The Java security manager lets you reduce the damage that your
application can do.
Using a security manager, the System Administrator can restrict how an
application cooperates with other applications running in the same virtual
machine (VM) or elsewhere on the same machine. When you run
Derby under a security
manager, you can restrict the following:
- Backups: You control where the
Derby engine writes and reads
database backup files.
- Imports and exports: You control where the engine imports data from
and where it exports data to.
- Jar files: You control where the engine obtains jar files of
customer-coded functions and procedures.
- Sockets: You control what machines can connect to the server and
What machines the server can connect to.
To take advantage of these powerful controls, first customize a copy of the
Derby security policy
template. You will find a template security policy in the
Derby distribution at
Basic security policy template shows this basic policy. It grants
permissions to both the derby.jar and
derbynet.jar codebases. To run
Derby in embedded mode, you
must grant permissions to derby.jar. To run the
Derby Network Server, you
must grant permissions to both derby.jar and
Sample customized Java security policy file shows a sample
customized policy file.
To customize the file, make the following edits:
- URLs: Replace the ${derby.install.url} variables
with a URL pointing to the directory that holds the
Derby jar files. For example:
- System home: Look for instances of the string
${derby.system.home}. Replace them with the name of the
directory that holds your file.
- Tracing: Grant
Derby the power to manage a
directory tree that will hold server trace information. Look for the
${derby.drda.traceDirectory} variable and replace it with the
directory where the server should write its diagnostic traces. For more
information on Derby tracing,
see "Controlling tracing by using the trace facility" in the
Derby Server and Administration Guide.
- Backups/imports/jars: Look for the first instance of the string
<<ALL FILES>>. Make two more copies of this line so that
there are three copies of this line in the file. On the first line, replace
<<ALL FILES>> with the directory tree that you will use
for holding database backups. For example:
Similarly, on the second line, replace <<ALL FILES>>
with the directory tree which you will use for staging imported/exported data.
On the third line, replace <<ALL FILES>> with the
directory tree that holds the jar files of functions and procedures that you
will load into databases. For the detailed syntax of these lines, see the
API documentation for
- Sysinfo: The sysinfo logic appears redundantly in
several Derby jar files:
If you want to run the sysinfo command, you will need to
grant permissions to the first of these jar files that appears in your
Note: If you are running
Derby by using the command
java -jar derbyrun.jar, the first relevant jar file in the
classpath is derby.jar. The template policy file grants these
permissions to derbynet.jar. Note that the template policy file
grants sysinfo the privilege to read all files in the system.
You can restrict this to just the directory that contains the jar files wired
into your classpath.
- Sockets: The template policy file accepts connection requests from
all hosts. You may want to restrict the template file's to connections from a particular
subdomain. For details, see the API documentation for In addition, if you are using LDAP
authentication, then you must grant derby.jar the privilege to
connect to the LDAP server.
This manual does not describe the Java security manager in depth. For more
information, see In particular, you may want to read the
Security Architecture paper (
and the Default Policy Implementation and Policy File Syntax information