Error message differences

The Network Server reports only the first error or warning message if multiple errors or warnings occur for a given statement. For example:
ij> create table ai (x int, y int generated always as identity
	(increment by 200000000));
ij> insert into ai (x) values (1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),
The Network Server generates the following error message and appends the exception message to the error:
ERROR 42Z24: Overflow occurred in identity for column 'Y' in table 'AI':
SQLSTATE: 22003: The resulting value is outside the range 
for the data type INTEGER.
The Derby embedded driver, however, would generate two SQL exceptions:
ERROR 42Z24: Overflow occurred in identity for column 'Y' in table 'AI'. 
ERROR 22003: The resulting value is outside the range for the data type INTEGER.

This is because the network client driver reports only one SQLException or one SQLWarning per statement.

Related concepts
Differences between the embedded client and the network client driver
Updatable result sets
User authentication differences
Differences in JDBC 3.0 methods
Differences using the Connection.setReadOnly method