

Java type: org.apache.ddlutils.task.TableSpecificParameter

Specifies a parameter for the creation of the tables. These are usually platform specific. Note that parameters are only applied when creating new tables, not when altering existing ones. Note also that if no table name is specified, the parameter is used for all created tables.


platforms : String

Specifies the platforms - a comma-separated list of platform names - for which this parameter shall be used (see the databaseType attribute of the tasks for possible values). For every platform not in this list, the parameter is ignored.
If not specified then the parameter is processed for every platform.

name : String (required)

Specifies the name of the parameter. See the database support documentation for details on the parameters supported by the individual platforms.

tables : String

Specifies the comma-separated list of table names in whose creation this parameter shall be used. For every table not in this list, the parameter is ignored.
Use this or the table parameter. If neither is specified, the parameter is applied in the creation of all tables.

table : String

Specifies the name of the table in whose creation this parameter shall be applied.
Use this or the tables parameter. If neither is specified, the parameter is applied in the creation of all tables.

value : String

Specifies the parameter value.
If none is given, null is used.

Nested elements

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