How This Document Is Organized
How This Document Is Organized
This document includes the following chapters:
"SQL Language Reference"
Reference information about Derby's SQL language, including manual pages for statements, functions, and other syntax elements.
"SQL Reserved Words"
SQL keywords beyond the standard SQL-92 keywords.
"Derby Support for SQL-92 Features"
A list of SQL-92 features that Derby does and does not support.
"Derby System Tables"
Reference information about the Derby system catalogs.
"Derby Exception Messages and SQL States"
Information about Derby exception messages.
"JDBC Reference"
Information about Derby's implementation of the JDBC interface include support for JDBC 2.0 features.
"Database Connection URL Attributes"
Information about the supported attributes to Derby's JDBC database connection URL.
"J2EE Compliance: Java Transaction API and javax.sql Extensions"
Information about the supported attributes to Derby's support for the Java Transaction API.
Appendix A, Derby API
Notes about proprietary APIs for Derby.
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