Class CamelbackOutlet

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class CamelbackOutlet
    extends StringInputOutlet
    Transform a String to its camelback version. This is typically useful when creating java class or attribute names. The name can be truncated before/after special characters, other special characters can be removed, and still other characters can be removed plus the next character is transformed into upper case. If wrapReservedJavaWords is set to true, the result will be prepended with an underscore if the result of the transwormation would be a reserved word within the java syntax (e.g. int, for etc...)
    • Constructor Detail

      • CamelbackOutlet

        public CamelbackOutlet​(QualifiedName qualifiedName)
        qualifiedName - the unique name of the outlet, not null.
    • Method Detail

      • setRemoveWithoutUppercase

        public void setRemoveWithoutUppercase​(String removeWithoutUppercase)
        Sets which characters are removed from the processed String. Default is "."
        removeWithoutUppercase - a String containing all characters which are simply removed from the input String.
      • setRemoveWithUppercase

        public void setRemoveWithUppercase​(String removeWithUppercase)
        Sets the characters which are removed from the processed String and cause the following character to be converted to upper case. Default is "_-"
        removeWithUppercase - a String containing all characters which are removed from the input String and which cause the following character to be converted to upper case.
      • setDefaultLowerCase

        public void setDefaultLowerCase​(boolean defaultLowerCase)
        Sets whether all characters in the processed String should be made lower Case by default (i.e if none of the camelback rules is applicable). Default is true.
        defaultLowerCase - true if all characters are converted to lower case by default, false if not.
      • setIgnorePartBefore

        public void setIgnorePartBefore​(String ignorePartBefore)
        Sets the separation characters which define the prefix to be removed. If one of the characters in this String is encountered in the processed String, the part of the processed String before it are ignored. The character itself is retained, unless it is removed by another rule.
        ignorePartBefore - the separation chars which define the suffix to be removed.
      • setIgnorePartAfter

        public void setIgnorePartAfter​(String ignorePartAfter)
        Sets the separation chars which define the suffix to be removed. If one of the characters in this String is encountered in the processed String, the part of the processed String after it are ignored. The character itself is retained, unless it is removed by another rule.
        ignorePartAfter - the separation chars for removing the tail.
      • setFirstCharUppercase

        public void setFirstCharUppercase​(boolean firstCharUppercase)
        Sets whether the first character should always be upper case. Default is true.
        firstCharUppercase - true if the first character should always be converted to upper case, false if not.
      • setWrapReservedJavaWords

        public void setWrapReservedJavaWords​(boolean wrapReservedJavaWords)
        Sets whether reserved java words (as output of the camelbacker) are wrapped (prepended or appended). Default is true.
        wrapReservedJavaWords - true if reserved java words should be wrapped, false if not.
      • setReservedJavaWordsPrefix

        public void setReservedJavaWordsPrefix​(String prefix)
        Sets the prefix which is prepended to reserved java words. Default is "_".
        prefix - the new prefix, not null.
      • setReservedJavaWordsSuffix

        public void setReservedJavaWordsSuffix​(String suffix)
        Sets the suffix which is prepended to reserved java words. Default is the empty String.
        suffix - the new suffix, not null.