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Restoring a Database from a Backup Copy Using OS Commands

Restoring a Database from a Backup Copy Using OS Commands

When you restore a database, the log file must be in the default location.

Do not provide a logDevice entry in the service.properties file that specifies the location to which the database is being restored.

Before you copy a backed-up database to its new location, ensure that a database of the same name does not exist.

To restore a database from a backup copy, copy the backup database to the location where you want to restore the database, and start the database. After you restore the database, check the consistency of the database as described in "Checking Database Consistency".

For example, to use Windows NT operating system commands to restore the sample database to the directory d:\mydatabases:

rmdir  d:\mydatabases\sample /s
xcopy c:\mybackups\2004-06-01\sample d:\mydatabases\sample /s /i

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