JDBC escape syntax

JDBC provides a way of smoothing out some of the differences in the way different DBMS vendors implement SQL. This is called escape syntax. Escape syntax signals that the JDBC driver, which is provided by a particular vendor, scans for any escape syntax and converts it into the code that the particular database understands. This makes escape syntax DBMS-independent.

A JDBC escape clause begins and ends with curly braces. A keyword always follows the opening curly brace:

{keyword }
Derby supports the following JDBC escape keywords, which are case-insensitive:
Other JDBC escape keywords are not supported.
Note: Derby returns the SQL unchanged in the Connection.nativeSQL call, since the escape syntax is native to SQL. In addition, it is unnecessary to call Statement.setEscapeProcessing for this reason.
Related reference
java.sql.Driver interface
java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection method
java.sql.Connection interface
java.sql.DatabaseMetaData interface
java.sql.Statement interface
java.sql.CallableStatement interface
java.sql.PreparedStatement interface
java.sql.ResultSet interface
java.sql.ResultSetMetaData interface
java.sql.SQLException class
java.sql.SQLWarning class
java.sql.Savepoint interface
Mapping of java.sql.Types to SQL types
JDBC Package for Connected Device Configuration/Foundation Profile (JSR 169)
JDBC 4.0 and 4.1 features
JDBC 4.1-only features