The fn keyword allows the use of several scalar functions. The function name follows the keyword fn.
{fn functionCall}
where functionCall is one of the following functions:
concat (CharacterExpression, CharacterExpression)
Character string formed by appending the second string to the first; if either string is null, the result is NULL. {fn concat (CharacterExpression, CharacterExpression) is equivalent to built-in syntax { CharacterExpression || CharacterExpression }. For more details, see Concatenation.
sqrt (FloatingPointExpression)
Square root of floating point number.
{fn sqrt (FloatingPointExpression)} is equivalent to built-in syntax SQRT(FloatingPointExpression). For more details see SQRT.
abs (NumericExpression)
Absolute value of number. {fn abs(NumericExpression)} is equivalent to built-in syntax ABSOLUTE(NumericExpression). For more details see ABS or ABSVAL.
locate(CharacterExpression,CharacterExpression [, startIndex] )
Position in the second CharacterExpression of the first occurrence of the first CharacterExpression, searching from the beginning of the second character expression, unless startIndex is specified. {fn locate(CharacterExpression,CharacterExpression [, startIndex] )} is equivalent to the built-in syntax LOCATE(CharacterExpression, CharacterExpression [, StartPosition] ). For more details see LOCATE.
substring(CharacterExpression, startIndex, length)
A character string formed by extracting length characters from the CharacterExpression beginning at startIndex; the index starts with 1.
mod(integer_type, integer_type)
MOD returns the remainder (modulus) of argument 1 divided by argument 2. The result is negative only if argument 1 is negative. For more details, see MOD.
- Note:
- Any Derby built-in function is allowed in this syntax, not just those listed in this section.
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