Class GroovyTemplateOutlet

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Outlet, TemplateOutlet

    public class GroovyTemplateOutlet
    extends GroovyOutlet
    A Outlet which uses a groovy template for generation.
    • Constructor Detail

      • GroovyTemplateOutlet

        public GroovyTemplateOutlet​(QualifiedName name,
                                    ConfigurationProvider configurationProvider,
                                    String path,
                                    String encoding)
                             throws ConfigurationException
        Constructs a new GroovyTemplateOutlet.
        name - the name of this outlet, not null.
        configurationProvider - the provider for reading the templates, not null.
        path - the path to the templates, not null.
        encoding - the encoding of the file, or null if the system's default encoding should be used.
        NullPointerException - if name, path or directories are null.
        ConfigurationException - if an error occurs while reading the template.