Obtaining system information
You can obtain information about the Network Server, such as version and current property values, Java information, and Derby database server information, by using the sysinfo utility.
Accessing the Network Server by using the network client driver
When connecting to the Network Server, your application needs to load a driver and connection URL that are specific to the Network Server. In addition, you must specify a user name and password if you are using authentication.
XA and the Network Server
Both the Derby embedded driver and the Network Server provide XA support. The Network Server provides DRDA level 7 support. DRDA clients that support XAMGR, such as the Derby network client, can send XA requests to the Network Server.
Setting port numbers
By default, the Derby Network Server listens on TCP/IP port number 1527. If you want to use a different port number, you can specify it on the command line when starting the Network Server.