You can specify functions in JDBC escape syntax by using the fn keyword.
{fn functionCall}
where functionCall is the name of one of the scalar functions listed below. The functions are of the following types:
The JDBC escape syntax {fn abs(NumericExpression)} is equivalent to the built-in syntax ABS(NumericExpression). For more information, see ABS or ABSVAL function.
The JDBC escape syntax {fn acos(number)} is equivalent to the built-in syntax ACOS(number). For more information, see ACOS function.
The JDBC escape syntax {fn asin(number)} is equivalent to the built-in syntax ASIN(number). For more information, see ASIN function.
The JDBC escape syntax {fn atan(number)} is equivalent to the built-in syntax ATAN(number). For more information, see ATAN function.
atan2(y, x)
The JDBC escape syntax {fn atan2(y, x)} is equivalent to the built-in syntax ATAN2(y, x). For more information, see ATAN2 function.
The JDBC escape syntax {fn ceiling(number)} is equivalent to the built-in syntax CEILING(number). For more information, see CEIL or CEILING function.
The JDBC escape syntax {fn cos(number)} is equivalent to the built-in syntax COS(number). For more information, see COS function.
The JDBC escape syntax {fn cot(number)} is equivalent to the built-in syntax COT(number). For more information, see COT function.
The JDBC escape syntax {fn degrees(number)} is equivalent to the built-in syntax DEGREES(number). For more information, see DEGREES function.
The JDBC escape syntax {fn exp(number)} is equivalent to the built-in syntax EXP(number). For more information, see EXP function.
The JDBC escape syntax {fn floor(number)} is equivalent to the built-in syntax FLOOR(number). For more information, see FLOOR function.
The JDBC escape syntax {fn log(number)} is equivalent to the built-in syntax LOG(number). For more information, see LN or LOG function.
The JDBC escape syntax {fn log10(number)} is equivalent to the built-in syntax LOG10(number). For more information, see LOG10 function.
mod(integer_type, integer_type)
The JDBC escape syntax {fn mod(integer_type, integer_type)} is equivalent to the built-in syntax MOD(integer_type, integer_type). For more information, see MOD function.
The JDBC escape syntax {fn pi()} is equivalent to the built-in syntax PI(). For more information, see PI function.
The JDBC escape syntax {fn radians(number)} is equivalent to the built-in syntax RADIANS(number). For more information, see RADIANS function.
The JDBC escape syntax {fn rand(seed)} is equivalent to the built-in syntax RAND(seed). For more information, see RAND function.
The JDBC escape syntax {fn sign(number)} is equivalent to the built-in syntax SIGN(number). For more information, see SIGN function.
The JDBC escape syntax {fn sin(number)} is equivalent to the built-in syntax SIN(number). For more information, see SIN function.
The JDBC escape syntax {fn sqrt(FloatingPointExpression)} is equivalent to the built-in syntax SQRT(FloatingPointExpression). For more information, see SQRT function.
The JDBC escape syntax {fn tan(number)} is equivalent to the built-in syntax TAN(number). For more information, see TAN function.
concat(CharacterExpression, CharacterExpression)
The JDBC escape syntax {fn concat(CharacterExpression, CharacterExpression)} is equivalent to the built-in syntax CharacterExpression || CharacterExpression. For more information, see Concatenation operator.
The JDBC escape syntax {fn lcase(CharacterExpression)} is equivalent to the built-in syntax LCASE(CharacterExpression). For more information, see LCASE or LOWER function.
The JDBC escape syntax {fn length(CharacterExpression)} is equivalent to the built-in syntax LENGTH(CharacterExpression). For more information, see LENGTH function.
locate(CharacterExpression,CharacterExpression [, startIndex] )
The JDBC escape syntax {fn locate(CharacterExpression, CharacterExpression [, startIndex] )} is equivalent to the built-in syntax LOCATE(CharacterExpression, CharacterExpression [, StartPosition] ). For more information, see LOCATE function.
The JDBC escape syntax {fn ltrim(CharacterExpression)} is equivalent to the built-in syntax LTRIM(CharacterExpression). For more information, see LTRIM function.
The JDBC escape syntax {fn rtrim(CharacterExpression)} is equivalent to the built-in syntax RTRIM(CharacterExpression). For more information, see RTRIM function.
substring(CharacterExpression, startIndex, length)
The JDBC escape syntax {fn substring(CharacterExpression, startIndex, length)} is equivalent to the built-in syntax SUBSTR(CharacterExpression, startIndex, length). For more information, see SUBSTR function.
The JDBC escape syntax {fn ucase(CharacterExpression)} is equivalent to the built-in syntax UCASE(CharacterExpression). For more information, see UCASE or UPPER function.
The JDBC escape syntax {fn curdate()} is equivalent to the built-in syntax CURRENT_DATE. For more information, see CURRENT_DATE function.
The JDBC escape syntax {fn curtime()} is equivalent to the built-in syntax CURRENT_TIME. For more information, see CURRENT_TIME function.
The JDBC escape syntax {fn hour(expression)} is equivalent to the built-in syntax HOUR(expression). For more information, see HOUR function.
The JDBC escape syntax {fn minute(expression)} is equivalent to the built-in syntax MINUTE(expression). For more information, see MINUTE function.
The JDBC escape syntax {fn month(expression)} is equivalent to the built-in syntax MONTH(expression). For more information, see MONTH function.
The JDBC escape syntax {fn second(expression)} is equivalent to the built-in syntax SECOND(expression). For more information, see SECOND function.
TIMESTAMPADD is a JDBC escaped function and is accessible only by using the JDBC escape function syntax.
TIMESTAMPADD( interval, integerExpression, timestampExpression )
To perform TIMESTAMPADD on dates and times, it is necessary to convert the dates and times to timestamps. Dates are converted to timestamps by putting 00:00:00.0 in the time-of-day fields. Times are converted to timestamps by putting the current date in the date fields.
Do not put a datetime column inside a timestamp arithmetic function in WHERE clauses, because the optimizer will not use any index on the column.
The TIMESTAMPDIFF is a JDBC escaped function and is accessible only by using the JDBC escape function syntax.
TIMESTAMPDIFF( interval, timestampExpression1, timestampExpression2 )
To perform TIMESTAMPDIFF on dates and times, it is necessary to convert the dates and times to timestamps. Dates are converted to timestamps by putting 00:00:00.0 in the time-of-day fields. Times are converted to timestamps by putting the current date in the date fields.
Do not put a datetime column inside a timestamp arithmetic function in WHERE clauses, because the optimizer will not use any index on the column.
The JDBC escape syntax {fn year(expression)} is equivalent to the built-in syntax YEAR(expression). For more information, see YEAR function.
To return a timestamp value one month later than the current timestamp, use the following syntax:
To return the number of weeks between now and the specified time on January 1, 2008, use the following syntax:
The JDBC escape syntax {fn user()} is equivalent to the built-in syntax USER. For more information, see USER function.