Congratulations on completing the activities in this tutorial. You now have experience with using Derby in both the embedded and client/server architectures.
With this basic knowledge, you are ready to begin using Derby to address your own specific needs. To learn more about this lightweight and powerful tool, refer to the Derby documentation, described in Product documentation for Derby.
Also, take a few moments to become familiar with the many online resources available to Derby users and developers by browsing the Derby Web site at Apache as well as the Derby Wiki. Whether you are performing a general evaluation of Derby or have a specific need to address, these links are a good stepping stone to finding additional information of interest:
We hope these activities have helped you understand the steps needed to create and access Derby databases. Although Derby is easy to set up and use, you will find that it has the features and reliability of much larger database systems. The examples presented here do not begin to scratch the surface of what can be done.