Class ConstantNameCreator

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class ConstantNameCreator
    extends CharReplacer
    Creates the name of a constant from a string. All letters in the String are capitalized, and underscores (_) are used as separators per default. If the string is empty or starts with a number, an underscore(_) is prefixed to the constant name.
    • Field Detail


        public static final String UPPER_CASE_SEPPARATION_PREFIX
        The String which is usually used as prefix in front of upper case characters in java constants.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • ConstantNameCreator

        public ConstantNameCreator()
    • Method Detail

      • getUpperCaseSeparationPrefix

        public String getUpperCaseSeparationPrefix()
        Returns the prefix which is used as Separator when an upper case character is encountered after a lower case character.
        the separator which is inserted between a lower case character and an upper case character.
      • setUpperCaseSeparationPrefix

        public void setUpperCaseSeparationPrefix​(String upperCaseSeparationPrefix)
        Sets the prefix which is used as Separator when an upper case character is encountered after a lower case character.
        upperCaseSeparationPrefix - the separator which is inserted between a lower case character and an upper case character.
      • process

        public String process​(String toProcess)
        Replaces all characters in toProcess which occur in toReplace with toReplaceWith; groups of special characters are treated as one. Inserts UPPER_CASE_SEPPARATION_PREFIX if an upper case character follows a lower case character, and converts all charcters to upper case. If the string starts is empty or start with a number, the character toReplaceWith is prefixed to the constant name. Finally, the new String is returned.

        Example: "prOceSS-*+ing~#._Test" is converted to "PR_OCE_SS_ING_TEST"

        Specified by:
        process in interface StringProcessor
        process in class CharReplacer
        toProcess - the String in which replacement should occur, not null.
        the processed String, not null.