Derby allows you to create custom aggregate operators, called user-defined aggregates (UDAs).
A UDA is a Java class that implements the org.apache.derby.agg.Aggregator interface.
The org.apache.derby.agg.Aggregator interface extends, so you must make sure that all of the state of your UDA is serializable. A UDA may be serialized to disk when it performs grouped aggregation over a large number of groups. That is, intermediate results may be serialized to disk for a query like the following:
SELECT a, myAggregate( b ) FROM myTable GROUP BY a
The serialization will fail if the UDA contains non-serializable fields.
The following class provides an aggregate that computes the median value from a list of objects. This is a generic class. Its parameter must be a linear (Comparable) type.
import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import org.apache.derby.agg.Aggregator; public class Median<V extends Comparable<V>> implements Aggregator<V,V,Median<V>> { private ArrayList<V> _values; public Median() {} public void init() { _values = new ArrayList<V>(); } public void accumulate( V value ) { _values.add( value ); } public void merge( Median<V> other ) { _values.addAll( other._values ); } public V terminate() { Collections.sort( _values ); int count = _values.size(); if ( count == 0 ) { return null; } else { return _values.get( count/2 ); } } }
Using this generic class, we can declare UDAs for all of the sortable Derby data types. For example:
create derby aggregate intMedian for int external name 'Median'; create derby aggregate varcharMedian for varchar( 32672 ) external name 'Median';
We can then use these UDAs just like built-in Derby aggregates:
create table intValues( a int, b int ); create table varcharValues( a int, b varchar( 32672 ) ); insert into intValues values ( 1, 1 ), ( 1, 10 ), ( 1, 100 ), ( 1, 1000 ), ( 2, 5 ), ( 2, 50 ), ( 2, 500 ), ( 2, 5000 ); insert into varcharValues values ( 1, 'a' ), ( 1, 'ab' ), ( 1, 'abc' ), ( 2, 'a' ), ( 2, 'aa' ), ( 2, 'aaa' ); select a, intMedian( b ) from intValues group by a; A |2 ----------------------- 1 |100 2 |500 select varcharMedian( b ) from varcharValues; 1 --- aaa
See "CREATE DERBY AGGREGATE statement" in the Derby Reference Manual for more information.