When developing Derby applications,
create a single directory to hold your database or databases, preferably in a secured branch
of the file system such as one owned by the account which boots the JVM.
Give this directory a unique name, to help you remember that:
- All databases exist within a system.
- System-wide properties affect the entire system, and persistent system-wide
properties live in the system directory.
- You can boot all the databases in the system, and the boot-up times of
all databases affect the performance of the system.
- You can preboot databases only if they are within the system. (Databases
do not necessarily have to live inside the system directory, but keeping
your databases there is the recommended practice.)
- Once you connect to a database, it is part of the current system and thus
inherits all system-wide properties.
- Only one instance of Derby can
run in a JVM at a single time.
- The error log is located inside the system directory.