This example consists of the program, which shows how to use Derby's NATIVE user authentication and SQL authorization with either the embedded or the client driver.
See Configuring NATIVE authentication for information on NATIVE authentication. See the other topics under Configuring user authorization for more information on using SQL authorization.
The program does the following:
The instructions for compiling and running the program are in the comment at the beginning of the program. DERBY_LIB is the directory that contains the Derby jar files, typically DERBY_HOME/lib.
// does not use import; import java.sql.*; import org.apache.derby.drda.NetworkServerControl; /* * <p> * This program showcases how SQL authorization is automatically turned * on when you run with NATIVE authentication. You can run this program * either embedded or client server. * </p> * * <p> * Here's how you compile the program: * </p> * * <pre> * javac -cp ${DERBY_LIB}/derbynet.jar * </pre> * * <p> * Here's how you run the program embedded: * </p> * * <pre> * java -cp ${DERBY_LIB}/derby.jar:. NativeAuthenticationExample embedded * </pre> * * <p> * Here's how you run the program client/server: * </p> * * <pre> * java -cp \ * ${DERBY_LIB}/derby.jar:${DERBY_LIB}/derbynet.jar:${DERBY_LIB}/derbyclient.jar:. \ * NativeAuthenticationExample client * </pre> */ public class NativeAuthenticationExample { ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // CONSTANTS // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private static final String DB_NAME="nativeAuthDB"; // stored as SYSADM private static final String DB_OWNER="sysadm"; private static final String DB_OWNER_PASSWORD="shh123ihtybb87m"; private static final String USER_WITHOUT_ROLE="NOACC"; private static final String USER_WITHOUT_ROLE_PASSWORD="ajaxj3x9"; private static final String READER="GUEST"; private static final String READER_PASSWORD="java5w6x"; private static final String WRITER="SQLSAM"; private static final String WRITER_PASSWORD="light8q9bulb"; private static final String EMBEDDED = "embedded"; private static final String CLIENT = "client"; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // STATE // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private boolean _runningEmbedded; private NetworkServerControl _server; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // ENTRY POINT // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static void main( String... args ) { NativeAuthenticationExample demo = parseArgs( args ); if ( demo != null ) { demo.execute(); } else { println( "Bad command line args." ); } } private static NativeAuthenticationExample parseArgs( String... args ) { if ( (args == null) || (args.length != 1) ) { return null; } String mode = args[ 0 ]; if ( EMBEDDED.equals( mode ) ) { return new NativeAuthenticationExample( true ); } else if ( CLIENT.equals( mode ) ) { return new NativeAuthenticationExample( false ); } else { return null; } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // CONSTRUCTOR // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private NativeAuthenticationExample( boolean runningEmbedded ) { _runningEmbedded = runningEmbedded; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // FEATURE SHOWCASE // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Run all of the experiments */ private void execute() { try { String authenticationProvider = "NATIVE:" + DB_NAME + ":LOCAL"; // this turns on NATIVE authentication as well as // SQL authorization println( "Setting authentication provider to " + authenticationProvider ); System.setProperty( "derby.authentication.provider", authenticationProvider ); if ( !_runningEmbedded ) { startServer(); } Connection dboConn = createDatabase(); createUsers( dboConn ); createRoles( dboConn ); createTable( dboConn ); tryToConnectWithoutCredentials(); //should fail // a valid user can connect even if they haven't been // assigned any roles getConnection( USER_WITHOUT_ROLE, USER_WITHOUT_ROLE_PASSWORD ); verifyReaderPrivileges(); verifyWriterPrivileges(); println( "Using Database Owner connection again" ); dropTable( dboConn ); dropRoles( dboConn ); dropUsers( dboConn ); cleanUpAndShutDown(); } catch (Exception e) { errorPrintAndExit( e ); } } /** * Create more users. Note that the credentials for the Database * Owner were stored in the database automatically when the * database was created. */ public void createUsers( Connection conn ) throws SQLException { println( "Storing some sample users in the database." ); PreparedStatement ps = prepare ( conn, "call syscs_util.syscs_create_user( ?, ? )" ); createUser( ps, USER_WITHOUT_ROLE, USER_WITHOUT_ROLE_PASSWORD ); createUser( ps, READER, READER_PASSWORD ); createUser( ps, WRITER, WRITER_PASSWORD ); ps.close(); } private void createUser( PreparedStatement ps, String userName, String password ) throws SQLException { println( "Creating user " + userName ); ps.setString( 1, userName ); ps.setString( 2, password ); ps.execute(); } /** * Create roles and grant them privileges. */ private void createRoles( Connection conn ) throws SQLException { println( "Creating roles and granting privileges to them..." ); execute( conn, "CREATE ROLE adder" ); execute( conn, "CREATE ROLE viewer" ); execute( conn, "GRANT adder TO " + WRITER ); execute( conn, "GRANT viewer TO " + READER ); } /** * Create and populate a table and grant privileges related to it. */ private void createTable( Connection conn ) throws SQLException { println("Creating table accessibletbl..."); execute( conn, "CREATE TABLE accessibletbl(textcol VARCHAR(6))" ); execute( conn, "INSERT INTO accessibletbl VALUES('hello')" ); println( "Granting select/insert privileges to adder..." ); execute( conn, "GRANT SELECT, INSERT ON accessibletbl TO adder" ); println( "Granting select privileges to viewer" ); execute( conn, "GRANT SELECT ON accessibletbl TO viewer" ); } /** * Drop users except for Database Owner. */ public void dropUsers( Connection conn ) throws SQLException { println( "Dropping sample users from the database..." ); PreparedStatement ps = prepare ( conn, "call syscs_util.syscs_drop_user( ? )" ); dropUser( ps, USER_WITHOUT_ROLE ); dropUser( ps, READER ); dropUser( ps, WRITER ); ps.close(); } private void dropUser( PreparedStatement ps, String userName ) throws SQLException { println( "Dropping user " + userName ); ps.setString( 1, userName ); ps.execute(); } /** * Drop roles. */ private void dropRoles( Connection conn ) throws SQLException { println( "Dropping roles..." ); execute( conn, "DROP ROLE adder" ); execute( conn, "DROP ROLE viewer" ); } /** * Drop the table. */ private void dropTable( Connection conn ) throws SQLException { execute( conn, "DROP TABLE accessibletbl" ); } /** * Try to connect without supplying credentials */ private void tryToConnectWithoutCredentials() throws Exception { println( "Trying to connect without supplying credentials..." ); try { getConnection( null, null ); println( "ERROR: Unexpectedly connected to database " + DB_NAME ); cleanUpAndShutDown(); } catch (SQLException e) { if ( e.getSQLState().equals("08004") ) { println ( "As expected, could not get a connection without " + "supplying credentials." ); } else { errorPrintAndExit( e ); } } } /** * Verify that the READER user can select but not insert */ private void verifyReaderPrivileges() throws Exception { Connection readerConn = getConnection( READER, READER_PASSWORD ); println( "Setting role to VIEWER" ); execute( readerConn, "SET ROLE VIEWER" ); readRow( readerConn ); // should succeed try { writeRow( readerConn ); println( "ERROR: Unexpectedly allowed to insert into table" ); cleanUpAndShutDown(); } catch (SQLException e) { if ( e.getSQLState().equals("42500") ) { println( "As expected, failed to insert row." ); } else { errorPrintAndExit(e); } } readerConn.close(); } /** * Verify that the WRITER can read and write but not delete */ private void verifyWriterPrivileges() throws Exception { Connection writerConn = getConnection( WRITER, WRITER_PASSWORD ); // set role to ADDER println( "Setting role to ADDER" ); execute( writerConn, "SET ROLE ADDER" ); // should succeed readRow( writerConn ); writeRow( writerConn ); try { deleteRow( writerConn ); // should fail println( "ERROR: Unexpectedly allowed to DELETE." ); cleanUpAndShutDown(); } catch (SQLException e) { if ( e.getSQLState().equals("42500") ) { println( "As expected, failed to delete rows." ); } else { errorPrintAndExit(e); } } writerConn.close(); } private void readRow( Connection conn ) throws SQLException { PreparedStatement ps = prepare ( conn, "SELECT * FROM sysadm.accessibletbl" ); ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); while( ) { println ( "Value of sysadm.accessibletbl/textcol = " + rs.getString( 1 ) ); } rs.close(); ps.close(); } private void writeRow( Connection conn ) throws SQLException { execute( conn, "INSERT INTO sysadm.accessibletbl VALUES('guest')" ); } private void deleteRow( Connection conn ) throws SQLException { execute( conn, "DELETE FROM sysadm.accessibletbl" ); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // SQL HELPERS // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Execute a statement */ private void execute( Connection conn, String text ) throws SQLException { PreparedStatement ps = prepare( conn, text ); ps.execute(); ps.close(); } /** * Prepare a statement */ private PreparedStatement prepare( Connection conn, String text ) throws SQLException { println( " Preparing: " + text ); return conn.prepareStatement( text ); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // CONNECTION MANAGEMENT // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Create the database */ private Connection createDatabase() throws SQLException { String connectionURL = getConnectionURL ( DB_NAME, DB_OWNER, DB_OWNER_PASSWORD, true, false ); println( "Creating database via this URL: " + connectionURL ); return DriverManager.getConnection( connectionURL ); } /** * Shut down the engine and exit. */ private void cleanUpAndShutDown() throws Exception { // Shut down the server before the engine. this is so that // we can authenticate the shutdown credentials in the // booted database. if ( _server != null ) { stopServer(); } // the engine should only be brought down locally _runningEmbedded = true; shutdownEngine(); System.exit(1); } private void shutdownEngine() { String shutdownURL = getConnectionURL ( null, DB_OWNER, DB_OWNER_PASSWORD, false, true ); try { println( "Shutting down engine via this URL: " + shutdownURL ); DriverManager.getConnection( shutdownURL ); } catch (SQLException se) { if ( se.getSQLState().equals("XJ015") ) { println( "Derby engine shut down normally" ); } else { printSQLException( se ); } } } /** * Get a connection to the database */ private Connection getConnection( String userName, String password ) throws SQLException { String connectionURL = getConnectionURL ( DB_NAME, userName, password, false, false ); println( "Getting connection via this URL: " + connectionURL ); return DriverManager.getConnection( connectionURL ); } private String getConnectionURL( String dbName, String userName, String password, boolean createDB, boolean shutdownDB ) { String connectionURL = _runningEmbedded ? "jdbc:derby:" : "jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/"; if ( dbName != null ) { connectionURL = connectionURL + DB_NAME; } if ( userName != null ) { connectionURL = connectionURL + ";user=" + userName; } if ( password != null) { connectionURL = connectionURL + ";password=" + password; } if ( createDB ) { connectionURL = connectionURL + ";create=true"; } if ( shutdownDB ) { connectionURL = connectionURL + ";shutdown=true"; } return connectionURL; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // SERVER MANAGEMENT // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Start the Derby server */ private void startServer() throws Exception { _server = new NetworkServerControl( DB_OWNER, DB_OWNER_PASSWORD ); println( "Starting the Derby server..." ); _server.start( new PrintWriter( System.out ) ); // pause to let the server come up Thread.sleep( 5000L ); } /** * Shut down the Derby server */ private void stopServer() throws Exception { println( "Stopping the Derby server..." ); _server.shutdown(); // pause to let the server come down Thread.sleep( 5000L ); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // DIAGNOSTIC PRINTING // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Report exceptions and exit. */ private void errorPrintAndExit( Throwable e ) { if ( e instanceof SQLException ) { printSQLException((SQLException) e); } else { println("A non-SQL error occurred."); e.printStackTrace(); } System.exit(1); } /** * Print a list of SQLExceptions. */ private void printSQLException( SQLException sqle ) { while (sqle != null) { println("\n---SQLException Caught---\n"); println(" SQLState: " + (sqle).getSQLState()); println(" Severity: " + (sqle).getErrorCode()); println(" Message: " + (sqle).getMessage()); sqle.printStackTrace(); sqle = sqle.getNextException(); } } /** * Print a diagnostic line to the console */ private static void println( String text ) { System.out.println( text ); } }