The property defines the page size, in bytes, for on-disk database pages for tables or indexes used during table or index creation.
Set this property prior to issuing the CREATE TABLE or CREATE INDEX statement. This value will be used for the lifetime of the newly created conglomerates.
Tables and indexes, including the indexes created to enforce constraints.
Derby automatically tunes for the database page size. If you have any LONG VARCHAR, LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA, BLOB, or CLOB columns, or if Derby estimates that the total length of the columns declared at create time is greater than 4096 bytes, the default page size for the table is set to 32768 bytes. Otherwise, the default is 4096 bytes.
Page size can only be one of the following values: 4096, 8192, 16384, or 32768 bytes. If you specify an invalid value, Derby uses the default value.
-- changing the default for the system -- changing the default for the database CALL SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_SET_DATABASE_PROPERTY( '', '8192')
This property is dynamic; if you change it while Derby is running, the change takes effect immediately. For information about dynamic changes to properties, see Dynamic and static properties.