Interface Source

    • Method Detail

      • getRootElement

        SourceElement getRootElement()
                              throws SourceException
        Returns the root element of the source.
        the root element of the source, not null.
        SourceException - if the source cannot be constructed.
      • getDescription

        String getDescription()
        Gets a description of this source for debugging purposes.
        the description, which should make it possible to identify the currently processed output.
      • getSourceFile

        File getSourceFile()
        Returns the source file, if it exists.
        the source file, or null if the source is not read from a file.
      • getLastModified

        Date getLastModified()
        Returns the date when the source was last modified.
        the last modification date, or null when unknown.
      • getContentChecksum

        byte[] getContentChecksum()
        Returns the checksum of the content of the source. It is not defined which checksum is returned, the only requirement is that collisions should be extremely rare, i.e it can be assumed that if the checksum is the same, the content is also the same.
        the checksum of the content of the source, or null if it cannot be determined.