Interface UntypedOutletSaxHandlerFactory

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface UntypedOutletSaxHandlerFactory
    Classes implementing this interface can create creating OutletSaxHandlers for more than one outlet type.
    • Method Detail

      • canHandle

        boolean canHandle​(String type,
                          UnitDescriptor unitDescriptor)
        Returns whether the handler can create OutletSaxHandlers for the given type.
        type - the type to check.
        unitDescriptor - The description of the generation unit, not null.
        true if the type is supported, false if not.
      • getOutletSaxHandler

        OutletSaxHandler getOutletSaxHandler​(String outletType,
                                             QualifiedName outletName,
                                             ConfigurationProvider configurationProvider,
                                             UnitDescriptor unitDescriptor,
                                             ConfigurationHandlers configurationHandlers)
                                      throws SAXException
        Returns a OutletSaxHandler for reading in the configuration of a outlet. The SAX Handler is used as a delegate handler whenever a outlet element with the matching type is encountered in a outlet configuration file.
        outletType - the type of the outlet, not null.
        outletName - the name for the outlet which configuration will be read in by the generated SaxHandlerFactory, or null if the name of the outlet should be determined from the parsed XML.
        configurationProvider - The access object for the configuration files, not null.
        unitDescriptor - The description of the generation unit, not null.
        configurationHandlers - the available configuration handlers, not null.
        a SAX delegate handler for parsing the configuration with the given type.
        SAXException - if the SAX Handler for the outlet can not be created from the given XML element.