Class WrapReservedJavaWords

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class WrapReservedJavaWords
    extends Object
    implements StringProcessor
    Processes an input String as follows: If the input String is a reserved word in java, a suffix and/or prefix is appended to the input String and the result is returned; otherwise the input string is returned unchanged.
    • Constructor Detail

      • WrapReservedJavaWords

        public WrapReservedJavaWords()
    • Method Detail

      • setPrependWhenReserved

        public void setPrependWhenReserved​(String prefix)
        Sets the prefix to be prepended if the input is a reserved word.
        prefix - the new prefix, not null.
        NullPointerException - if prefix is null.
      • setAppendWhenReserved

        public void setAppendWhenReserved​(String suffix)
        Sets the suffix to be appended if the input is a reserved word.
        suffix - the new suffix, not null.
        NullPointerException - if suffix is null.
      • process

        public String process​(String toProcess)
        Checks whether the input is a reserved java word. If yes, prefix and suffix are prepended and appended, and the result is returned. If no, the input is returned unchanged.
        Specified by:
        process in interface StringProcessor
        toProcess - the input.
        the output.