The Disconnect command disconnects from the database.
Specifically, Disconnect issues a java.sql.Connection.close request against the connection indicated on the command line. There must be a current connection at the time the request is made.
DISCONNECT [ ALL | CURRENT | ConnectionIdentifier ]
If ALL is specified, all known connections are closed, and there will be no current connection.
Disconnect CURRENT is the same as Disconnect without indicating a connection: the default connection is closed.
If a connection name is specified with a ConnectionIdentifier, the command disconnects the named connection. The name must be the name of a connection in the current session provided with the ij.connection.connectionName property or with the Connect command.
If the ij.database property or the Connect command without the AS clause was used, you can supply the name the system generated for the connection. If the current connection is the named connection, when the command completes, there will be no current connection, and you must issue a Set Connection or Connect command.
A Disconnect command issued against a Derby connection does not shut down the database or Derby (but the Exit command does).
ij> connect 'jdbc:derby:menuDB;create=true'; ij> -- we create a new table in menuDB: CREATE TABLE menu(course CHAR(10), ITEM char(20), PRICE integer); 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> disconnect; ij> protocol 'jdbc:derby:'; ij> connect 'sample' as sample1; ij> connect 'newDB;create=true' as newDB; SAMPLE1 - jdbc:derby:sample NEWDB* - jdbc:derby:newDB;create=true * = current connection ij(NEWDB)> set connection sample1; ij> disconnect sample1; ij> disconnect all; ij>