseMetaData.procedureColumnInOut. It always returns DatabaseMetaData.procedureColumnReturn for return values.
Derby-specific name for the type.
always returns DatabaseMetaData.procedureNoNulls for primitive parameters and DatabaseMetaData.procedureNullable for object parameters
a String describing the java type of the method parameter
a String describing the default value for the column (may be null)
reserved by JDBC spec for future use
reserved by JDBC spec for future use
the maximum length of binary and character based columns (or any other datatype the returned value is a NULL)
the ordinal position, starting from 1, for the input and output parameters for a procedure.
a String describing the parameter's nullability (YES means parameter can include NULLs, NO means it can't)
the name which uniquely identifies this procedure within its schema
a Derby-specific column.
a Derby-specific column.