Column Name | Type | Length | Nullability | Contents |
TRIGGERID | CHAR | 36 | false | unique identifier for the trigger |
TRIGGERNAME | VARCHAR | 128 | false | name of the trigger |
SCHEMAID | CHAR | 36 | false | id of the trigger's schema (join with SYSSCHEMAS. SCHEMAID) |
CREATIONTIMESTAMP | TIMESTAMP | false | time the trigger was created | |
EVENT | CHAR | 1 | false | 'U' for update, 'D' for delete, 'I' for insert |
FIRINGTIME | CHAR | 1 | false | 'B' for before 'A' for after |
TYPE | CHAR | 1 | false | 'R' for row, 'S' for statement |
STATE | CHAR | 1 | false | 'E' for enabled, 'D' for disabled |
TABLEID | CHAR | 36 | false | id of the table on which the trigger is defined |
WHENSTMTID | CHAR | 36 | true | used only if there is a WHEN clause (not yet supported) |
ACTIONSTMTID | CHAR | 36 | true | id of the stored prepared statement for the triggered-SQL-statement (join with SYSSTATEMENTS. STMTID) |
REFERENCEDCOLUMNS | org.apache.derby.catalog. ReferencedColumns: This class is not part of the public API. | true | descriptor of the columns referenced by UPDATE triggers | |
TRIGGERDEFINITION | LONG VARCHAR | true | text of the action SQL statement | |
REFERENCINGOLD | BOOLEAN | true | whether or not the OLDREFERENCINGNAME, if non-null, refers to the OLD row or table | |
REFERENCINGNEW | BOOLEAN | true | whether or not the NEWREFERENCINGNAME, if non-null, refers to the NEW row or table | |
OLDREFERENCINGNAME | VARCHAR | 128 | true | pseudoname as set using the REFERENCING OLD AS clause |
NEWREFERENCINGNAME | VARCHAR | 128 | true | pseudoname as set using the REFERENCING NEW AS clause |
Any SQL text that is part of a triggered-SQL-statement is compiled and stored in SYSSTATEMENTS. ACTIONSTMTID and WHENSTMTID are foreign keys that reference SYSSTATEMENTS.STMTID. The statements for a trigger are always in the same schema as the trigger.