apache > db
Apache DB Project
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Describes the dependency relationships between persistent objects in the database. Persistent objects can be dependents (they depend on other objects) and/or providers (other objects depend on them).

Providers are tables, conglomerates, and constraints. Dependents are publications and views.

Column NameTypeLengthNullableContents
DEPENDENTIDCHAR36falseunique identifier for the dependent
DEPENDENTFINDERorg.apache.derby. catalog.DependableFinder: This class is not part of the public API.1falsesystem type describing the publication or view
PROVIDERIDCHAR36falseunique identifier for the provider
PROVIDERFINDERorg.apache.derby. catalog.DependableFinder This class is not part of the public API.1falsesystem type describing the tables, conglomerates, and constraints that are providers

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