The Derby library

The Derby library includes the Derby manuals and API reference.

Derby Developer's Guide

Describes the functionality and features of Derby common to all deployments, such as Derby's JDBC and SQL specifics, deploying Derby applications, security, and other advanced features.

Derby Reference Manual

Documents Derby's implementation of the SQL language. Also provides reference information for Derby's JDBC and JTA implementations, keywords, system tables, properties, and SQLExceptions.

Tuning Derby

Explains how to configure and tune Derby through properties and provides reference information on properties. It also offers performance tips, an in-depth discussion of performance, and information about the Derby optimizer.

Derby Tools and Utilities Guide

A guide for working with the Derby tools such as ij, and more advanced utilities such as import/export and the database class loader.

Derby Server and Administration Guide

Part One of this guide discusses configuration of servers, how to program client applications, and database administration.

In addition, some systems might require administrative tasks such as backing up databases. These tasks are independent of any server framework but are unique to multi-user or large systems.

Part Two of this guide discusses administrative issues such as backups and debugging deadlocks.

Derby API javadoc

Automatically generated for all public Derby classes. (No javadoc is provided for the JDBC API, which is part of the Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition) For more information about the classes in the API, see the Derby Reference Manual.