Class SourceElementAttributeAction

    • Constructor Detail

      • SourceElementAttributeAction

        public SourceElementAttributeAction​(String element,
                                            String attributeName,
                                            Boolean acceptNotSet)
        element - the SourcePath to the element, not null.
        attributeName - The name of the attribute to evaluate, or null to access the attribute with name null.
        acceptNotSet - true if the attribute may not exist, false if it is an error that the attribute does not exist, null means true.
    • Method Detail

      • execute

        public OutletResult execute​(ControllerState controllerState)
                             throws GeneratorException
        Returns the value of the configured attribute of the configured source element. ${...} Tokens are replaced within the element path and the attribute name.
        Specified by:
        execute in interface MergepointAction
        controllerState - the current state of the controller.
        The value of the attribute, or the empty String if acceptNotSet is true and the attribute is not set.
        GeneratorException - if acceptNotSet is false and either no source element can be found or the attribute is not set.