A LEFT OUTER JOIN is one of the JOIN operations that allow you to specify a join clause. It preserves the unmatched rows from the first (left) table, joining them with a NULL row in the shape of the second (right) table.
TableExpression LEFT [ OUTER ] JOIN TableExpression { ON booleanExpression }
The scope of expressions in either the ON clause includes the current tables and any tables in query blocks outer to the current SELECT. The ON clause can reference tables not being joined and does not have to reference either of the tables being joined (though typically it does).
--match cities to countries SELECT CITIES.COUNTRY, REGION FROM Countries LEFT OUTER JOIN Cities ON CITY_ID=CITY_ID WHERE REGION = 'Asia'; -- use the synonymous syntax, RIGHT JOIN, to achieve exactly -- the same results as in the example above SELECT COUNTRIES.COUNTRY, REGION FROM Countries LEFT JOIN Cities ON CITY_ID=CITY_ID; -- Join the EMPLOYEE and DEPARTMENT tables, -- select the employee number (EMPNO), -- employee surname (LASTNAME), -- department number (WORKDEPT in the EMPLOYEE table -- and DEPTNO in the DEPARTMENT table) -- and department name (DEPTNAME) -- of all employees who were born (BIRTHDATE) earlier than 1930 SELECT EMPNO, LASTNAME, WORKDEPT, DEPTNAME FROM SAMP.EMPLOYEE LEFT OUTER JOIN SAMP.DEPARTMENT ON WORKDEPT = DEPTNO AND YEAR(BIRTHDATE) < 1930; -- List every department with the employee number and -- last name of the manager, -- including departments without a manager SELECT DEPTNO, DEPTNAME, EMPNO, LASTNAME FROM DEPARTMENT LEFT OUTER JOIN EMPLOYEE ON MGRNO = EMPNO;
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